While most of us don’t usually think we should be taking our shoes off in public, when it comes to long flights, the rules might change. We want to try and be comfortable, and what’s a better way of doing that than going barefoot? Well, according to the cabin crew you really shouldn’t. The floor is filthy.

If that wasn’t clear enough, you also really shouldn’t be eating anything off of the carpet. And as obvious as this one may seem, it really is astonishing to see how many people automatically take their shoes off the moment they board a plane. Imagine the millions of people that step on those carpets, and now remember that as sanitized as an airline may be, they definitely don’t clean the carpets after each flight.
The Floor Is Filthy
While most of us don't usually think we should be taking our shoes off in public, when it comes to long flights, the rules might change. We want to try and be comfortable, and what's a better way of doing that than going barefoot? Well, according to the cabin crew you really shouldn't. The floor is filthy.

If that wasn't clear enough, you also really shouldn't be eating anything off of the carpet. And as obvious as this one may seem, it really is astonishing to see how many people automatically take their shoes off the moment they board a plane. Imagine the millions of people that step on those carpets, and now remember that as sanitized as an airline may be, they definitely don’t clean the carpets after each flight.
Don't Be a Jerk
Some people think the only way to get their way is to raise their voices and bother the servers. Well, our sources say that's the wrong way to go, and this should seem fairly obvious to any considerate human being, seeing as flight attendants have grueling work hours and the last thing they need is someone screaming in their ear.

This flight attendant lays it down: If you behave like a jerk, you'll be treated like one. Try to be nice for a change, it might prove to be a better choice. Haven’t you noticed how there’s always that passenger that’s constantly talking to the flight attendant – chatting away and laughing? Well, we assure you that person is getting at least one free glass of wine and will never run out of peanuts.
We Didn't Want to Know That
Usually, when someone claims to have a dirty secret, all we want is to hear all the details, like ALL of them. But, in this case, we think we might have been better off not knowing anything about our pillows and blankets. We are all under the impression that as soon as we step off a plane a giant cleaning crew comes on board and puts the pillows and sheets in a giant industrial washing machine with bleach. Wrong.

According to flight attendants, they don't wash them – ever. So next time you're about to board a flight, make sure to bring your own sheets!
No Pay During a Delay
There's nothing we hate more than having our flight delayed, after already spending what we consider to be way too much time at the airport. The only thing one can do when this happens is to complain to the flight attendants.

But, get this, they actually don't get paid during that time, so you are basically disturbing them, and they won't even see a pretty penny, or an ugly penny, for that matter. It’s enough to drive someone crazy to be working extra hours for free, and now top that off with screaming customers demanding answers that they don’t even have. Take a moment to think about that next time you want to unleash your rage on any flight attendant regarding a delay. Ask nicely!
Above Sea
If you want to stay on the cabin crew's good side, there are a couple of things to remember. Let's break it down for you; the first rule to not annoy the cabin crew is don't ask too many questions.

Specifically, don't ask "Where are we?" This might be exciting for you, as it's your first flight and you are dying to know if you're above Spain, France, or Germany, but honestly, it doesn't really make a difference, does it? Well, it certainly makes a difference to a flight attendant, who has probably been asked this at least 10 times in an hour and most probably has no idea where the plane is at that particular moment!
Beware of the Coffee
Plane rides can be long and tedious, and while some try everything they can in order to get some sleep, there are always those who try to power through the flight. No matter what, they will continuously watch movies, stuff themselves with candy and stay away over transatlantic journeys. If you belong to the second group you have probably found yourself drinking some disgusting airplane coffee too.

Seriously, try to think of a time when the coffee wasn’t a tasteless, watered-down version of what it’s supposed to be. Ever wondered why airplane coffee tastes so bad? Well, now you know! Avoid airplane coffee at all costs!
We'll Be the Judge of You
Usually, when boarding an aircraft, the entire cabin crew stands next to the airplane doors and introduces themselves. If you have some luck by your side, they might give you a nice treat to make your flight sweeter.

But don't be fooled by their smiley faces and friendly attitudes, they may be greeting you, but they only have one goal in mind: to assess what kind of passenger you're going to be. So try to make a good first impression, because the last thing you want is to be pegged as the nightmare passenger that the entire cabin crew is warned about beforehand.
Don't Be Trash!
Flight attendants might look like they are having the time of their lives flying to different countries and getting paid to travel. But the truth is, they have a hard job, and they usually work long hours without many breaks. Now imagine that, on top of the grueling hours, they have to deal with collecting thousands of people’s trash, and some passengers really don’t make it easy by stacking their trash like a tower of Legos.

This is why this person wants to ask you to give your cabin crew a break when it comes to cleaning your trash. It's a small sacrifice to make in order to make their job easier!
No Name Basis
We all like to imagine that behind the scenes the cabin crew has intricate intimate relationships with each other. Maybe these two flight attendants are dating, one of them might even be the pilot's ex! But, alas, the truth is that most of the time, they barely know each other, which is why they use these terms of endearment.

Sorry to break it to you, but that whole soap opera story you concocted in your head about the two young flight attendants on your 10-hour flight, is most probably them being nice because they don’t even remember each other’s names!
How to Get the Good Stuff
Never underestimate the power of unprompted kindness! It's important to be nice because it makes everyone feel better. If that isn't enough to convince you that kindness is the way to go, read the following story!

A mere "good morning" greeting got this passenger enough alcoholic beverages to last the entire flight and maybe even his entire vacation. So even if you’re having a bad day or are really not looking forward to the long flight ahead, always smile and greet the cabin crew, it’ll make a tedious flight much better. And hey, you might even get some free snacks out of it.
No Seatbelt? Yes Fined
Have you ever gotten super annoyed with a flight attendant that just wouldn't stop harassing you about your seatbelt? Sure, seat belts are important, you think, but they are also annoying! This is a free country, and this airline host isn't the boss of you! While that's all technically true, the hosts might get in trouble and get fined because of you.

Come on, put it on, for your own safety and for the safety of the host's money. After all, why should they be punished because you can’t bring yourself to put on a simple seat belt? In all fairness, it should be the passenger who’s fined if they don’t comply.
Gossip Girls
We know that you guys are here for the drama! Well, there it is, the FAs might not always know each other, but when they do, there's a great chance they can't stand each other. You will never know this if you are a mere passenger on a plane, but flight attendants live for the drama and the gossip, and it makes sense!

These guys sometimes work over 12-hour shifts and barely get any sleep, wouldn't you be cranky? Combine this with the sheer boredom these people might experience on long flights back-to-back. What better way to pass the time than some juicy gossip?
Sleep Like a Pilot
Have you ever dreamt of having a bed of your own at work? Of taking a little nap midday, just to build up the energy to get back to work? Cabin crews are already living that dream. As a passenger, you won't get the same luxury, unless you pay extra for the first class. But just know that somewhere, hidden away, there is a room full of beds, just for the crew.

And honestly, they deserve it – imagine having to sleep sitting down for back-to-back 10-hour flights? Anybody would be liable to have a nervous breakdown, and you definitely don’t want that happening to anyone onboard.
No Poking Please!
Flight hostesses are known for having to weather some difficult storms, and we're not talking about literal storms, as these don't usually interfere with flying as much as you'd expect. We are talking about the storm that builds inside of you when someone pokes you. Not your kid or your partner, but a total stranger!

Think of how angry it would make you for an unknown passerby to poke or touch you, now imagine you’re stuck with that person in a plane for God knows how many hours. Please do not poke your FAs, and if you absolutely have to, could you please make sure you poke them in an appropriate place?
In Cold Blood
Well, well, well, we knew the airplane's crew couldn’t be trusted! There's a reason why we think only raising our voice will get us what we want because apparently, they don't listen to us at all! At least not when it comes to the temperatures. In the case you complain the air is too cool for your taste, the FAs will do nothing but lie to you, in cold blood, no doubt.

Then again, if you think about the number of people who would get motion sickness and throw up with the tiniest bit of turbulence, you definitely want those AC ducts blasting as hard as they can. Wear a sweater or ask for an extra blanket instead!
Don't Fix What's Broken
Would you consider yourself a lucky person? You might, but let's face it, we can't all be lucky. Most of us aren't, and that's true on the ground as well as up in the air. Let us break the news to you, the planes you board aren't usually as new and shiny as you'd like to imagine.

Most of the time, at least one part is broken. But don't worry, apparently, most of these airplanes are still good to help you get to your destination. And trust that if they weren’t, not even the flight attendants would board it, let alone the pilot.
Dead or Alive
We hate to be the ones who have to break it to you, but when people who have passed away have to be transported from one country to the other, they are usually carried away in the same way that we do — on an airplane.

Next time you fly abroad, take a minute to think about how there's a not-so-slight chance the aircraft you are on is inhabited not only by the living but also by the dead. As much as you can rest assured that the remains are safely stored, it’s still a bit creepy to think about it.
Never Trust the Crew
The crew lies to you, it's just a part of their job description. Right next to "serve food" and "explain the safety guidelines" there's the "never tell them what's actually going on." And the more you think about it, the more you understand why that rule is absolutely necessary. Not everyone is meant to know exactly what’s going on at any given moment – imagine the panic!

However, this FA's confession brings forth a dilemma: would you want to know a truth that will freak you out and you can do nothing about it? Or do you prefer to be lied to and let the experts handle it? That's what we thought.
No Training Needed
For many careers, you have to get some type of formal education or training before you can start working. Being a flight attendant is one of them. It can get tricky to get the job, as well as getting through the training. But the funny thing is, that most of the time they don't even use anything they've learned during the training! But that's a good thing, it means there aren't too many emergencies.

Besides, learning these things is useful to any walk of life, not just for being a flight attendant. Being able to help in a medical emergency even if it’s not up in the air is worth all the training.
Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
You should always look at the glass half full, even if it's filled with fizzy Diet Coke. Listen, if the worst part about your job is pouring Diet Coke, it sounds like you're doing great in life! But we get that having to stand and wait while the coke fizzles down to pour more can get annoying, especially if you have hundreds of other passengers anxiously waiting for service.

But we have to admit that this one is unclear to us for many reasons. Firstly, what makes Diet Coke so different? If anyone knows the answer, please let us know! Secondly, can't the passenger pour Diet Coke for themselves?
High and Dry
You'd think that having the ability to try different foods and drinks from all over the world is part of the perks of being a frequent flyer, i.e. a flight attendant. Alas, it seems that the grass is not always greener on the other side, not to mention the air and the water on the plane.

Well, apparently being so high up in the air, as well as drinking water from all over the world results in notably flakey skin. The hardness of the water from certain parts of the world can do a lot of damage to skin and hair, so we suspect that any veteran flight attendant always carries some moisturizer in their bag. Our jobs might give us stress, but at least our skin is still intact.
It's Not Funny!
We all know this story more intimately than we'd like to admit — we swore that this time we'd pack lightly, it's just a three-day trip, right? Well, it didn't work, and here we are again, trying to pass a huge suitcase as a little carry-on bag. In these moments we usually hope no one can see us.

Sadly, it is the cabin crew's job to notice what's going on with us, hopefully, they won't tell anyone about this shameful secret. But rest assured, there’s always at least one flight attendant looking at you in amusement while you try to fit your huge bag in the overhead compartment.
Dirty Little Secret
We all have our dirty little secrets, things we wouldn't want anyone to know because they'd destroy our reputation. Well, airlines also have a couple, but their secrets are bigger and, well, smellier. Apparently, the seats by the bathroom are the worst ones to occupy, as when things get explosive in the toilet, the mechanics put all different types of icky and smelly parts and equipment on them.

In general, you would try to avoid being seated next to the toilet just because of the smell and the number of people walking by you all the time, but now you have an even bigger reason!
No Hairspray Ma'am!
We all know that some things should never be brought onto an airplane, but some people just can't survive without their hairspray or vape. We do sympathize, we know you have got to make sure your hair stays on fleek during a 13-hour flight, that's a basic human need!

But, just like vapes, hairspray should not be used on the plane, because the last thing you want on a long flight is for the smoke alarms to go off and nervous passengers to have a meltdown, right? You'd think this is pretty self-explanatory, but with today's passengers, apparently, nothing is.
Don't Break the Ice
Just moments before our relaxing vacation is about to start, we really don't want to be thinking about anything bad or scary. We want to shut down and have someone else think for us. Well, sadly, you always have to keep your eyes open, even on a plane. If someone tries to serve you tap water — just say no!

Fun fact: the ice is fine to drink, as it doesn't come from the plane's storage tanks. We know this can be a bummer, since tap water is usually the only free thing on flights anymore, especially when it comes to those short, economy ones where you even have to pay for your peanuts!
A Well-Known Secret
When we imagine what it's like to be an FA, we usually think about fantastic restaurants and shops all around the world. After all, being in several different places in a single day makes flight attendants a sort of expert guide on all the cities they pass through – especially when it comes to restaurants and bars.

Well, here's a well-known secret: we are not wrong in thinking that's what the cabin crew actually cares about. They even make sure to search for the best restaurants in advance, and we might be able to pick up a couple of tricks from them!
Getting Away With It
We know what you're really here for. You want to find little sneaky tricks to save a couple of dollars, and hey, we can't blame you! Saving money is the best hobby a person can take up.

Well, get this, if you chose to check your bags at the gate, you might be able to avoid paying for them! It's worth a try, don't you think? Then again, we can’t vouch for this working every time, so as long as you’re willing to run the risk that they might just charge you full price anyway, you should definitely give this a try – at least once.
For More Options
First-class fliers, we have all heard about them, but we've never seen one in the flesh. We mean, we might have but since we're stuck in economy, we'd never know. This tip is only for them though, so those of you who aren't first-classers can move along. It turns out that if you want to make sure you'll get to pick your meal before everyone else you just have to sit in the first two rows.

We have to admit this tip didn't really blow our minds, but hey, perhaps it’s a deal-breaker for many first-class passengers. After all, one of the biggest upgrades about paying an insane amount of money for your ticket is being able to get the gourmet meal you want.
The Healthy Choice
This Alerion Aviation flight attendant is here to make sure you guys are well-fed with the following tip: We all know that airport food is pretty much the worst. Not only is it at least double the price of anything outside the airport, but it's also not what we would call gourmet, and that's an understatement.

So, instead of wasting money on chips, try to prepare upfront and pack some healthy snacks from home, or from any other marketplace that isn’t at the airport. That being said, airports have been forced to offer more healthy options like premade salads, sandwiches, and even selling a variety of fruit. But again, the markup for these items is extremely high, so you’re better off buying them from your local bodega.
No Jet Lag
If there's one problem in life we have not yet found a solution to, it must be the jet lag problem. How can one even function when day literally becomes night all of a sudden? Well, if you thought you had it bad, think about this, flight attendants probably have jet lag all the time!

But this also means they must have developed tricks as to how to handle it or even prevent it! A homeopathic supplement? A bit underwhelming, but we'll take it! And if that still doesn’t work for you, the best (and most difficult) way to effectively combat jet lag is to stay awake for as long as possible until it’s nighttime wherever you are. This can be grueling and you might feel like a zombie for 24 hours, but it’s definitely effective and will immediately regulate your circadian rhythm.
Keep Calm and Fly on
We all know at least one person who is petrified of flying. Hell, we might even be that person ourselves. We assume that someone who chooses to be on planes all day, as a job, would never understand our suffering, but at least they are used to dealing with people who have that problem, and they got some tips.

That's great and all, but have they considered that many are also afraid of the ocean and sailing? Can't we envision we are doing something safer, like staying in bed? Or at least taking a strong enough sleeping pill to knock us out for most of the flight?
Sweatpants Out, Suits, In!
When we know we have a long flight ahead of us, all we want is to get into some comfy soft sweatpants. But the truth is, you could actually gain a lot more by wearing a fancy dress or a suit. If you dress for success, you’re more likely to be given freebies.

We know this might seem unfair, but unfortunately, it’s how the world works – we all judge by first impressions, and if you look sloppy, a flight attendant from first-class might assume you’ll be a problematic passenger and is therefore more likely to upgrade you. So next time you are flying, consider wearing something regal yet uncomfortable. Is it going to be worth it? That's up to you.
Iron It Out
Those of us who fly for business and not pleasure know how awkward it can be when you’ve just gotten off a plane, you look like a mess, and your clothes are wrinkly, but you've got to get to a meeting and look presentable. Don’t have a flat iron? Get one!

Flat irons are extremely useful not just for your hair, but also for your clothes. It’s as simple as finding one of the million electrical sockets available at any airport and plugging in your hair iron. Honestly, this one is pretty neat, and we might use it when we need to look our best after a long flight.
Less Shoes, More Space
Those who fly several times a week, or even a day, know just how important smart packing is. While we all want to have a lot of outfit options, it’s actually smarter to pack only what you really need. According to the cabin crew, it’s actually shoes that take up the most space in our luggage. Also, rolling your clothes instead of folding them may prove to be the best way not to go overweight with your luggage.

And for the smaller items, like socks or underwear, leave them for the very end, since you can stuff them in any available crevices between the rolled-up clothes.
Spilling the Beans
Have you ever wondered why flight attendants go through the trouble of pouring your drink into a plastic cup instead of just giving you your can of soda? You might’ve thought that you were being tricked somehow, but it’s actually just common courtesy and a tribute to the good old days.

Those good ol’ days when the customer was so taken care of, they weren’t even expected to pour their own drink. Nobody would’ve dreamed of being handed the actual can – that would be blasphemy! If you really want to pour your drink yourself, you can just ask the flight attendant! Who knew?
A Nice Souvenir
Flying can leave your skin and lips extremely dry. This isn't going to make for a great start to your vacation or business trip. And there’s nothing more annoying than walking around with chapped, painful lips and flaky skin that starts to look like sandpaper.

A simple, obvious trick would be to bring some lip balm with you, but a nice twist is that you can always get lip balm at the airport of the country you’re leaving and have a cool little last-minute souvenir. Now about that high-altitude dryness, do you think birds get dry beaks and feathers?
Party Animals
Who doesn’t appreciate a good party? We sure know that we do! But, alas, we usually have to show up for work the next day and can't really live up to our full party potential. Well, according to this guy who dated a flight attendant, this isn’t the case for air servers! If you’ve heard of a delayed flight, there is a chance it's because someone was just partying way too hard!

Truthfully, if there’s anyone who deserves to blow off some steam it’s flight attendants. Working back-to-back shifts, messing up their sleeping schedule, and their beauty routines, the least they can do is enjoy a good party.
It's a Miracle!
During a flight, you’re so high up in the air, there is a great chance you’re closer to God than you’ll ever be! This could be the reason why so many miracles happen on planes – like people in wheelchairs (who have priority boarding) suddenly getting up and walking when the flight is over and it’s time to leave the plane.

But really, could you imagine going through all that trouble just to get to board the plane first? These people should at least have both the decency and the shame to keep the act going for the entire duration of the flight!
The Biggest Airline Secret
This advice is mysterious, to say the least. First of all, why does the flight attendant feel like she has to remain anonymous? Is she OK? Is this the biggest secret airlines have been hiding from us all along? And why these seats specifically?

What are we going to gain from sitting in them? Guess if you have first-class tickets you’ll have to try and see. Or perhaps you could just ask any flight attendant flat-out, and maybe their answer will be something like “oh of course, that’s because…”. If you do manage to find out, please do let us know.
Lift It Yourself
Anyone who’s ever had a customer service job knows that customers can get a little ridiculous with their expectations and demands. This flight attendant wants you to know that if something that you packed is too heavy for you to carry, it is the same for her! If you know basic physics, that’s pretty obvious!

So be kind to your flight attendant who probably has to carry multiple bags a day. They will appreciate the gesture. That being said, we’re sure flight attendants are happy to help with certain exceptions – like helping a senior citizen raise their bag to the overhead bin.
An Automatic Pilot
Many little kids dream of being pilots when they grow up. Honestly, they have good reasons — it’s a very respectable job to have, and we've also heard it pays well. The funny thing is that apparently, you don’t really have to do much for all that money and respect.

After you’ve already become a pilot, which is undoubtedly no easy feat, you can just relax. How relaxed? You can sleep on the job, and no one will know. They owe this to whatever genius came up with the autopilot function. That person should get free flights for the rest of their life.
Not Invited
Most of us know that we would get fired if we were ever to sleep on the job. For flight attendants and cabin crew, this is a regular occurrence as they sometimes have to work 12-hour shifts or even more. This means they have a secret room with beds that you’ll never see! Where is it? We will never know because, well, the cabin crew doesn't want to tell us.

We're officially not invited, and that’s totally fine. Otherwise, how would flight attendants be expected to maintain their sanity? They have to have a way to get away from passengers.
A Luxury Meal
Nobody actually likes airplane food. We all know that, right? This is because it’s just bad! Most of the time it’s just canned food that has been sitting somewhere on the plane for God knows how long. But a cool trick is that if you ask for a kosher meal, it’s going to have to be prepared on the same day and you'll get to eat some fresh food.

What a luxury! And in most airlines, the kosher option is not that bad at all. Even if the meal is a bit bland, you can rest assured that it will at least be fresh.
Sanitize It!
It has already been established that apparently, airplanes are not as clean as we would want them to be. This even extends to your private table as, supposedly, they don’t ever clean it! Don’t ever put any food on it or you might catch something you wouldn’t want to catch.

We wonder what it would take for them to finally sanitize it. Thankfully, it’s very rare that we put any food straight on the tray table, as they’re always protected by some type of wrapper. But for mothers, for example, who sometimes put a baby’s pacifier on the table, please never do this again!
No Biggie
Most of us would get fired if we did not show up for work, but oddly enough this isn’t the case for flight attendants. This person, who used to date a flight attendant, shares that because they had a very strong union you could pretty much not show up for work and not suffer any consequences.

This is a bummer for those who fly as passengers but honestly kind of cool for those flight attendants who like to party and are not great with either consistent hours or responsibility. What we would give to have to face no consequences for missing a day at work!
Pack Your Parachute
We would never ever support treating flight attendants in a rude manner. We do have to wonder, though, what does "removing someone" from the plane mean? If it has not taken off yet, of course. Though the person did pay for their ticket - truth be told!

But when everyone is up in the air, what happens then? How does a passenger get ‘removed’ from the plane? We assume that they perhaps get grounded and locked in a room like a little kid. Regardless, we really do hope they have safe ways of removing people. Maybe they get a parachute?
Hollywood movies have set unrealistic expectations about our lives. One of them is to get it going in public, unexpected places. Some people have decided that life can imitate art and decided to try to do it on the plane. If you think you could get away with it too, without anyone noticing, think again! Attendants know exactly what you’re doing and apparently can also open the door at any moment.

. If the thought of a stranger catching you mid-act is not enough to stop you from doing it, surely a hefty fine will. Or getting thrown off the plane.
As law-abiding citizens, it’s hard for us to imagine anyone being so unhinged on the plane, or anywhere for that matter, that they would need to be restrained. But flight attendants have seen it all and lived to tell the tale.

This person is confessing that they have flex restraints on the plane, so make sure you behave! It’s hard for us to imagine what one could do to find themselves restrained on a plane, but maybe it’s better that way. Next time you feel the urge to have a fit or shout at one of the attendants, think about the utter uncomfortableness of being restrained for the rest of the flight.
No Temper Tantrums
Traveling with children is no picnic, and that’s an understatement. Parents could use any help they could get and even the smallest of tips can change their lives. This FA recommends packing the car seat with you.

Sounds counterintuitive, right? Who has room in their suitcase for such a massive thing? But children don’t like change and using the car seat on the plane or when you get to a new country might help reduce temper tantrums and result in a nicer trip and happier parents. Surely any extra amount of luggage or an overweight suitcase is well worth it.
Baby Drama
Planes (thankfully) have a strict no-tolerance policy when it comes to aggressive behavior. Things can spiral out of control when people are locked in an aircraft in the middle of the sky for multiple hours. Also, as annoying as it is, crying babies are a part of the flying experience as much as bad food.

These teens should learn some manners, and show a little bit of understanding, especially when the mother herself is trying really hard to calm down her baby on the flight. It may be hard to understand for people without kids, but keeping a baby calm during a flight is one of the hardest things for parents to do.
Locked In
When you got to go, you got to go. Even if going means doing your business for four hours straight. Other people need the bathroom, buddy! Turns out the dude just fell asleep, was he not aware he could do that in his seat? All jokes aside, like many other nervous flyers, he probably took some sleeping aid and a glass of wine to help him along.

The result? Falling asleep in the bathroom for the duration of the flight, leaves a lot of passengers feeling angry and desperate. We can’t imagine how fast passengers rushed to get out of that plane!
Struck by Lightning
There's nothing more frightening than seeing a flash of lightning alongside a lonely little plane up in the night sky. And to think about the folks in the actual plane! Well, when that exact thing went down, this flight attendant didn't even know that it happened. Naturally, the passengers were equally none the wiser.

Thankfully it was not particularly noticeable, aside from the loud bang that was heard by (probably) everybody. Although let’s face it, any loud bang on a plane is cause enough for concern. But it is nice to know that if you’re unfortunate enough to have your plane struck by lightning, it won't automatically fall into the sea, or crash on the ground.
Hottie On Board
As passengers board a plane, our minds are elsewhere. Whether it's getting over the nerves of the actual flight, the imminent destination, or simply the number of things we packed and if we left behind that nice micro-fiber towel we love using for travel. When you're a flight attendant, however, it's just another day at the office.

An office where every day, even multiple times a day, you're greeted with brand new faces, some of which are pretty easy on the eyes. If there's one on board that sparks the interest of a particular flight attendant, it'll be the talk of the town- erm...flight. Who wouldn't want to be a ‘raftie’?
Watch Those Floors
Stepping onto a plane, one would think that the place has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Apparently, this is not the case and post-flight, the aircraft gets a light "dusting." We don't want to get into much detail about those toilets, but it sounds like one should pack their own disinfectant spray.

During long flights, babies might freely roam around a little, for a little bit of a stretch, but by the sound of it, that's not a great idea. Keep those babies strictly off the floor and if they need some movement, lay down a towel beside your seat.
Paid By the Hour
If you're a flight attendant that is only getting paid while on the clock, you're going to board that plane whether it's moving or not, even if that flight is delayed! How can we blame them? They would be silly to waste all that time at the airport or anywhere else while they wait during flight delays.

Let's hope that most pilots give flight attendants permission to do that. It seems fair enough; after all, it’s not their fault if the plane has technical issues or some passengers are holding up the boarding. As long as they’re getting paid, who wouldn’t sit and wait in a nice, air-conditioned plane?
Passengers, You've Been Warned
It's no secret that flight attendants have to put up with a lot. Tired, nervous, and sometimes outright silly passengers (that suitcase is not going to fit, sir) fill the plane, and the air stewards are there to make sure it all goes as smoothly and pleasantly as possible.

So what's the least we can do? Treat them nicely, right? Sounds reasonable. If you're one of those special few who feel like they can get away with it, just remember, the cabin crew will have you pegged for a Rude Ralph. Not only that, but you'll get a note in the airline database and soon everyone will know. It’s like getting a bad review on Google – one nasty comment about you and it can be enough to ruin every travel experience.
No Heavy Lifting
There's a reason luggage has wheels, it's heavy! So, when flight attendant finds themselves in a position of lifting up a bag to stow in overhead, it's reasonable that they might politely decline. Hand luggage can go up to 12 kg on some flights and lifting many of those could potentially result in an injury.

We know it's tough but try to pack a bag or suitcase that is light enough to lift yourselves. It would be unfair if a flight attendant got injured on the job for lifting your suitcase, especially when they’ll get no compensation for any days they can’t come into work since it's technically not in the job description.
Clean Up On Aisle Six
There are some couples so passionate that anymore more fuel (vodka) will only result in a fiery rage. Such an example seems to be this couple who flew from Russia to Dubai. Things apparently got so out of hand that the cabin crew had to physically separate them like misbehaving kids in middle school.

As if that wasn't dramatic enough, the events that unfolded resembled more of a kindergarten incident than middle school. We hope the woman had an extra change of clothes in her carry-on because flying to Dubai with a wet bottom sounds rather unpleasant. Keep your drinking under control, folks!
Pack Your Lunch
We're quite sure that after you read this you might stop complaining about airplane food. Because, unlike some people on the plane, meals are actually served. We're not experts and have no idea about airline management, but surely packing a few extra meals for the crew is not that excessive?

We hate to hear that flight attendant go hungry on long international flights, but on the upside, perhaps the things they pack are actually far tastier and healthier – it’s just a matter of being prepared. Let's just hope they get access to microwaves or fridges if they have to keep their food fresh.
No Secrets On Board
We know that there are a lot of rules on board, but truthfully the long list of "don’ts" is only there to keep everyone safe and make the plane go from A to B as smoothly as possible. Naturally, there are those who don't quite see it that way and try their rule-breaking ways on the plane.

As sneaky as these people think they are, cabin crew have spent their time on many a flight and know exactly what to watch out for. So, if you think of sneaking in a vape, taking your pants off or any other bathroom shenanigans, know that you are being watched.
Plane Jail
Airline companies know those plane interiors and everything that comes with it, such as trays, handles, armrests, etc., are subject to wear and tear. Don't fret if you find that a tray has cracked off the hinges or something when opening it. No, you're not super strong, it just probably needs to be replaced.

No one is going to charge you for this either, simply tell the in-flight staff and they'll have it repaired for the next flight, That way, you'll also prevent unnecessary delays. Don't worry, no broken trays are going to result in plane jail or serious fines.
Overgrown Babies
Seatbelts don't seem like much when you're 30,000 feet above the air, but when it comes to turbulence, it can prevent quite a bit. The rocking and shaking you get in a plane during airflow shifts is less traumatic if you're safely buckled up in your seat. There's no reason to kick up a fuss.

It's only for your safety after all! The next time a flight attendant asks you to strap in, don't resist. Getting a bump on your head after hitting a bulkhead is not a nice way to spend the next seven hours. And the flight attendants do not want to be bothered about it.
There's a Designated Spot for That
According to this flight attendant, these sorts of accidents happen way more often than they're happy to admit. For the adults on board, we're concerned about how this is such a common occurrence. On the other hand, with long flights and only two stalls, maybe it makes sense. But still, going to the bathroom anywhere else but the stalls is truly shameful.

With that said, sounds like those airplane floors have seen some things. Please make sure to take care of your business ASAP, and just in case, keep your shoes on as we imagine you'd be less than thrilled to walk around touching those floors.
Drinks On the Plane
For folks trying to save a few bucks, the whole BYOB deal doesn't quite "fly" for many airlines. We know it's pricey but it's better to opt for the drinks that the in-flight service offers. The reason for this? The crew would rather monitor the number of drinks you're having on a flight for safety reasons.

While it might sound a little annoying (we're all grown-ups), unfortunately, there are always a few bad eggs that ruin it for everyone else. If you don't buy anything on the plane, simply wait until you land. Alternatively, indulge yourself in one glass of bubbly and call it a day.
Is This Right For You?
Being a flight attendant sounds like a pretty cool job, right? Apparently, it's not all it's cracked up to be and layovers are simply not long enough to enjoy a city, let alone shower and sleep. Landing in Paris and rushing through the city just so you can freshen up doesn't sound like a great way to travel.

Still, we're sure not all flights are like that and maybe conditions vary between airlines. On a bad day, you're in a foreign country trying to get some sleep, on a good day, you might get some time to explore the area!
Rapper's Undelight
Having a crying baby on a flight can be rather annoying, but they're cute and helpless so we forgive them, but if there's one type of person that's more difficult to have on a flight than a tired and confused baby, it's a famous person. Musicians and film stars are notorious for causing plane drama.

In this case, a certain well-known rapper made a real disturbance but was not treated like the king he thought he was. The plane simply turned around, landed, and kicked him and his entourage off. Sounds like it wasn't a private jet, which might even be a little more embarrassing.
The FBI Is Calling
You're flying to Majorca; you've waited all year for this and soon your toes are going to be sinking into beach sand as you look out at that turquoise wonder that is the water. Unfortunately, seated next to you happens to be a dangerous criminal on the FBI's most-wanted list. How exactly did this guy think he could fly without getting caught?!

That is a pretty horrible experience, and we're sorry for those folks who had to fly with such a hardened criminal, especially for the individual seated right beside them. It does make for a pretty gripping and unique story at the dinner table though!
Crack a Window Open
One might think that a plane can get rather stuffy with those windows shut all day. The air is actually purified and replaced every few minutes so you don't have to worry about that, but with all that fresh air in plain view, it might look quite enticing (to some) to open the window and feel the rush.

The only problem is, this isn't exactly a car zooming down the highway, and opening a window during a flight would result in pure catastrophe. Thankfully it's near impossible, but this woman thought she'd try her luck. And take the rest of the plane with her!
No Coffee For You!
It's stressful being a flight attendant, you have to tend to everyone on a big plane with many passengers. Serving meals, answering questions, assisting with luggage, and even just serving cups of coffee. As a passenger, it's important to know that you'll get what you want, but you might have to be a tiny bit patient.

If only this gentleman knew this virtue. We also don't quite get the rush, you're on a flight for several hours so you're not going anywhere! Still, it was too hard for this man to wait for his coffee. And the flight attendant probably got unfairly reprimanded for it.
The Dancer
When you're a dancer on a plane, you should be expected to receive top-notch treatment. That means serving before everyone else, tending to around the clock, and always at the expense of everyone else. We're kidding! We don't see why this woman is so special.

The diva move of throwing the cup at the flight attendant is where we draw the line. We're sure that if it was up to the cabin crew, they would have turned that plane right around and simply removed her from the flight. That behavior is simply unacceptable, whether you’re a celebrity, the Queen of England, or a regular passenger.
Bed Buddy
This woman got a little confused on the plane, and that was not helped by the Ambien she took to calm her nerves down. In fact, she just got up and put herself in another man's pod, a total stranger to boot. When confronted by the flight attendant, she spoke her mind!

When you're in a daze and on a sleeping pill in the middle of a flight, strange things can happen. This is why you normally want to take them and make sure you buckle up in your seat to make sure you stay put. We're sure she wouldn't pull these kinds of shenanigans on a regular day.
The Missing Teeth
When getting off a plane, we tend to do a quick scan of all our belongings, because let's face it, after a good seven hours, a dozy passenger could easily leave behind a bag, a set of headphones, perhaps the book they were reading. But these things are mostly on our person.

When it comes to teeth, things are a little different. This poor old lady probably set her false teeth somewhere discreet so that none of her fellow passengers would get freaked out, but in the process completely misplaced them. Thankfully, she eventually received them via mail, so let's hope her Thanksgiving meal wasn't terribly compromised.
Water Allergy
A refreshing cup of ice water on a stuffy plane can help make the journey a little more pleasant, but if it's right at the start of the flight and the ice has not been broken up yet, you might need to call a little on your inner Yoda. Jokes aside, worst-case scenario, if there is no ice, just toughen up and drink water with no ice!

This woman however was having none of it and opted to go thirsty than just having a cup of water with no ice. We find that a tad childish and wouldn't be surprised if the flight attendant rolled her eyes (in her head.)
Planes can be meeting places for people from all walks of life, coming and going to various destinations for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes we can tell it’s an average family on vacation, or a businessman or woman going on a work trip, but other times its less obvious.

We don't know the backstory of this old man dressed as an elf, and neither did any of the flight staff. That being said, it's still entertaining to behold. Maybe he was really just trying to get to the North Pole in preparation for Christmas. We imagine October is a bust toymaking season.
The Clogger
Apparently, not everyone can hold themselves together on a long flight. After this accident, this woman, in an attempt to clean up the mess, made it worse. We suppose we sort of appreciate the effort as it would have been a rather smelly journey. Unfortunately, her plans were foiled.

Airplane sinks aren't equipped for such heavy-duty loads and are really only meant to handle a little bit of soap and water going down the drain. Sadly, she ruined everyone's journey. And we’re sure that next time this woman has an uncomfortable accident, she’ll think twice about where she washes her things.
Special Order
It's important to keep in mind that when ordering BBQ ribs, they tend to come basted in BBQ sauce, hence the name. This woman didn't get the memo and tried to get her BBQ ribs without the very sauce that makes them BBQ. Bit of a mind-bender if you ask us.

The woman also had the audacity to complain about not getting what she wanted. Thankfully, the flight attendant's supervisor totally understood that this order was pretty unreasonable. And honestly, who writes a complaint about something like that? It really seems like some people have nothing better to do with their time.
Feet Fiasco
It's not advisable to let off any bad odors on a plane. The windows are sealed shut and you're stuck in there for hours. Not to mention the fact that when meals are served, everyone eating is subjected to doing so in a horrible smell. It's just cruel and absolutely disgusting.

This man went even a step further and started clipping his toenails, which is pretty insensitive to everyone. Not to mention downright inappropriate; we just hope he got properly told off by the flight attendant and other passengers. Come on man, just wait until you land and take care of your feet at home.
Flight Panic
We're not exactly sure what caused this man to descend into such confusion, it's not exactly like you can recognize where you are from the sky, but clearly, he had gotten it deep into his head that he was on the wrong flight and headed for the wrong destination.

If that was true, he would have definitely caught on at the security checks, or at least noticed his boarding pass. After some hours of coming to his senses, the man thankfully realized that everything was okay. Flights are definitely one of the worst places to have a full-blown panic attack; hopefully, someone had a mild sedative for his nerves.
A Bumpy Ride
Turbulence can be a frightening experience, not only for the nerves but also for the digestive system. After a few too many plane snacks, a shaky plane can get those tummy juices swirling. At some point, the only place they can go is up and out, and that's precisely what happened here.

Our heart goes out to the passengers on board, as well as that person who lost their lunch on a plane. Oh, and of course, the flight attendants who had to handle that mess and do a deep clean, which probably almost made them lose their lunches too!