This cop couldn’t stand the sight of a snowman that was in his way and just had to make it known that snowmen are not welcome. With so much parking space it was clear that he only had eyes for that snowman.

The only upside of this accident is that there was only one snowman involved.
A Stinky Parking Job
It is important to remember that the way you park affects others. You can’t expect to just leave your car wherever you like and not suffer from any repercussions. If you haven’t yet, that just means you’re lucky and that you should learn from the error of your ways before someone takes revenge. That’s clearly what happened to this stinky parker.

This guy had had enough and found the perfect way to make the driver of the back car think about his actions. Kudos to him for doing so without damaging the car.
Double Decker Parking
It is not clear how this car ended up balanced on the Fiat in the first place. It is like bad parking is its own special gymnastic sport. Well, this grey car certainly deserves a medal for creative bad parking.

To end up like this, they must have been taking directions from someone who has really bad depth perception or had faulty parking sensors. Either way, they should call in the professionals at this point, before more damage is done to either car.
On House Parking
When the realtor was talking about parking right on the house, we’re pretty sure this is not what she meant. We’re not sure if it would be better if this was the car owner’s house or a stranger’s house. On the one hand, you wouldn’t want your car and house to be damaged at the same time, on the other, you certainly wouldn’t want to deal with the person whose house you just parked on.

Well, maybe they won’t notice, after all, how many people actually look up at the roof of their house?
Submarine Parking
This person just couldn't seem to find a regular spot to park in but even though parking can be hard to find, it's best to avoid ponds and marshes.

Unfortunately, this guy didn't get the memo and found himself right in the middle of an over-flooded marshland next to the road.
Defying Gravity
This car is plain old living in the future. While all of us are still stuck driving horizontally, they are already driving vertically. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has not caught up with the owner of this vehicle, as shown by the no entry sign and by the parking, which is not suited to this type of travel.

We hope this space car wasn’t too badly damaged and can continue onwards, in the hope of showing us the future of sky travel, with more lanes and less traffic.
Not everyone wants to leave their car in a dark and drafty parking garage all day, so this person had the bright idea of creating a window so their car could enjoy a bit of sunshine while they were away. Not only was the car happy to enjoy a bit of sun and a fresh breeze, but other cars got a bit more air too.

The parking garage owners got some renovation work done for free. All in all, this is definitely a win-win situation for everyone involved.
This poor car chose the worst spot, not suspecting that the danger would actually be coming from behind. As for the truck driver went, he didn't even notice the car in front of him, or should we say under him.

How do you even begin to explain what happened here to the owner of the blue car?
Boxed In
Part of the reason Smart cars have become so popular is their ability to park in tight spots. That does not mean they should park where it is clearly forbidden, which seems to be the case here, especially when free spaces can be seen right across the street! It takes an evil genius to construct this makeshift penalty box.

It is not going to be easy to get out of that, pretty much guaranteeing that this “Smart” driver will think twice about parking in the wrong spot again, which was pretty much the whole point.
In this case, carpooling was obviously not the better option. It is hard to understand from this shot, how the car even got into the pool. It must have been dealing with a lot of pressure. It is not easy being such a cliché: a red car has to live up to all kinds of demands that we can’t even imagine.

It ultimately came to the decision that it had no other option than to take the plunge. We are certain that once it is pulled out and dries off, it will see the error of its ways.
Booted Your Tank
Don’t you hate when you bring your tank home and can't find a parking space for it? Well, that's probably what happened to this tank.

With parking so scarce for tanks, this guy parked in a regular parking lot, right next to another car. Now there's something you don't see every day.
Post-It Palooza
Hats off to the person who devised the Post It punishment for this car that's parked where it probably shouldn't have. They must have spent countless hours getting all these stuck on and making sure they were just right.

The result is not only amazing looking, but it gets the point across perfectly. We hope the driver used the time needed to remove these from their car to reconsider where they parked.
Stunt Gone Wrong
Is this a parking lot or a monster truck rally? We have absolutely no idea how these drivers managed to leave their cars in this position, or how they are going to get them out of it. Seems like someone thought they were Evel Knievel and could jump across all the cars in the lot.

When seeing the end result, it is clear that they should have heeded the advice often seen on TV: “don’t try this at home.” Hopefully, they learned their lesson and will leave stunt driving to the professionals from now on.
Stairway Stop
Owning your own car is the best, and one of the best things about it is that you no longer have to use public transportation. But there is also a downside, driving in traffic can be incredibly stressful, and never mind dealing with other drivers on the road.

Seems like the owner of this car couldn’t take it anymore and decided that they were sick of driving on the roads, they were going to take the stairs instead!
Hosing Around
The law about not parking in front of a hydrant exists for a reason. In case of fire, that hydrant will be needed to put it out. If you get caught, you will face a stiff fine, but another option is that there actually will be a fire. In that case, your car windows will be broken by the fire department to get the tube through so that they can use the water to put out the fire.

Guess this BMW should have considered all of that before parking illegally.
Grocery Store Car Protector
Driving a classic car is a genuine pleasure, but also a lot of responsibility. The cars are no longer being made, it is hard to find spare parts and not a lot of mechanics even have the know-how to take care of them. That seems to have made this driver extra paranoid about some rain getting on their antique car.

It's a good thing this supermarket provides special car protectors to keep your old car safe. That’s what this plastic booth is for, right? It couldn’t be for shopping carts, now could it?
All the Space in the World
Isn’t this parking job everyone’s secret dream? Haven’t you ever imagined driving into an empty lot and taking up four spaces? It is enough to make you feel like the king of your own domain, and will definitely cut down the chance of anybody sideswiping you.

But there is a reason that it remains a fantasy for most people, it is unbelievably selfish, against the law, and lets everyone know that you are a big fat jerk.
Emergency Parking
We won’t lie, getting home often feels like an emergency, especially after a long day at work, but that doesn’t mean that the owner of this car was entitled to park so close to the exit. They should have looked up and seen that they were blocking the door.

We hope no one needs to get out in a hurry because they won’t be able to do so due to this person’s inconsiderate parking.
Between a Rock and the Rest of the World
It is incredibly annoying waiting for your turn to get out of a crowded parking lot, particularly when some drivers try and take shortcuts and cut in front of you. Looks like this guy was trying to beat parallel parking by parking out the side.

Just because you have a four-wheel vehicle doesn’t mean you can park it anywhere, as demonstrated by this car parked on the grass.
Parking Tetris
Do you remember Tetris, that old computer game where you had to fit different shaped pieces together? This looks like the parking version of that game, although the big truck clearly failed by parking across three spaces. The clever driver of the mini car saved the game by fitting between the lines perfectly and getting sweet, sweet revenge.

That truck is going to have to do some difficult maneuvering in order to move around the car before it's ready to go.
Police Car Pile-Up
We don’t know the history of this incident, but we have to assume that the red truck landed on top of this police car on purpose. Was the driver trying to keep from being arrested? Because although it is true that the cop car cannot chase them in its current condition, the red truck isn’t able to move either.

The cop who is writing this up seems cool and collected, leaving us with the feeling that whoever did this has already been apprehended and that he’s seen worse.
Parking in the Snow
This cop couldn't stand the sight of a snowman that was in his way and just had to make it known that snowmen are not welcome. With so much parking space it was clear that he only had eyes for that snowman.

The only upside of this accident is that there was only one snowman involved.
Car Vs. Tree
In the epic battle between nature and machines, nature is usually the one taking the beating, but in this case, although a few branches of this tree were damaged, it seems like it is the clear winner. Although a few questions about the incident remain: what were they even fighting about?

And looking at the road makes you wonder, how did the car even get so far up in the tree? We’re not looking forward to the rematch.
Rush Hour in Real Life
There used to be a board game called Rush Hour in which you had to move around cars and trucks to let the red car get out of the parking lot. There was usually only one correct way to move each car in order to win. This looks like a crazy real-life version of the puzzle game, but there are no winners in this game.

Instead, the board is filled with angry drivers who seem to be driving in circles in an indiscernible pattern. Maybe what they really need is a giant hand that will guide them and finally get them out of there.
Better Than Everyone
Humor and sarcasm are a great way to get a message across, and they are also emotionally satisfying. Here is the perfect example in which instead of an angry confrontation, the message was delivered perfectly with a cleverly worded note. After reading this, the owner of the car will have no doubt what his fellow residents think of him and his selfish parking job.

We hope that he learns his lesson, and if not, at least we all got a little laugh out of the whole thing.
Hapycar – Is It Really?
Backing into a pole is one thing, but backing onto a pole is a different story altogether. They’re going to need some help getting out of this jam because just driving away from this position is not recommended.

Although maybe this car just needed a quick check under the trunk and the driver was only cleverly getting it into position. In that case, good job.
A Strange Parking Space
Out of all the spots where this guy could have parked... but he clearly didn't care at all. No way, José.

There is no way that a shovel is going to get him out of this mess and the worst part is he'll still have to get out of there and possibly cause more damage to his car.
Between the Lines
The really amazing thing about this parking job is how straight they got the car. This would be a perfect example of parallel parking if they, you know, did not damage their car from both ends.

Watching this person wake up in the morning after a clearly wild night and trying to maneuver out of this spot would be both sad and hysterically funny. Good luck buddy!
Unhappy Shopper
Those Best Buy return policies must be really strict. Look what this one customer had to do just to make it in time to exchange their child’s Christmas present.

Luckily, there was a parking spot available right in front of the counter. Now that’s what we call smart shopping.
Always Obey the Signs
This roadwork was still taking place, which means that signs and warnings must have been around when this guy decided to park right in the middle of it.

Clearly, the owner of this silver car was just too busy to pay attention and couldn't be bothered to notice that he landed himself in a bigger mess than he bargained for.
No Car Is an Island
Here is another car owner that felt as if the rules didn’t apply to them. Although the street was being cleared for repaving, they decided to park there anyway. Now the people in the neighborhood are left with this ugly spot that wasn’t repaved.

We guess they should count themselves lucky that the city workers did not decide to repave around their tires. That would make them think twice about their choice of parking spots.
Parking on The Edge
We don’t know how long that person was parked there or why local authorities did not simply have them towed, but the current situation is almost unbelievable.

It's quite remarkable that with such a heavy car, he didn't fall into the water but one thing is for sure, he's going to need help getting himself back on the ground.
Nothing Else Will Do
Apparently, this man was just NOT going to find a parking space out of his way and park a little further. Whether it was laziness or an accident, he actually seems quite good at parking considering his car is on top of another.

As long as he doesn't try and get out of the car using the door, everything will be fine. We can relate, sometimes (literally) anything is better than parking far.
They’re Not Wrong
The owner of this car must be some kind of genius. Although it is crystal clear that the sign did not refer to this kind of green vehicle, there is no real way to prove that the parking in question was not reserved for it.

We bet any police officer who tried to give this guy a ticket, would have a really hard time explaining the offense. To avoid this happening again they would have to rephrase the sign, but we’re not quite sure how.
A Tight Fit
This van really wanted to fit in this little corner, he parked too close to the wall, it almost looks like he may have scratched his car.

Now the question is, how to get out of this situation without damaging his car? He might need a crane or even a tow truck.
Parking for the Reading Impaired
If you have trouble comprehending simple instructions on the road or in parking lots, maybe you should not be behind the wheel at all. Although it is more likely that the driver of this smart car decided to ignore the sign and leave their car in the motorcycle parking.

While it is small enough, it's still considered a car and should not be parked in the motorcycle bays.
Parking Acrobatics
What is truly amazing about this parking job, except obviously that the car is upside down, is that the vehicle does not appear to be damaged in any way. Leaving us all scratching our heads to figure out how it got there.

Was Dwyane Johnson nearby doing some light morning lifting? Is this a prank gone wrong, or maybe right? Either way, it is parked completely fine, except that it’s going to be quite difficult to drive it away.
Sorry, Not Sorry
We assume this was not on purpose but an accident by the absent-minded driver who drove into this rock. We just hope the driver went to get some help after they realized how they parked.

But why would anyone leave their car in such an awkward place? Surely there must have been another space they could have found.
Break on Through
This driver must have booked the wrong parking space cause their car barely fits in this garage. but he wasn't going to let that stop him and decided to park there anyway.

With a lot of trial and error, he made it work and parked most of his car undercover. He just needs to remember that he cannot reverse, otherwise, he'll end up in the ditch.
Special Deal on Vans
This supermarket may be used to surprising its customers with interesting deals on food items and drinks, but this time we’re pretty sure it was the owner and workers themselves who were surprised when they found this can lodged into their storefront!

As bad parking jobs go, this one is ranked pretty high, both for how far off the street the van is.
Get Me to the Church on Time
No one wants to be late to church on Sunday. Just the looks and raised eyebrows are enough to make even the most self-confident person feel uncomfortable. The driver of this car must have been feeling the pressure and got distracted.

Otherwise, we can’t explain how they missed this big round ball. They decided to just leave the car as-is and deal with it later.
Break Out
Judging by all these pictures, it seems like cars crashing into houses is a more common thing than what we had previously believed.

Either the car was going so fast when it crashed through the fence, or the driver was so tired of looking for parking that he thought the best place would be right on his doorstep.
Tight Squeeze
This fella just popped over the cars thinking it would be totally alright to squeeze in there. Obviously, their spatial judgment is seriously off as there is no way this car could actually fit in.

Let's be honest though. It's not like whoever did that seemed particularly concerned over what happens to other people's cars. It must have been a real pain getting out of there.
That Escalated Quickly
It's Monday morning. You're rushing to work and you think to yourself," getting out of the car is just too much of a hassle." The natural step is just to go down the stairs, in your car. No need to actually exit the vehicle. Surely those stairs are wide enough to take an actual car.

By the looks of it, the dude just abandoned the car at the bottom of the stairs and that was that. Now it's someone else's problem.
Beached Out
Beach day for this gang didn't work out to do so well. Parking a little too close to the shoreline is a really big no-no. As you can tell, a wave can come crashing down and instantly drown your poor car. At least it didn't get washed away. Not that being buried in the sand is any better.

Next time just park a little further inland so that when you leave, you actually still have a car.
Sink or Swim
Some cars get accidentally washed away by a strong wave or a gust of wind. Sometimes heavy rain can get just send cars swimming down streets. Sometimes, however, you just get a dummy who happily drives into a pool. Like in this case.

We're not sure if this is a drunken night or someone terribly misjudged that still water for solid ground. Either way, that car is sitting deep in somebody's pool right now and it'll probably stay there forever.
Driving on the Train Tracks
Driving on the tar road is so mainstream, why not drive on train tracks and see if you get to your destination even quicker?

As this photo will show, that's just not a good idea and will only leave your car damaged beyond repair.
You know that thing when you park your car over a baby tree stump and then forget about it for roughly 50 years, and then the tree continues to grow around your car? No? Well, this guy does. Apparently, one bad decision all those decades ago has produced a very interesting image that you can still see today.

We would love to know what happened. Was it a result of a drunken night in which you totally forget where you park your car?
Getting Creative
When you can't find parking spaces, the best thing you can do simply is to create them yourself. This guy found a "crack in the system" and thought it would be ok to bulldoze his way onto this island that was not meant for parking.

This man might have to reconsider his genius plan and think about his life choices thus far.
Get Me Outta Here
"Better out than in I always say" was not the Shrek motto this man was going by. How he managed to fit his car into this parking spot, we will never know. This kind of parking takes a special set of skills and we would seriously love to know the thought process that went into this. We also would love to know the genius thought process that it will take to get him out of this.

They may have to do the lol "roll over" and accept a few dents and scratches on the way out. It's possible that this individual has gone through quite a few cars in his life.
Bad Luck Bobby
Sometimes the world is just against you no matter what. This poor fella parked in this space outside this building onto wet concrete. Did he not notice, that the ground below him wasn't set and still moving?

Perhaps we're being too forgiving because it seems impossible that anyone can be this stupid. If he did knowingly park here, then perhaps he is better off without a car.
Thank You, Really
Looks like this one didn't quite get the "please drive safely" memo and went straight for the rock instead. Too bad. There is clearly a reason for this terribly passive-aggressive sign. Don't abide by it? You'll learn your lesson!

They should pair the toppled-over car with the sign. Perhaps that will send a slightly stronger message.
Legging It
Another case of the "I didn't see." We get it, driving a truck isn't easy and perhaps maneuvering around freely is a little trickier than it is normally, but surely you saw this bright red fire hydrant in plain view? Perhaps you thought it would be a good idea to rest your truck onto it as if it was a leg? We are running out of excuses. It doesn't quite make sense.

The irony is that with that kind of parking, this driver is certainly prone to accidents and may very likely cause some explosions. In which case, it's good that he parked on top of a fire hydrant.
Window Parking
This really re-invents the concept of parking. If you ran out of space on the ground, was this the next natural "step" to take? Obviously, it would be flying into someone's poor window.

We're also not quite sure what use that ladder is there. How exactly do you plan on getting that down?
Boundless Intelligence
The idea of actually entering the parking spot so you can park your car is apparently a foreign concept to this person. Where do the borders of the parking lot actually end and where do they begin? This driver has defined those boundaries for himself and taken the liberty of leaping into the nearby ditch. Clearly, this person has no concept of space.

Let's put aside the fact that on exiting, he may fall out of his car. But hey, whatever makes your life easier, buddy.
You Shall Not Pass
The employees at this supermarket sought revenge when this terrible person thought it necessary to take up two parking spots. To teach them a lesson, they took all the shopping carts available to simply entrap the car! Now there is simply no escape.

That'll teach 'em! Hopefully, this individual will think twice the next time they plonk themselves in the middle of two separate parking lots.
Revenge of the Statue
If you're going to leave your car in a strange area, make sure you do so away from any potentially dangerous objects. Someone could do some terrible damage. Kind of what they did right over here. Clearly, this person got angry enough for them to throw a giant statue right onto the car.

Do they deserve it? Hey, who knows? Who are we to judge? I'm sure whoever did that probably got rid of a lot of rage.
This Is The Perfect Spot
This tree did not see that car coming and was totally run over and destroyed by one thoughtless driver. Honestly, how did he not notice it or the concrete blocks?

This is probably one of the worst things you can do to your car without thinking of the consequences.
I Am the Law
In South Africa, the police make their own traffic rules apparently. This cop thought it was totally ok to park right over a crosswalk. Not ideal. Does he get into trouble with that? Or do certain officials get a special exemption when it comes to certain parking spots.

We certainly don't want this cop to get away with it. Hopefully, another policeman will stop by to give him a ticket. It does however beg the question. Where will he park?
Over The Edge
Easy there, buddy. If you're trying to accommodate someone else behind you it may very well backfire and your car will go flying onto the guardrail. We doubt that is actually your reason, we're just trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. You probably just don't quite know how to park.

That could result in some serious damage. Next time, you need to park while on the highway, wait till you reach a better area, and find a space that doesn't involve a guardrail.
Just a Quick Run to The Convenience Store
When you just run into the 7-Eleven to pick up some milk and eggs and don't even think about exiting your car before you actually enter the store in the first place. This definitely gives a whole new meaning to convenience.

They should turn the 7-Eleven into a drive-thru to avoid this kind of destruction. Alternatively, people could just park their cars outside of the store before they actually enter it. Just a crazy idea.
Keep Going
Sometimes you need a visual aid, like a stop sign or a red traffic light to tell you when you can't go any further. Other times, you need actual objects to stop you from driving to convey the message. Smashing into a giant pole is generally a helpful enough clue for stopping.

While it worked, according to the damage, it looks like this driver may have struggled a little bit with this barrier because that shows quite a lot of impact. How fast can you really go in a parking lot?
Talk About Accurate Parking
Parking can be hard for some people — even for those with small cars, like this mini cooper. Despite the small size, this driver managed to park right in between two parking spaces, almost perfectly split between the two.

If only they cared about others the way they care about their well-groomed dog, they could have easily parked within the lines.
For most car owners, parking in a crowded lot is one of life's biggest stressors. Car doors flying open, out of control shopping carts, reckless drivers. It's a mess.

That's in no small part due to the fact that so many people completely disregard even the most fundamental rules of parking lot etiquette. Like this guy who didn't even park halfway into the parking bay!
Not Trying at All
Look, pulling into a parking spot at an awkward angle happens. When it does, straighten out, or the poor person who parks next to you will be petrified that you’ll hit them on your way out.

This guy was so petrified that someone might scratch his SUV that he took up two parking spaces.
But Why?
With a parking bay that huge, it should be easy parking within the lines and yet, here we are. For the sake of this argument, we are going to say that this guy parked this badly on purpose.

He definitely had enough space and the pole right next to the car could have given him some indication of how much space he had!
Not Even Close
It sucks when you can't find a decent parking space. Sometimes the only place to park is over on the other side of the lot and that's way too far. This guy was not having any of it and decided he'd just park over the stairs.

We're not sure what happened here, but if we were to guess, we'd say this guy wasn't trying to park, he was clearly trying to annoy the other drivers. Why else would he land up here?
Why Would You Do This?!
Despite the many empty parking spots in this parking lot, this driver somehow could not park within one space and still managed to take two parking spots.

Parking across multiple spots is begging to get keyed by someone who doesn't care about your car.
Four Spots
As if this parking fail couldn't get worse than taking up four spaces, it's in an almost empty parking lot! Here's a tip to remember, an empty lot doesn't make bad parking good.

If you ever find yourself parking across multiple spots, you should definitely not be allowed to drive.
Feeling Entitled?
Parking and driving shouldn't be considered two separate skills. If you can't park, then you can't drive and might want to get your driving license checked.

Some drivers could not care less, like this guy, who shamelessly parked like this right in front of the store.
No Man's Land
Parking-lot parkers come in all shapes and sizes, like this person who purposely parked in no man's land where there are obvious white lines.

These solid white lines are used to indicate kerbside parking, pedestrian and bicycle lanes, not parking for cars!
Handicapped Parking
Some people legitimately need to use those extra-wide parking spots up front. Other people simply park really close to the handicapped spaces to avoid getting their car dented.

These people are the dregs of society and should probably learn the rules of etiquette when it comes to parking.
The Sideways Parker
This happens more frequently than it should in a civilized society. The Sideways Parker displays a complete disregard for parking stripes.

This guy isn't a rule-breaking rebel, he's a moron who needs to learn how to park properly.
Typical Pickup Trucks
This pickup truck driver knows exactly what he's doing, which is putting his big red truck somewhere everyone can see in a display of dominance. That's how he signals his grandeur and enhanced abilities.

Obviously, he's completely clueless that his actions are only effective at warding off any romantic interest from a fellow human.
No Respect
Honestly, this one's the absolute worst. Not only can uncomfortably close parkers not follow simple lines, but they also have zero respect for personal space.

How they managed to open the door on their way out of the car is a mystery. The nerve.
The One Who Always Backs in
This driver probably thinks he's so cool, saving time on their way out from everywhere. It could be a fast-food restaurant, the office, or even the mall, the only certainty is that they took the extra time upon arrival to park like this.

For someone who can back up into a parking spot, he sure cannot park within the lines.
How Did This Even Happen
The parking lot can be a terrifying, lawless place — even more so when it's nearly full, and finding that perfect spot may not pan out. Which is probably what happened here.

The only feasible spot this mini cooper could find was right next to the tree. If we didn't know any better, we'd say that wasn't even a parking space.
Is That in the Lines?
Looks like this guy forgot to pull up his handbrake, which meant his car could roll out of control and land over the edge of this parking lot.

Forgetting your handbrake is not only negligent, but it can also be incredibly dangerous. Thankfully, though, nobody got hurt, but
On the Curb
For everything a curb is, it's not a step on which it's OK to park. Anyone that would willingly drive their car onto the curb a) has no clue what the words "curb rash" mean, and b) is perfectly comfortable showcasing his or her egregiously bad driving skills.

And that kind of lackadaisical "oops, oh well" attitude is not to be trusted.
The Tailgate Blocker
It's actually pretty rude to block someone's tailgate. If the owner happens to come out of a store with the kind of bulky items that make owning a truck a necessity, they suddenly have to lift their stuff over the side of the bed instead of using the tailgate.

The Tailgate Blocker doesn't care, though — never even thought about it, really, because there is no world beyond their own.