Picture this. 1985, Sicily. Dorothy is getting married. Ok, now back to Florida, where Dorothy shares her house with her mum, Sophia Petrillo, Blanche Devereaux, and adorable Rose Nylund. We know there are scriptwriters and producers, actors, and an audience; however, we just couldn’t ignore this dress.

We can handle the overall look, but we have issues with those things at the front. Is it a cut tube? Does it have water running down to refresh the bouquet? These were the 1980s, and anything was acceptable back then. Besides, Dorothy was a Golden Girl. She could wear whatever she wanted.
Wedding Pants
Not all brides have to wear dresses. Not all brides have to wear white. Not all brides have to follow any customers; in fact, there are no rules to which any bride is obliged. However, there is only one thing we ask: consistency and going in one direction.

Now seriously. If you wanted to wear a pair of pants as your wedding gown (which you are entitled to), then why bother with the extra piece of fabric covering them all up? This could have worked well, and we are big supporters of brides in pants, but there's a time when you just have to make up your mind.
The Devil Wears a Wedding Dress
Who said goth people only wear black? The bride who is going to wear this dress obviously had a less-than-conventional wedding, but they didn’t give up on a gown in traditional white, giving it a gothic touch. We suggest white military boots and horns just to finish up this look.

Imagine this: a dark dungeon, hundreds of bats hanging from the selling, tens of gothic dancers nodding their heads violently up and down, splashes of dark paint adorning the walls and the center of attention, one bride in white. We hate to think that the bride might not be drawing all of the attention.
Long Train Running
This is what we call participation. This is what we call solidarity. One way of getting your guests to stand still and not block anyone’s view during the ceremony is to let them hold the dress’s train. Unfortunately, the train is rarely that long.

This way, all the guests are taking part in the event. So, if you ever have a day off with nothing really important to do, head up into town, look for a bride, groom, and a long veil, and hop on. This is what we call taking part in an event you were not invited to.
Where Did the Bride Go?
Can anybody see the bride!? We think she got a little confused about the color of the dress she had to choose. It's not that hard to make as all you need is a traditional white gown and some black dye; however, we’re really wondering the type of bride who would want this for her big day.

What do you think the groom will be wearing? Will he go for the obvious suit, or will he surprise us with a white one? We will never know. And besides, where was it written that brides must wear white and that brides must look like brides?
No, it's not someone getting ready for Halloween or a fancy dress party; this is, in fact, a bride on her wedding day. She deliberately put a horn on the front of her head. Yep, that’s one bride believing she is a unicorn. This bride’s going to have a good time on her wedding day, that’s a definite.

Would we choose this for our wedding gown? Probably not, but hey, if it makes her happy, then the groom’s happy. And if the groom is happy, well, you know what they say. If the groom is happy, then everyone is happy. Or is it the other way?
Just Another Dress
Oh, look, another balloon/cupcake dress. How creative. It seems that balloons and upside-down cupcakes, somehow, still seem to be making their way onto the bodies of brides-to-be. Sure, at birthdays and parties, these things add to the spectacle and are obvious signs of a celebration! But there is such a thing as overdoing it.

Not to mention the smile and grind on this bride's face, looking as if she knows what she looks like or perhaps has had too much cake to eat ( or too much to drink); we’re not sure if she's going to make it through the entire day or not.
“This is MY (bridal) Swamp!”
Where other brides would take heed of Shrek’s warning, “This is the part where you run away,” this bride truly embraced her inner ogre, and this was reflected in her bridal attire. When an animation comes to life, it’s surely something to ogle! With the possibility that the pair spent more than a few hours in the make-up chair, that’s certainly commitment – not only to each other but to the theme!

This beautifully green pair is certainly beaming… no doubt walking down the aisle to wedded bliss…and maybe even a castle in Far, Far Away. But then again, if they’re true to their characters, the only place they can call home sweet home is Shrek’s swamp in the woods!
Lady in Pink
We’re sure bridal dressmakers are sick of hearing brides say they want a “fairy-tale wedding.” Damn, that social conditioning will get you. This bride decided on the theme of her wedding from the get-go. She went for white and pink. Fuchsia pink. Whatever happened to keeping things simple? All she needs now is a huge gum balloon coming out of her mouth, and she is ready to go.

It's either that or she is the next generation's inspiration for young girls who are brought up as princesses, believe they are princesses and are going to get married dressed like princesses.
Toilet Paper the Bride!
Often, the bride finds it difficult to use the restroom on her big day, with the maid of honor usually given the duty of assisting with bathroom duties. But not for these brides! They can simply lose a few inches on their dress without all the fuss! The other explanation? A bridal contest for who could craft the most creative dress out of toilet paper.

To be fair, we just want to go with the first idea. While it’s okay for the bride to wear all white, we're not sure how the groom would feel wearing all white on his wedding day. Maybe if it was dyed black…
The One With the Mask
2020 left us with many memories. The whole world stood still and left us with .....a load of used facemasks. Surprisingly, the facemasks were uses not only for covering the face but for covering the entire body. Even a bride's body. The Chinese dress designer decided to turn her lemons into lemonade and designed this unique dress made from ...you got it, face masks.

We hope there's some cotton or silk embroidery between the mask layers as we're not sure the bride who will wear this will find the gown particularly comfortable. One thing is for sure: she will remain safe!
Whose Side Are You On?
After seeing this dress, you know you have seen them all. There are no limits to where a dress designer can go, and by the look of this, he went all the way without stopping to think, not even for one minute.

Is there anyone in the room who can honestly say this doesn't look like a dress that's been ripped apart and then manually put back together by a kid? Some may say it's all got to do with fashion and that one must move together with time; however, we say enough is enough, and someone has to rethink this all over.
Pretty in Pink
Yeah, this isn’t a picture of Molly Ringwald. She did not have plastic surgery and stayed with her movie costume. More women out there look pretty (or not pretty) in pink than you could ever imagine. What is it with this color and brides? You want to stick around to really take in this wedding dress.

What's with the faded pink hair? And the beginning of a rainbow-colored skirt? Is it borderline shocking? Certainly, no matter how much we try, this dress can't be categorized as a wedding gown, even though in 2017, the Po de Arroz runway show said it was.
She Works Hard for Her Money
When thinking of your wedding gown, there are endless options as to what material to use. The majority of brides will go with traditional white. However, there are many women out there, including celebs, who take things in a completely different direction. A wedding made of money notes? Bizzar, even if you are Naomi Campbell.

We mean, what is she trying to say? Look at me; I have got so much money; I don't know what to do with it. The dress is made from sheets of newspaper and dollar bills. It's one of those things that, no matter how hard you try, it just doesn't work.
The Trophy Wife
She is beauty; she is graceful; she’ll say it to your face. Or, at the very least, wear a fully golden dress. Now her groom can tell everyone he’s actually won an Oscar, and instead of placing it on a shelf, she decided to wear it on her wedding day. It is as if a bride in her own right doesn't draw enough attention and becomes the talk of the day, but by wearing this dress, no other guest stands a chance.

So remember. There are some weddings where the guests CAN come in white, and they will not seal anyone's thunder. In fact, they might even tone things down by having this dancing on the dance floor.
Higher Than Your Wedding Day!
Well, no one wants to be down and depressed on their wedding day, that’s for sure. Is this bride unhappy about marrying someone shorter than her? Not at all, and she is making an effort to show how pleased she is to the camera. Sometimes taller brides wear flat shoes or ask the groom to wear hidden hills, but not this one. She is proud and tall beside her loved one.

She is saying it here clearly and loudly. It doesn't matter how tall ( or how short) her husband is as long as she is the center of attention, not only on her wedding day but throughout their entire life together.
The Golden Girl
Picture this. 1985, Sicily. Dorothy is getting married. Ok, now back to Florida, where Dorothy shares her house with her mum, Sophia Petrillo, Blanche Devereaux, and adorable Rose Nylund. We know there are scriptwriters and producers, actors, and an audience; however, we just couldn't ignore this dress.

We can handle the overall look, but we have issues with those things at the front. Is it a cut tube? Does it have water running down to refresh the bouquet? These were the 1980s, and anything was acceptable back then. Besides, Dorothy was a Golden Girl. She could wear whatever she wanted.
Superb Ride
With this stoic pose and her neck almost pulling out her head, it's unique, it's exquisite, and it definitely screams out, IT'S A NEW MILLENIUM. Again, we’re hoping this is some sort of party costume or party trick, but hey, maybe she’s just a bit of a comic geek! And we wouldn’t be surprised if this superhero twist got the groom all flustered!

The dress itself is quite ok, and even the bird could be considered pretty to some, but then, looking at the many left-behind layers of fabric, we’re not exactly sure the designer was fully concentrated when working on this.
Hungry on Your Big Day? Sorted!
We’re sure a lot of brides get so caught up in the excitement of their big day that they often forget to eat! The next bride, Diane Nguyen, surely would’ve made her mandatory pit-stop at none other than Taco Bell. But why waste time waiting in the drive-thru when you can take Taco Bell with you?

Like, even into the church? Why didn’t we think of this before? While others may gasp and gawk in horror at seeing a bride stride down the aisle covered in Taco Bell, including all sauces, we’re sure there was a very appreciative bridal party. Snacks sorted!
Bikini Bride
Although this is a bikini that doesn't resemble a dress in any way, some women out here consider this to be their wedding gown. They see no issue in revealing so much flesh, and besides, it's their day and they can wear whatever they choose. Don't ask; we don't get it either.

Now, on second thought, maybe the short white fringe's, in fact, the dress, and all she got wrong was the size? And what part do we like best? We don't. We suggest wearing this on one of the beaches on your honeymoon and choosing something a bit more ......dressy on the big day.
Out of This World
If anyone told you that the gorgeous Linda Evangelista wore a Chanel wedding gown, would you imagine this? Neither would we. For some reason, we had something so much more classy for this beauty and far more sophisticated than what we see here. Oh well, maybe not everyone has the same standards.

Karl Lagerfeld, who designed this dress, obviously thought otherwise and saw this as a perfect fit. So we’re not sure if she’s actually getting married or just showing off her exquisite looks, but either way, this is probably one of the most bizarre dresses on our list, even if it is Chanel.
Strutting the Streets
It is not a rare thing to see brides walking the streets of Istanbul on their big wedding day. Apparently, it is a well-known costume, and most respectful brides do exactly this. We are not here to judge; however, we must share our opinion. Here, we see a local bride promenading her gown in a small, modest neighborhood not far from where she lives.

We are a bit concerned about the white dress turning black after walking those streets. But every nation has its own traditions and customs, and maybe when it comes to weddings here, a dry cleaner waits before entering the chapel.
It’s a Bird; It’s a Plane…Is it Spaghetti?
Anything goes these days. There are no rules, no one can say what they think, any color goes with any, and you can put any topping you wish on your pizza. If you want to wear a red wedding dress, you can, if you prefer to wear pants and leave the dress at home, that's also OK, and if you feel that a bowl of spaghetti on your head will make your day perfect, then go for it.

We choose to ignore the unexplainable masks at the bottom of the dress as we have not fully understood the top part. Designer Michael Lau, can you explain, please?
What Did One Autumn Leaf Say to Another? I’m Falling for You!
Next on our list is a pumpkin-loving bride and groom. We’re willing to bet that they both share a love for the color orange. With a classic wedding dress and an extra large pumpkin headpiece, ironically, this isn’t even what we’re most concerned about. What’s most concerning is the groom and the fact that he can't see who he is actually marrying.

With that shocking orange pumpkin on their heads, it could be anyone. Note: this will not work with any other fruits or vegetables. Trust us, we tried this with lemons, potatoes, tomatoes, and oranges. Nothing had the same impact.
A Feathery Affair
Feathers add pomp, air, and fun to any outfit; there is no denying that. They go well with many different styles and just add a little pizzazz to what you’re wearing. They go with absolutely anything, including pants, underwear, pajamas, and, of course, evening gowns. They even go with your bridal gown, no matter how outrageous it is.

Normally very tastefully done, this designer went a little overboard. To us, it seems that this bride is having a lot of trouble walking with this dress on. Did the designer take into consideration that, at one point, the bride would want to dance?
Who Cares About the Dress When You Can Go Undressed?!
In all cultures, it is expected that brides look their best on their wedding day. Brides are expected to be modest and ladylike without showing too much flesh. But this bride certainly is not going by the book – in fact, she’s thrown it right out the window! To this bride, it seems that she’s more interested in showing her body art than covering it up.

Maybe she believes in “what you see is what you get”? Anyway, whilst the dress is uh…minimalist and certainly not as gaudy as others, perhaps it is better suited to a nightclub than for participating in the sacrament of holy matrimony.
Fairy Lights
Being a fairy princess is every girl’s dream. Since early toddler years, most girls picture themselves on their wedding day adorned with glitter and sparks. Glitter and sparks AROUND the wedding dress, not part of the wedding dress. Usually, that dream fades away as they grow older, but not this one.

If there is one day in her life when she can become a fairy tale princess (or something of that sort), it's going to be her wedding day. Now, it's not only the dress that is lighting up the room. With a smile like hers, there is no way of missing the bride. Ant anyway, sometimes a bride needs a dress to match.
Keeping Mosquitoes Away?
This bride is scared of her legs being bitten by mosquitoes. That much is clear. What’s not so clear is why she doesn’t mind getting mosquito bites on any other exposed part of her body. Pink and red polka dots all over her face and neck will do no harm and might even set the trend for the next wedding season.

Moreso, it will explain why on earth did this bride cover herself in a net instead of wearing a proper dress, as expected from her on her wedding day. If this is part of some tradition we are not aware of; then we take it back; however, we have done our research and couldn't find anything, No even in ancient Greece.
In Touch With Your Inner Child
So this wedding dress might look a little like a child’s 5th birthday party at the plastic ball pit, but hey, we do not hate – on her special day, she can wear whatever makes her feel beautiful, even if it does resemble anything but a wedding gown! With her ball-coated dress and her peroxide-blonde hair, she kind of looks like a Barbie doll. Don’t you think?

Embracing her inner 5-year-old, this bride will be sprinkling color and joy wherever she goes! Now, we just need some plain frosted cupcakes and a few of those sprinkles, and we are ready to capture the world.
Nothing Like a Bit of Country Charm!
With these boots, this young bride is a perfect picture of country charm. While the more elegant ladies of the world don sleek, minimalist designs for their big day, this bride certainly wasn’t looking to them for inspiration. The top of this dress starts off nicely, very classic and modest. Then things start to get a little more cowgirl as the boots are revealed.

We’re not too enthusiastic about the total look. She does look like one of the brides out of a Western film, and we can almost hear the country tunes. We can only suggest something a little less Idaho.
Yellow All Over
Looks like the bride and groom stopped and made lemonade from the lemons they were given; however, they took the whole scenario a bit too far and coated themselves in yellow. Or, it could be some culture we are unfamiliar with where yellow is the going color for wedding gowns and groom suits.

So, we can live with the yellow, and we can live with the bride posing with her leg up in the air as if she is a great Bollywood star, but what we won't accept is the groom and his off-white used apron tied around his waist.
Training Bride
This bride took exercise and training all the way. She is dedicated to her physical exercise just as she was about to become dedicated to her husband, who, at the time this photo was taken, was waiting for her at the church. She was serious when she said she never missed a practice.

Was it so hard to do your run, go back home, wash, and then prepare for the big day? Well, as it turns out, she wasn't exercising at all. Her lift to the chapel never showed up, and there was no alternative but to make her way to the ceremony.....alone.
Going on the Tight Side
Some like baggy jeans, some prefer over-the-shoulder tops, and some love wearing tight clothes. Unable to breathe, I look ridiculous, kind of Extra tight clothes. And this goes for both the bride and the groom. Who allowed them to leave the house like this? And we don't care how good-looking you are.

There's not much room for imagination when it comes to this wedding dress, and everything is kind of there in front of your eyes. We appreciate the fact that the groom didn't leave the bride uptight and alone and arrived in a complementary too-tight suit, too. How considerate.
Ten Dresses Put into One
This dress is a perfect example of what happens when you take ten dresses, detach one element from each one, bring them together, and voilà. There you have it. The new 2013 summer collection is ready to wear bizarre wedding dresses. This dress is perfect for the lazy. There is no need to hold the bouquet or push the veil from your face as it is not even attached to the head.

Overall, this is a very modern creation. This resembles exactly what the 21st century is all about. It's free, it has no limitations, it would suit anyone, and everyone would have an opinion and something to say about it. We certainly do.
Bell of the Ball(oons)
This wedding dress is light as it is festive. It will stay that way as long as nobody comes close with any sharp objects. No knives around, no scissors nearby, nothing that could accidentally turn this so-called design into a wedding disaster. Could you imagine what the dress would look like with no air in the balloons, like wornout plastic bags hanging from all over? We prefer not to.

It's a good thing those balloons aren’t filled with helium. Otherwise, the bride would have been too busy floating around the room or saying ' I Do' in a very high pitch.
Birthday Present
This bride will look like the biggest presence at the venue, that’s for sure. Or maybe more like an open present at a venue? With a skirt that is too overdone and too many unexplainable ribbons flying about, it really is quite a unique design. One that would win the over-exaggerated dress award if there was such a thing.

And the headpiece? And the bouquet stuck to her elbow? The initial idea could have been good if things were kept on the modest side. Just a few ribbons, drop the headpiece, leave the corset at home, and you're ready to go.
Help Yourself
Her parties are epic, her hosting skills are impeccable, and she will never let you forget it. The hostess with the mostest took things to a whole new level by wearing a cupcake frosting cake. She had had enough of keeping the decorated caked only in the kitchen and felt it was time to shout her shout. Cupcakes all over, even on your wedding dress. Enjoy!

The execution of this design was actually simpler than you'd think. The bride-to-be said to the dress designer that she wanted to look sweet, with loads of layers, and irresistible. The designer didn't miss it.
For the Trés Chic Bride
As your eyes start from her feet all the way up to the boat neckline and cap sleeve, you notice something’s a little off. Actually, maybe a lot. With something that looks like it’s come from the Star Wars universe or the depths of the Mariana trench, we’re kind of confused by this look. It’s as far away from mesh as possible and closer to rings of plastic tubing.

While this look is “runway” and might not be for everybody, surely some chic bride will buy into the designer’s spiel and don it for her wedding day. Avant-garde or not, our visions of bridalwear are being challenged. To the absolute limit!
And It's Spring
Although this dress is something that no bride will ever wear, and although some may say it is the weirdest gown they have ever set their eyes on, there is something about this design that we like. For some reason, we cannot get our eye off it, and there is something very comforting about the whole appearance.

The dress sits perfectly on the model, the light green color spreads calmness and freshness, and even the strange branches fall down from her head....well, we can't get our eyes off them! If a bride would insist on wearing a dress like this on her big day, who are we to say anything?
Now You See Me; Now You Don't
At first, we thought this was the Eurovision Song Contest somewhere in the late 1970s, and Spain was about to perform with a lead singer and a bunch of cute kids. Then we realized it was summer 2013, Jean-Paul Gaultier was presenting his new collection, and the kids....well, we have no idea what they were doing there.

Is this supposed to be some kind of pick-about game? Who are these children hiding from? Doesn't the model know they are under her dress? We have so many questions and so few answers to share. God help us, and God help that dress.
It Must Be…Magic!
So this bride seems to be, um...levitating because there’s no way that she can easily walk down the runway with her knees bound so tightly together! We’re not sure which designer thought this dress was a good idea, but it kind of looks like there’s another person hiding underneath that dress. If you’ve ever seen Muppets From Space or Austin Powers in Goldmember, you’ll immediately wonder if there’s a dwarf under there somewhere.

But hey, the top half looks rather elegant. Points for trying? Maybe she should have had her photo taken from the waist up, letting the viewers only imagine what the bottom part looked like.
Brazilian Bride
She has a crown, a scepter, and a heavy, bejeweled back piece. She is ready for the carnival. Everyone has been waiting all year for Rio de Janeiro's prime time, where anything goes and all are welcome. If you do have a golden snake adorning your head and making you look completely out of proportion.

She is ready to hit the streets and samba all night long. Oh, wait, wedding. That’s what she’s ready for. We can only hope that this outfit is not as heavy as it looks so she can dance, if not samba, then at least an Austrian waltz.
Bridging Bride
This couple wasn't willing to bypass the traditional bride and groom wedding photo taken in Central Park. They had been dreaming of this moment for their entire life, and nothing was going to ruin it for them. The sun was shining, and it was a perfect day.

They had the dress (and what a dress it was), the groom was there, and they even got a jogger to join in. That's one thing about the Central Park photo. You never know who will surprisingly appear on your best shot, so taking birds, squirrels, old people on benches, and, of course, joggers is a must.
Drop Dead Gorgeous!
Okay, so despite the gloomy weather, gothic handmaiden, and, um... skeleton makeup, this is actually quite a pretty gown! Holding a single red rose, this bride’s look is pretty much poetry. Swathed in ivory silk with a train almost floating behind her, we’re actually really digging this.

Gliding around the streets, this solemn figure is the ghost bride of any goth guy’s dreams! No doubt, her groom will make for a rather dapper man of the undead. Does this, then, mean it’s unholy matrimony? Now seriously. We understand this is art, and art has no boundaries but isn't art in our time of age should at least be able to breathe?
Just a Splash of Color
So this gown makes up for something that every other conventional wedding gown lacks: color! And it's our favorite color. Green. What could go better with a white dress than a bottle-green tutu and a pair of green farming boots?

The least this bride could have done was to get a new pair of boots as these look as if she had just finished her morning shift in the pen before going off to marry her groom. Note: This design would work with any color you desire. We have tried the bright red, royal blue, and fuchsia pink. They all look equally ridiculous.
Off to the Wedding!
What are we going to do with this dress? We have searched each and every dictionary we have, online and hard coer, and we could not come u with the right word to describe this catastrophe. All that is missing is a horn on the forehead, and she's ready for her unicorn party. We suppose she will stand out; who else could compete with this?

This is certainly more party than matrimony; however, these days, anything goes. Skip the church – this woman is ready for the party! Despite the flurry of color, we’re actually fans of this creation! Functional, fun, and fabulous!
You Glow Girl!
Usually, it isn’t difficult to pick out the bride in any wedding congregation, but this bride obviously had her doubts. Either that or it was an evening wedding. Now, that would’ve been quite something to see! So the groom can take one worry off his list.

He might forget to bring the rings or mix up the setting arrangement, but one thing is for sure: he will never lose his bride. With a design like this, and we assume a personality out of this world ( who else would dare to wear a dress like this on her big day?), this baby is not going anywhere.
Kyrgyz Style
Kyrgyz couples have a unique way of doing things; they like doing everything together. Even getting married. So when a little girl dreams of her wedding day, she knows she will never be the center of attention and that attention will have to be shared with others.

The state sponsors the event, and 35 couples marry in one ceremony. No wedding bills, how about that? Maybe it's better this way. Just think, if the groom happens to change his mind after the ceremony, he can choose a different bride. Who will tell? They are all wearing the same dress anyway.
A Homage to Culture
This woman from Korea clearly did not have a bar of all-white Western attire for her wedding and went down the cultural path. We must say that we appreciate tradition, we honor those who preserve it, and even though there is nothing white about this dress (a traditional Hanbok, if you're into specifics), there is something magical going on here.

We actually really love this decision of hers – classy and elegant with the regal attitude that such a colorful culture brings. The romantic, tiered, waterfall-style dress in a bright, dazzling red is exotic but feminine and pretty. We are actually saying YES to this dress!
Home of The Brave
Uncle Sam’s niece is getting married; we all know this is the dress she’s about to wear. The only question we have here is why she didn't put effort into her hair, makeup, and background. It's obvious that most of the attention is going to be drawn to the stars and stripes, but did this bride take into account that she will actually have to talk to some people during the big day?

Did she ever consider dressing up as the Statue of Liberty (including the headpiece) for her big day? She might not have drawn so much attention.
NY Brides!
Looks like some people just love NY a little too much. Or she literally wanted the entire city skyline in her wedding photo. Talk about multi-use – she has her wedding souvenirs, she's promoting the city she loves, and we guess it's only a matter of time before the photo is used for some movie.

New York! Where all dreams come true, and all grooms.....listen to their wives and take photos wherever they decide. Could you imagine the groom being the one insisting on the scene for the wedding photo? Things have surely changed over the years. This would have been unheard of in or days.
Choc-loads of Fun!
This wedding is definitely going to be full of love, sweetness, and… chocolate. Sorry, we were just describing the chocolate and had nothing whatsoever to do with the bride. Speaking of, she is looking rather delectable in her white chocolate gown! Yes... some chocolatiers labored for hours on end to create hundreds, if not thousands, of chocolate curls to adorn the wedding dress.

Not to mention the fine chocolate work on the bodice of the dress – intricate corset detail truly makes this a work of art! Seems the wedding dessert is sorted – but we still think there’s magic involved for this dress to last for 12+ hours. Plus, I'm pretty sure you can’t sit down. Practicality fails, but it is worth it, right?
Cup E Bride
There really seems to be some misunderstanding when the dress designer insists on wearing something that is actually in your own size. All this needed was going one size up, and we promise you, we would have left you alone and had nothing to say about your big day choice. This bride refused to comprehend.

She just had to get into a size eight, no matter what she ended up looking like. We are convinced that she is in pain and wishes she would have gone a few sizes up, but hey, no pain, no gain, and if she feels she looks hot in this, then who are we to argue?
Christmas Came Early!
It definitely did come early for this groom! For some reason, some genius thought it would be a great idea to fuse a wedding gown with a Christmas tree. Beats us. But clearly, there’s a market for it! We’re not sure they’d be jingling out the door, but perhaps some brides like the idea of being able to enhance their dresses with their favorite decorations and colors.

Not for us, but for the Christmas enthusiast, what better way to strut your stuff down the aisle than in a Christmas tree?! Certainly not for the faint-hearted. A small suggestion from us: if you ARE getting married on Christmas day, leave the date blank on the invitation. Just add a photo of your dress and let the guests guess.
We Have Nothing To Say
We like this one. We really do. Beautifully cut, the wide shoulder straps keep the dress classic and modest, and the on-the-side headpiece complements the entire look and sprinkles an elegant and European touch. We even like the copper-colored strap around the waist, separating the top part of the dress from the skirt.

The adorable floral ornament turned this simple dress into a charming wedding piece, turning any woman into a beauty. Seriously, this scream class, this shouts elegance and this is definitely one of our favorite ones on the list. The bride is beautiful in her own right, and the dress turns her into WOW.
Honestly Modestly
Back in the early 20th century, modesty was a tightly held social value. These days? Well, it’s a mixed bag, that’s for sure. But this bride has perhaps taken the modesty thing a little too far. Not at all! I'm pretty sure this blushing bride is fully covered due to her religious beliefs.

And we have to say – there is no need to expose skin to be attractive. It works even when you are all covered up. Something about this mysterious bride is fascinating, and for some reason, we can't take our eye off her. We cannot get enough.
What is He Doing?
To us, this looks like a version of Rizzo and Kenickie's dance scene at the ball in 'Greece' ( go back to the movie and prove us wrong). The dress can be OK if you insist but what about the black bugs? At first, we thought the groom was just fluffing up the bride's dress for the photo, but that wasn't the case.

He was trying to remove the flying bugs that landed on the over-the-top red dress. It's either that or the horrific dress designer thought a splash of color would do the trick and ended up creating a ridiculous dress.
Wingin' It!
Some people enjoy being the center of attention, but then there's this! Never mind having a long train or brightly colored fabric, this bride went with LED lights that sprawl out; she must have been inspired by a peacock with her hair that color.

When we compare her 'accessories' to her dress, it must have been a real hassle walking down the aisle, never mind getting around the dance floor at the reception! Lady!! Bride of the day!!! You are going to be the center of attention no matter what dress you wear. This is your big day. Was this necessary?
This time, things have gone a little bit too far. Pots and pans attached to the dress in honor of what? To say what? That bride being in kitchens and grooms don't? We say leave the pots and pans to Mr. Gordon Ramsay and focus on this creation for just one moment. Mr. Designer, you have gone too far. There are some things that are a big NO-NO.

This dress was either designed before the 21st century kicked in or by someone who thought it was a great joke or that he had a great sense of fashion, which apparently he doesn't.
A Different Wedding Dress
So why do the American and European gypsies dress so flashy and tacky for their weddings? If you have ever kept up with reality TV and watched episodes of "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding," you'll know it can be quite a materialistic culture. The more golden decorations and glittering adornments all around - the better. You can never have too many sparks.

Romanichal Gypsies marry at a very young age, which could definitely be why some of their wedding dress choices look more like prom dresses or belly dancers ones. Maybe if they were to marry in their 20s, the gown would look a little more modest. Then again, maybe not.
Purple Power
Purple is the color of royalty, and this bride knows it well. There was no way she was going to go with ordinary plain white, and when it was time for her big day, she had to go with something different. She doesn’t mind walking around in this heavy dress adorned with Swarovski crystals to let everyone know she’s royal and only the best will do.

One thing we must add is that this bride knew that even if she had worn the same dress in traditional white, there was no way no one would have noticed she was the bride.
Flower Power
They say that when you plan a party, you should stick to one theme, and this woman decided to make a statement about her favorite thing in the world. Flowers. She couldn't just leave the flowers on the table and decided to decorate herself with all of her favorite ones.

The decorated dress has a nice touch, but is it too much? Nah... it's not exactly "classy" to have flowers all over the dress, and it's more traditional to hold them in your hands, but she looks happy, so she obviously doesn't care what we think. And we don't blame her. Se is beautiful no matter what she wears.
Catwalk Catastrophe
You probably wouldn't feel very comfortable walking down the aisle in this; with sleeves that puff out all the way to her wrists, it looks like she has to keep her arms in place. Actually, we have a feeling you wouldn't feel comfortable walking in this, no matter where you were.

For a brief moment, her hat caught our attention ( it looked very normal at first), but that only lasted a short while before we had to take another look at this monstrosity of a dress. It's aggressive, it's too thick, it has no elegance, and we find it hard to believe a bride ( or model) would feel comfortable in this. Next.
Khakas Bride
The Kahakas people live in one of the coldest places on earth; therefore, their wedding dress has to be designed accordingly. There is no room for lacy trails, no room for transparent skirts, and even the head must be covered with more than just a silky long veil.

Pure white or silver fabric is used, and the most important thing is, keeping the bride warm. The Yuta tent is a traditional form of habitat for that region, and historically, the natives were former herders who raised sheep and goats, which the dresses were made of. Planning on moving to Russia?
Pretty Peacock Pride
This model is putting her whole self in; she has really jumped into character and is presenting this remarkable design with grace and sophistication. NOT!!! Name one bride who would be willing to wear this. We know this was probably pulled out of some fashion show but even a fashion show should have boundaries.

Even fashion designers must acknowledge that some people are going to look at this. It can almost burn your eyes. No one would be caught dead in this inexcusable creation. Yes, yes, modern art and creativity and all that, but please, Jean-Paul Gaultier, take this peacock back to the zoo.
Flower Girl?
This dress looks like it's more appropriate for the flower girl than for the bride. Maybe this woman wanted to channel her inner child one last time before taking the giant leap. And while we can accept that, we're having trouble getting used to the tall bonnet on top of her head.

It's quite distracting, after all. Did she want her dress to look like this? Was she happy with the result? We can't help but wonder what the flower girl wore if this was what the bride-to-be wore. Maybe it's a culture thing. We guess we will never know as we can't look at this anymore.
All That Glitters
We're not going to argue about whether this dress is pretty or not, but this is one of the most expensive ones on our list. It is woven with pure golden threads, the tiara is gold, too, and it is all priced at just under one million dollars. Yumi Katsura, the Japanese designer, designed a once-in-lifetime creation, hoping maybe one day a top-class celeb will wear it for her big day.

So, if you are planning to do something different on your wedding day, would you consider this? This is definitely a lot different than the traditional white gown, and you might have to choose between this and your mortgage, but hey, you only marry once.
When You Love Pineapples
This bizarre wedding dress looks an awful lot like a pineapple. It’s perfect for the wedding of a pineapple grower who still wants to appear classy at her wedding. That’s probably who it’s for, right? With all going on here, it's a lot, and that includes the discomfort we can feel just by looking at her pained expression as she walks down the catwalk.

Next time, maybe the dress should be colored in the fruit colors. Yellow for the bottom part and green for the top. Then, we wouldn't have to waste our time discussing what the creator meant to say with this design.
Some girls dream about their wedding day for their entire lives. These girls grow up with a fairytale dress in mind, all in pure white with a stunning tiara on their heads. And some girls dream of this. All you need is some hay, straw, and a good pair of scissors, and here is a little girl's dream come true. Not everything had to be bought new. Recycling is very trendy these days.

As for the designer of this dress. It's either someone whose father was a farmer who insisted he joined in the family business. As the designer felt his life was going in a different direction, the least he could have done was dedicate one design in honor of his father.
La La Land
When you want something, you go get it. And this is precisely what this bride did. She dreamed of marrying her loved one dressed up as a fluffy cloud, and that is exactly what she did. It wasn't raining; it wasn't even predicted to rain; she just believed an umbrella made of cotton buds, resembling a care-bear cloud, would look cool. No other accessory would do.

In her eyes, the umbrella is what completes the whole outfit, and without it, she would have felt lost. We say, maybe it's better you get lost, or at least leave the umbrella behind, as it has no added value whatsoever.
Newsflash to those preparing for their wedding: just because you love a certain game or a certain period in history, it doesn’t mean it has to feature on your wedding dress. There is a time when you must learn to leave fiction for the widescreen and nonfiction for your wedding day.

If there’s anything stranger than a themed wedding, it might be one with an Egyptian mummy playing the role. Not only is this bride wearing a dress that looks like a roll of toilet paper wrapped around her, but she also has a nun's veil, just in case things are unclear.
A Wet Wedding
When planning a wedding, there are so many things to cover. From the catering to the flower arrangements, the wedding bands, and, how can we forget, the wedding dress. Why wear an entire wedding dress when you plan to cool off in a water fountain? You could have just worn a simple white bikini.

We are sure no one would have said a word. This Russian couple got married on one of the hottest days of the year. We assume this was taken after the 'I do' part, as no bride, no matter how hot she got, would put up with looking like this.
Beauty and the Beast
We can appreciate a good-themed wedding, and we have come across some amazing ones; however, when the execution is tested, most of them don't reach the finish line. We mean, if 'Beauty and the Beast' is your thing, great, but why focus on a tree? She could have easily gone as the beauty and, if insisted, kept the leafy design on the boots only.

This is another example of people trying to stand out and failing at it big time. As for the beast, we must admit that there is something charming in the king of the jungle, all dressed in a groom's suit. Maybe next time the bride can wear a traditional dress and the groom can show his face.
Cake Pop
This bride must have figured she could catch two birds with one stone – wedding cake and wedding dress all in one! There is no need to get a cake from the basket; ask the dress designer to make sure the dress is edible. Her sweet dress is sure to make everyone talk about her.

By the look of it, he husband is finding it hard to let go. Can someone please tell him to stop. If he continues, the wedding certificate might not be the only certificate he signed that day, and the bride might have a change of mind. Or at least a change of dress.
Paint It Blue
Talk about tradition. This bride was probably missing her ‘something blue’ when her stylist suggested adding a splash of blue paint to her dress. The question is, is Allen the bride's name or the groom's? Also, could this blue paint actually be frosting? If the bag in her hand is any indication, it might just be the case.

Either way, this could be the beginning of a new bride-style tradition. A dress with a name.....any name you want. SO back to the checklist. Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something....oh, let's just throw some blue paint on the dress.
Don’t Come Any Closer
A dress this big comes with a statement. And that statement is – you can’t touch this (we can hear you humming to MC Hammer's music; don't worry, you are not alone). Don't come near; you can't say a word, and by the look of it, you (the groom) won't be able to kiss me after the "I Do" part.

There is no going near this one. With all this volume, no one will be able to mess up her makeup or anything, which is great. Our only concern is how she is going to dance after the ceremony. She won't be able to stand like this all night.
Sustainability has been the name of the game in the last few years. People recycle, reuse, and repurpose all the time, and it has become so much more than thatjust a passing trend. This is where the world is going, and the more we progress in time, the more we are going to recycle, so start getting used to it.

This bride obviously cares a lot about the planet as her wedding dress is made with well-cut pieces of paper. We wonder if this dress could be recycled all the way, and in the future, we will see her daughter in it, followed by her granddaughter, and so on.
A Bad Situation
Hair and makeup are essential when it comes to celebrating your wedding day on Dia de Los Muertos/Day of the Dead, and not only in Mexico. If you celebrate this special day, it doesn't matter where you are in the world; this dress is outrageous but may work for you. This one might have needed a very good hairdresser and a lot of makeup.

With colorful flowers that wouldn't put a back garden to shame, this bride knows how to create a truly unique look. With all the bridal makeup ideas you can find online, going with the traditional sugar skull paint may have made things a little simpler and less confusing for this bride.
Wearable Rainbow
Nothing makes you want to dance more than a big, colorful dress, and it doesn't matter if you are on your way to a fancy dress party or on your way... to getting married. And in any case, don't weddings usually include fancy clothing and dancing anyway? This dress, along with the flowery headpiece, is sure to have put everyone at the wedding in a dancy mood.

Waltz, Disco, Samba, anything goes as long as you are on the dance floor. Note: this extravaganza dress can be worn, as we already said, at your wedding, but it can also be worn for a fancy dress party or any other event you feel the urge to stand out. No one will miss you wearing this.
When she’s off her bridal duties, this bride must spend most of her free time wearing football jerseys and attending games. And no, she is not a cheerleader; she is simply a huge fan. We imagine they first met at the stadium, cheering for the same team.

This groom must be so proud and loves the fact that his wife is such a sport and adores the field just as much as he does. And besides, who said your wedding dress couldn't be sporty? Anything goes, and as long as you encourage and support the right team, then we are all for it.
Being Part of the Theme
This bride’s dress is quite unique and quite special; however, we are a bit concerned the feathers will be used not only for decorating the dress. By the look of it, they can be used for decorating the wedding hall and playing a part in the theme.

If she changes her mind at the chapel, it won't take too much for her to fly off and escape. She will leave traces of feathers scattered on the floor, leaving the groom to wonder what on earth had happened. We prefer the first option of the bride being part of the theme.
A Whole New World
Princess Jasmine must have been an inspiration for many young girls growing up. Having a palace and a pet tiger sounds like a dream. Also, marrying one of the coolest Disney men out there is a great perk. And who can forget befriending an actual genie?!

But we're digressing. This article isn't an ode to the princess of Agraba. It's about the most interesting wedding dresses we could find, and this one definitely fits the bill. This bride kept drawing inspiration from Jasmine well into adulthood. Her wedding dress is ready to step on the flying carpet! If it's good enough for Disney, it's good enough for us.
Weather Conditions
Getting married must be carefully planned. And we are not talking only about who is responsible for the flower arrangements and who is bringing the rings. There is a myriad of details that need to be taken care of. Basically, anything that can be humanly sorted — gets sorted. The weather, sadly, doesn't fall under that category.

Making sure your big day doesn't fall on an extremely windy day is something that mustn't be neglected, or your wedding photo will end up looking like this. So remember. If you are about to get married, together with buying a dress and hiring a caterer, remember to check the weather too.
You want to get your priorities right when designing your wedding dress. No, not everything can go, not everything is accepted, and even though you are entitled to choose whatever you want to wear, there are limits. There is one thing this bride insisted on having: we are not kidding you, a set of black wings.

She also didn't give up any of her drama lessons, getting ready for the show of her life. To us, this looks more like a bride trying to escape her bitter destiny and not like someone about to be united with the love of her life.
Hide and Seek
Under all these jewels, makeup, and heavy fabrics, there is a bride. You might need a second to see her, but don’t worry – she’s there; we double-checked. And the groom is there, too, looking very peaceful and content. Maybe because he's dressed so casually. If he were dressed as outrageously as the bride is, we have a feeling he wouldn't have had that peaceful look on his face.

The combined weight of everything she’s wearing must be so heavy! There is no chance this wedding involves dinner and dancing. Try eating something, let alone dancing in a wedding dress like this.
Under the Sea
Having a traditional white dress like most brides in the world was a big no-no for this bride. She wasn't prepared to blend in with the white walls and added some interesting, colorful accessories. Just look at that headpiece and that avant-garde bouquet! You don't see those things every day.

We love the colors; however, we are not so keen on the geometric shapes. We think it should have been either, but not the combination of the two. We don't know about you, but we, personally, didn't have such a great time at geometry class and wouldn't want to be reminded of that as we're walking down the aisle.
Orange Is My Favorite Color
Make way for the bride and groom – flaming hot Cheetos in human form! Add a spicy bowl of Doritos dip, and you're ready to go. No, we kid, we kid. Honestly, we get it. If our hair had this beautiful fiery color, we definitely would have wanted to wear anything and everything that would accentuate it.

This bride is not only in style but also in attitude. Wouldn’t you love to see some more of this bride's wedding photoshoot? We wonder if the groom's hair (or at least his suit) matched his bride's. What a wonderful theme. We absolutely love it.
Keeping Warm
Women who are always cold might as well get married in a sweater. Or better yet, a full, head-to-toe, white crochet piece completed with giant bows. Women who are not always cold — don't. Well, it’s her choice, and all we can do is congratulate her and hope that she’s happy with it. One thing is for sure, if we had to wear something like this, we wouldn't be happy with it.

Unless the wedding was in the Arctic or something like that. Maybe clothing should be designed according to how cold (or hot) people are. The same dress, just made with a different fabric. Do you get us?
It's Silver Polka Dots
Every color represented something. Red is passion, green is growth, and blue is...well, we are not sure what blue is. White represents purity and innocence, but let’s face it – it can get quite boring at some point. This unusual bride added exquisite silver polka dots; however, we feel she kind of missed it when it came to the veil.

Yes, both garments look cool and are probably incredibly expensive, but we feel like they were torn from different looks and mashed together without their consent. Versace may be responsible for the design, but we feel there is someone less talented behind the execution.
The Floral Arrangement
We're told that this is a human bride and not a forest nymph, as we initially thought. Who needs a bouquet when there are hundreds of flowers sewn into your dress? Oh, and in case anyone has missed it, she’s also wearing flowers on her head. This could be a great way to save a few bucks. The costs of a wedding are as high as it is.

One thing’s for sure – this bride smells wonderful. Maybe there was a misunderstanding between the bride, the wedding producer, and the dress designer, and initially, those flowers were supposed to be table arrangements.
More Questions Than Answers
So many questions can be asked about this picture, and unfortunately, we will not have the answer to most. We promise to do our best. Why is there a beach hat on the bride's head? What kind of bride wants to have something shading her face like that during her big day? Is the ribbon supposed to be there? Why was this photographed?

What was the designer thinking when he put fabric to pencil? The few things we do know, however, are that this is taken from a 1980s catwalk (which explains everything) and it's from a spring and summer collection (don't ask).
Either the designer was feeling extra generous that day, or he got a bit confused measuring the size of the earrings. Or is that her headpiece? What other explanation do you have for what we are looking at? We're a little confused, and we know you are, too.

Is it just we, or has this bride taken it all the way with those two white things on her head? We understand that during the 1980s, fashion trends were different; however, there's different, and there is this! Could it have been the designer's love letter to Princess Leia and her space buns?
Simply the Best
Tina Turner was iconic. That fact is indisputable. Her wedding dress, however, was pretty controversial. She wore this Giorgio Armani in 2013 when she married her husband, Erwin Bach. Not feeling like conforming to the usual white, Turner opted for a grand piece in black and lime green. Both she and her hubby look extremely pleased.

Turner got away with practically anything, and she looks absolutely amazing despite the numbers she is reaching; however, wearing a Giorgio Armani doesn't guarantee awesomeness. Tina, you were stunning, and most women in the world would pay to look like you did even when they were younger.
Something Blue
“Why do you wear blue?" "It will bring out my blue eyes!” "But a traditional wedding dress should be white, and they will see your beautiful blue eye anyway." "I don't care; I am wearing blue." Said the bride to her mother, who insisted she wear traditional white.

And so ends the story of the young bride, who didn't listen to anyone but herself and wore a blue dress on her wedding day. What happens next? We will have to wait and see. Our guess is she lived happily ever after doing her own thing, living life to the fullest with her one true love.
Do You See Me?
Most brides want to stand out at their weddings, but it looks like this one is all about blending in. She has no reason to be the gorgeous lady in white, and she is all for supporting the troops. Maybe she has a military background; maybe she believes camouflage and matching patterned uniforms and dresses will never go out of style.

So many maybes, and only one thing for sure. We can come to terms with the choice of dress and color this bride chose, but wearing a military uniform on your big day doesn't mean you can't wear a smile, too.
Next-Level Ready
We love Christian Dior. We love almost everything they come up with. After all, it IS one of the world's biggest fashion houses. However, when it comes to wedding dresses, maybe they should refresh their ideas. They can't be winners all the time, it seems. No one can.

We still don't understand the purpose of the skin-colored piece of fabric on the top part. Whatever the intention was, it didn't work. Our guess is that it was meant to be shapewear worn by the bride, which is good and well when the dress is designed to go OVER it. Even Dior needs to have things spelled out for them every once in a while.
The Queen Mother
Brides go with flowers, and flowers go with brides, but what happens when the designer goes a bit over the top and puts too much focus on the flowers and forgets that an actual person needs to be walking around in their dress? This is what happens. Some of the wedding gusts would think that was a little mixup with the flower arranger.

If you ignore the unflattering shoes and focus on the dress's design, you'll see that there were overall some good ideas there. However, when even Claudia Schiffer looks like she's too constricted to breathe, you know this wasn't designed for mortals.
Is There a Part Missing?
Over two decades ago, Alexander McQueen for Givenchy came up with this design for the 2000 spring-summer collection. We wish we knew what went through their heads at the time, as he must have had a little too much to drink on this specific day. Most importantly, we wonder if any bride in her right mind actually saw that dress and thought to herself, "Yes! That's the one!"

This shows what happens when the spring-summer mosquitos and other summer bugs meet the dress and help themselves. Maybe they were able to use it as a canopy when they realized nobody was ever going to wear it.
Cult Rituals
We're not exactly sure what "flavor" of wedding would best suit this dress, but something tells us it belongs to a community somewhere far off the grid. We find it hard to believe that this would be the first choice for any bride.

Between that full-faced head covering and the table-like shape that is probably housing some sort of sacrificial platform (not to mention that embroidery,) this is not a wedding you want to be a part of. However, you do have to admit the work on this dress must have taken ages. This type of construction requires some mad skills.
All Corners of the Globe
Getting married is a momentous occasion that symbolizes the start of a new journey with your life partner; a long, long journey, one for enternity. In fact, if you were to measure your time together, it would be as long as this dress.

That's probably what this bride had in mind when picking out her dress. In order to truly show the lengths of her love for her new groom, she got a train to match. Or was that her veil? Either way, she's going to have a hard time not tripping over it as she walks down the aisle.
Old and Borrowed
According to age-old tradition, a wedding has to have something old, something blue (for some reason), something borrowed, and something new. We don't know the origin of this custom, but it's definitely a famous one. This bride took the old part a bit too far, and we could swear for a moment that she looked as if she was pulled out of a history book.

Is it just us, or does it look like she took her mother's dress and altered it so it suits the 21st century better? Or maybe this is the result of her latest arts and crafts session?