Important news stories are often filled with announcements and reports that leave us feeling scared, listless, or even upset. So this news featuring a friendly dolphin and a dog is a welcome interruption.

In this unlikely embrace featuring a dolphin and a dog, maybe rare but why wouldn’t two of the most friendly species in the animal kingdom be friends?
Don't Forget About Me
Barnyard animals hanging out in the shed. Well, it appears that the cat thought she was alone up until that point.

Doggo wants to make sure that this is not the case and he's here to play, lucky for us we have this adorable photo to see it.
That's One Funny Horse
Horses also seem to crack up and laugh at any given moment, just like humans do! You never know when one will pull a face like this so we're glad they managed to get a shot of this! Perhaps, he was thinking of something funny?

Whatever it is, it may have only worked on him, but this other horse didn't even notice.
That Sneaky Iguana
Never turn your back on someone. You never know what they'll say about you. The moment that cat turned his head, this iguana decided to pull a face and make this photo a little more interesting.

But uh oh, the tables clearly turned. That cat knew something was up and this series of photos sure makes us smile.
Bird's Eye View
Birds have a funny relationship with humans. Usually, when we try to get close to them, they run away from us. If we offer bread crumbs, they might come closer. But, when we don't want them around, they will definitely show up.

This woman is just trying to relax with a good book. It's just, this bird decided to join her.
What a Cutie!
This kid just wanted to get his picture taken on his first day of school. For just one day, he wanted to shine. While guinea pigs aren't really known for being great at stealing focus, this one knows exactly what he's doing.

The kid didn't like getting surpassed by his pet guinea pig, but it did make for an adorable photo!
Just Like Us
We tend to think that animals are inherently different than humans. But, if this list proves anything it's that, just like us, animals love being at the center of attention and love having their picture taken.

Even goats want to get noticed once in a while, which is why this one decided to stick its face right in the camera.
The Happiest Driver
Is there anything better than a story about someone turning their life around and making headlines? In this tale, a homeless man became a bus driver and has since been voted as London's happiest bus driver.

While his story may have started out tragic, he managed to make something more out of his situation and turn it into something positive. Now isn't that the kind of a happy ending we were waiting for?
A Ruined Reunion
These two people are hugging as if they haven't seen each other in a very long time. It's been over a year since they last got to hug like this.

Documenting such a momentous event is obligatory, and these alpacas wanted to get in on the action and be a part of the joyful reunion, and we can't blame them. They actually make this picture even more wholesome, in our humble opinion.
Silly Messages
While we have no clue how this conversation began or even why, we do know that it led to an entire chorus, filled with musical animals who are eager to show off their talents.

What's really sweet about this text conversation is how their mom ended by mentioning how “they’re all so talented.”
Once again, doggies stealing the show in family photos. This photobomb is just too cute and everyone's reaction in the photo just tops it off as pure gold.

In fact, we don't need another one. That pretty much beats any future photo that this family will ever take.
A True Friend
Just look at that adorable face, while dogs have historically been our best friends, they've also secretly been our therapists, shouldering our frustrations all along and expecting very little in return.

What's more remarkable is that dogs manage this without uttering a single syllable.
A Smiling Pumpkin
Halloween pumpkins can be a little scary, with those devilish smiles and illuminated eyes, it's a little startling. This person decided to take on a different angle and carved in a silly smile,

The result is an adorable little smiley dace that is actually quite cute on the large pumpkin head. We sure this brought many a smile on passersby.
Proud Dad
We're all familiar with those cheesy photoshoots that families like to do, but in a surprising turn of events, this proud dog owner hired a photographer to take photos of his newest adoption.

And of course, this being so adorable, this post went viral with over 300,000 likes, is it really that surprising, though?
Bonding as They Should
George Lucas, the man behind the "Star Wars" series, deserves all the admiration he gets. He's given us some of the most interesting and iconic characters in cinematic history.

The spin-off series "The Mandalorian," first introduced us to Baby Yoda, and in this photo, we get to see George Lucas tenderly holding his little creature and it makes our hearts go all fuzzy.
Misplaced Love
We can only imagine the disappointment one might feel after they get a written love note left on their car, only to realize it wasn't actually meant for them. Now in all fairness, the person who wrote the note can’t let the car owner go on thinking the love note was, in fact, intended for them.

But at least he was honest and we have to admit, it's a little bit funny that this happened.
An Unlikely Friendship
Important news stories are often filled with announcements and reports that leave us feeling scared, listless, or even upset. So this news featuring a friendly dolphin and a dog is a welcome interruption.

In this unlikely embrace featuring a dolphin and a dog, maybe rare but why wouldn't two of the most friendly species in the animal kingdom be friends?
Quality Education
Picking a good school is one of the life-changing decisions that can have a lasting impact on your child's future, so it's best to do some research and a school that will suit your child and have the best interest at heart.

In this case, this school seems like it's got a pretty good thing going. Adopting an abandoned dog and giving him his own ID shows they have their priorities in place.
Reality Check
Sometimes we can get a bit tightly wound up by our own opinions, so much so that we argue with strangers over the internet and get ourselves riled up so much we need to watch an episode of "Friends" just so we can calm down.

Whatever your opinion is about anything, just remember to not let it upset you if someone disagrees and instead, just live and let live.
The Llama Ruins
Let's face it, we go on vacation in order to see the sights, but we also go in order to upload pictures of ourselves next to breathtaking views. This llama wanted to show her face next to a UNESCO World Heritage Site nonetheless, and she got what she wanted.

These are the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, an important historic site, and this llama just needed to go down in history as someone who visited it. Who could blame her?
From Lemons to Lemonade
Art comes in many shapes and sizes, but sometimes it comes in the form of vandalism that defaces a realtor's sign. Instead of taking this seriously, Alan Stilwell decided to spin this into something more positive.

Adapting to life and its many lemons it hands you is one sign that you're up for any challenge, so let's give it up for Alan and his lemonade!
What is Love?
This post offers pretty good advice when it comes to finding true love, while passion will fade and good looks will run their course, it's only true love that will last this long and care this much.

So find someone who loves you like this, someone who doesn't mind helping you catch all your Pokémon while you wait for your flight.
Most Handsome
Traveling to an exotic location can make anyone appreciate the new sights and sounds and what's often the most interesting is seeing the different people, from how they dress, to their mannerisms and let's not forget to their incredible looks.

So for those incredibly curious people out there, this post did not disappoint when it came to showing the most handsome boy in Japan, and quite frankly, we're enamored!
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay is as famous for being an irate Scotsman as he is for being a world-renowned chef. In many of his shows, passions run high and his temper is often lost, making his on-screen personality one of the most fearsome ones out there.

So we would never have expected this post, praising this young, aspiring chef for his homemade stir-fry.
Appreciation Post
In a world where people compete and complain, it's easy to get bummed out and overwhelmed by all the negativity. So in trying times, it sure is nice to see a post like this one.

This might just be what we all need to make the world a better place, more uplifting posts that shine a light on what we already have instead of what we lack.
Romance and love may be on the horizon again without the need for expensive dinners and over-the-top gestures. For those who have been thinking about doing something romantic for their sweetheart, why not look for something more down to earth?

Like this guy who made a tattoo out of a note, his girlfriend had left for him earlier on in their relationship.
A Pie to Celebrate
This post is one of triumph and determination and of course, a cherry pie. We all know the feeling when you've been going through a difficult time and finally, there comes a day when things start looking up.

So when things start looking up, why not celebrate with something you really like, it can be a cherry pie or a happy meal or even a trip to the salon.
Lil Nas X
Regardless of how you feel about his hit "Old Town Road," the controversial song that blended genres and conquered the internet, Lil Nas X seems like an awesome dude.

Now, this chart-topping artist is even cooler, when he couldn't make up his mind when it came to adopting a dog, so he adopted both!
His Proudest Moment
Parents will never stop being overjoyed at their children’s accomplishments, so we can totally relate to this dog-dad and how proud he is of his canine companion who made 'Pet of the Month!'

Gatsby also looks pretty chuffed with himself, all he knows is that he's doing a great job at being a pet.
Closing Times
This sign sharing a glimpse in life behind the scenes of this Dry Cleaning store is equal parts touching and sweet. Imagine not seeing your family for 10 years? That must have been a really sweet reunion.

Let this serve as a reminder to cherish your family, near and far, and let them know how much you care for them.
Grandma's Emojis
If you know what it's like to answer your parent's questions about technology and how to use their new phone, you'd be extra proud of this screenshot showing a grandma who's recently discovered how to use emojis on her phone.

We bet this is going to make sending text messages that much more fun for her. Next thing you know, your text messages from your grandmother will be filled with emojis.
A Thoughtful TSA Agent
Each time you travel by airplane, you face a crucial decision that might set the entire tone for the rest of your trip: which TSA line will give you the least soul-destroying experience?

Which makes this post that much more special. Every thoughtful and caring gesture can go a long way and sometimes, that gesture comes from a stranger in the form of a TSA agent.
True Love
Sometimes, you're in need of a lasting embrace, and in this case, that embrace comes from a sly girlfriend who lies to her beloved saying she needs a hug when in actual fact, she knows it's him who needs a hug.

This really makes you rethink this hug as something much more, like an affectionate feat that reaches out to your heart.
VHS Players
It's been almost 25 years since Netflix eclipsed the DVD era, so it's no surprise that kids today wouldn't know the first thing about how to use a DVD player, much less a VHS machine. But there are some who still have old videotapes lying around they might want to watch.

Like this appreciative man, at least someone got to enjoy and fully appreciate an old VHS player.
Happy Birthday!
For people who put celebrations first, birthdays has become a professional sport. This means everybody gets one, even steam locomotives! this bad boy turned 145, which isn't bad considering everything it's gone through.

We just hope she enjoyed the cake, that firebox practically devoured it in just a few seconds.
Cat Adoption
Here's a tale of adoption that doesn't involve the usual humans adopting a cat, but a mother cat adopting a kitten. At first, this cat's face looks very scared, but only a few moments later she ends up hugging the little kitty.

How sweet and adorable is this cat and her newly adopted kitten? It's enough to make us want our own!
Hearing For the First Time
This is the perfect reminder to appreciate each and every one of our senses, honestly, how amazing is it to be alive and able to experience our world through our different perceptions.

We sometimes take it for granted, but imagine not being able to hear and then one day, you can! Now that must be special.
Cozy Kitty
Who said cats couldn't be clingy? We’ve all heard about the movie from Dr. Suess, "The Cat in the Hat," but have you seen this cat in the pants? It could be the next best-seller.

Maybe there's a shortage of cozy nooks in their home or maybe their cat just likes being as close to their human as possible. Probably the latter...
Elton's New Home
There is one thing that, without fail, brings us joy, and that is dogs. So seeing this post about an elderly dog finally being adopted nearly made me cry like a baby.

Does someone have a tissue close by? If I look at this any longer I'll definitely need one.
New Bed
For pets who take napping pretty seriously, dogs are also super easy going about where they take naps and don't even mind that you got them an inappropriately sized bed. In fact, they're just grateful you made the effort!

This doggo made sure to use his new bed just as well, showing his human family just how much he appreciates your gift.
To The Beach!
There’s something amazing about the beach. The crisp feel of the waves as you dip your feet in, the sun shore; the sound of the water crashing with every ebb and flow.

This makes this picture so much more heart-rendering, there's something so pure about this photo.
Some Good Ol' Self-Awareness
Imagine if more people acted this way in our world? How much better would we treat each other? I always think to myself when someone tries to play the blame game "How can I take anything you say seriously if you're not offering any solutions?"

In this comic, we see how this sort of situation should ideally pan out. So next time you feel the urge to blame someone for their behaviour, you could ask yourself, "why are they doing this?" instead?
Paul Rudd
It's pretty amazing that Paul Rudd has managed to sustain his boyish charm and endearing sense of humor throughout his career. He's become the guy who we think of as a best friend, who's down to earth and ready to kick back whenever and wherever.

For those who don’t know what this pun is referring to, Paul Rudd first said “Hey, look at us? Who would have thought” on a YouTube channel called First We Feast, which has since turned into a meme, and now it's evolved into this glorious Twitter post.
A Father’s Devotion
While fatherhood has always been demanding, today’s dads are really stepping up to the plate when it comes to caring for their kids. From attending soccer practice to preparing their lunches, or even this dad who washed and combed his daughter's hair.

He even buys her favorite shampoo and conditioner, talks about a sweet father/daughter bond. This one is for all the dads out there.
Three Wishes
Let's all remember this when we get a truly incredible gift, sometimes it's better to share. It may seem cheesy, but after all, what matters most is not what we have in this world but who we get to share it with.

So let's use this delightfully wholesome post as a reminder to embrace the gift of charitable giving by including our loved ones as much as we can.
Comics About Bullies
Nobody likes a bully and in today's increasingly politically-correct society, bullies know this too and have adapted their behavior to something a lot less demeaning.

Even the comic book creators have taken notice and adapted their comic strips to suit the current climate.
Not a Taboo
Fortunately, there are thousands of licensed mental health workers who help people sort out their mental health. But what would really help is if society as a whole stopped treating mental health conditions as taboo.

So while we wouldn't recommend combing through the internet to search for uplifting posts on social media, it's a pleasant surprise to find someone posting something that's helpful and wholesome.
Dogs on the Bus?
No matter where you're traveling to, riding a bus can almost always be stressful. Between finding a seat amongst the crowds of people to the myriad of hassles that can interrupt your ride. It's just a fact of life.

So why not make life a little more bearable by bringing your dog along? Sure, some buses might not allow dogs, but wouldn't it be a whole lot better if they did?
Best Friends Forever
If there is one thing we all know for sure, it's that dogs are insanely adorable and we share an incredible interspecies connection with them. So when we leave for college, who better to take a cardboard cutout of than our best friend?

Even if you don't have a dog, take a picture of one you really like and frame it, it could brighten your day!
In the Genes
It takes a really long time till you're are all grown up and ready to move out, so when you actually do get around to that point, try to make it special and take a souvenir with you, as this guy did. But you might want to ask first!

Lucky for him his dad wasn't mad, just pleasantly surprised by how similar their inclinations are...
Happy Cat
What is it about cats and dogs that make us so happy? Is it their fluffy coats, baby eyes, or just that puzzled look they give us when we take a snapshot with our camera?

We think it's a combination of everything, and that's why we can imagine someone asking for a photo of this adorable fluff-ball of a cat to cheer themselves up a little.
Good Girl Pippa
If your mail didn't come delivered by a dog, then it barely qualifies as mail. Or that's how Pippa sees it, she takes her job very seriously. Don't you DARE come at Pippa with "there's no mail today" noise. That just won't stand, not while she's on duty.

This mailman realized that the hard way and decided he'd have to be more creative when it come to Pippa, giving her a hand-written note would have to suffice for now.
The charm of your mother 'fangirling' over her husband is equal parts adorable and incredibly touching. Like any true fangirl, it seems her obsession has only grown with age and morphed into a Snapchat account dedicated entirely to her hubby.

No matter the situation, her mom always has her phone ready to take a pic and admire her husband.
Goat Cruise, Anyone?
You might be thinking, you've goat to be kidding me. We may have all come across similar stories involving friendly critters but never have we seen a goat swimming in a river. What really gets us though, is their beaming faces.

Aren't they just the cutest? Good thing they got a photo of this cause nobody would have believed them if they said they went swimming with a goat in the river.
A wholesome post is a delight, but one that also features an adventurous dog with a tag like this is just downright soul healing. Sometimes you find a lost dog with a tag on that lets you know who to call, but in this case, this doggo just likes to roam around.

Whether you’re strolling on the beach, hitting the trails, or just like to roam the open road, sometimes all you need is a little adventure.
Man of the people
It's easy to be blinded by the huge sums of money billionaires around the world make, especially when they spend it on living lavish lifestyles and going on fancy vacations.

But this man decided to do something a little different and instead of building a luxury block of apartments to rent out, he did so to give to the people of his childhood village.
Hello to You
Waving to strangers on boats can make anyone feel like a kid again. There's no political agenda or awkward greetings -- just a wholesome 'Hello!' in a world worth living in.

Truthfully speaking, you do not even need any real reason to wave at someone. In reality, it's just another way to greet someone, so why be shy?
Awesome Grandparents
This sense of discovering the perfect gift for your grandchildren is hard to come by. As any gift giver knows, being able to invest just a little bit of your money into something that will brighten someone else's day is not to be taken lightly.

Sometimes the most simple gifts are the best, like a handful of scrunchies, their granddaughter was so happy she could match them all with her outfits. Now, isn't that wholesome?
Aging Well
What single post better defines a healthy approach to aging than this wholesome post? Going gray isn't on most people's to-do lists. Sure, getting older does mean we are bound to change, but maybe it's about time we look at aging a little more positively.

Let's start the revolution and embrace going gray, who said we should douse our hair with harmful chemicals to hide our body's natural response to aging? Gray is, after all, such a regal color.
Picture perfect
For the better part of this millennium, cats have been at the forefront of attention, from Egypt's Sphinx statues to today's social media feeds that are mostly made up of cats. So of course, we'd have a beautiful cat in one of our posts.

This particular kitty cat was caught dancing so graciously, and to match their moves, the sun rays give the photo that extra touch of magic, it really is the greatest thing I've seen on the internet.
It's understandably difficult to make friends in the gaming community, at least that's the assumption. The community usually comes across as cliquey, at best, and at its worst, it can be downright toxic.

But there's good news for the rest of us: the gaming industry can be varied and vast, so you're bound to find heartfelt messages like this.
Love notes
Secret letters make for excellent internet fodder, especially ones that your grandparents leave for each other around their home. It's adorable, makes our day, and proves how easy it is to show someone you care about them.

The next time you're thinking of some grand gesture to impress your beloved, why not leave them little love notes to find when they least expect it.
Wendy's Comeback
Wendy's should be your favorite Twitter account. Honestly, the burger joint has gone viral for their absolutely legendary roasts, all the while promoting good causes.

As always, Wendy's responses have been golden, and people find her sassy break from the corporate mumbo-jumbo both hilarious and refreshing.
Rich with a Purpose
This turn-of-the-millennium post found a second life when it was shared all over social media, not only by those who relate to it but also by inspiring others to aim for something more meaningful than just earning money for money's sake.

This awe-inspiring post doesn't require that much unpacking, just a lot of sharing.
Roaring Lion, Terrified Photographer
When this roaring lion terrified the nearby photographer, he probably didn't know was doing something that would be shared over social media and then be written about in our article. Surely he didn't realize the moment would later turn into an example of animal intelligence.

But here we are. The next time someone says something about animals and their supposed inferior intelligence, just shake your head and know that you're probably dealing with someone who knows very little about animals.
Animals, we're going to remember you for a number of reasons. All of them are good, but some are more shareable than others. The only thing better than witnessing a good deed is seeing one done by animals, for other animals.

It's like a multi-species moment, one that exists for all of us, not just horses or pigeons, but even for us human beings.
A Brilliant Game
Just wow. This post is beautiful, with a little dash of humor sprinkled in that made us chuckle once we read it, but also filled our hearts with so much hope.

For those of us who lived through the era of this game, it stands out as the quintessential example of fun that subsequently can also cause more interesting stories to branch out from it.
Love Birds
Have you ever loved someone like these two love birds love each other? To crush on each other like this looks a lot like Romeo and Juliet, but instead of family clan wars, it's turf wars set in our world that should make this Husky and Labrador more territorial than friendly.

Bennet agreed, highlighting the effect by broadcasting their love on social media, for us to see and swoon over.
No other act could support such a beautifully shared moment like singing did for these two. This is why karaoke is so popular. Actually, this is why every musical ever made is so popular!

What could endure us more than a shared moment of singing along with a stranger to a hit single like "Hey, ya!"?
We've all been faced with tough decisions in life and we can only hope that we make the right ones. If not, life has a way of working itself out and in some cases, it's for the better.

Take this heart-warming story of a mafia who dabbled in the pizza business, after all the stress they had to deal with, they eventually realized that their pizza joint is actually pretty popular and ditched organized crime for matching aprons.
Essential Tipping
Working at a fast-food joint is hard, ya'll! We need to give these employees a break and realize that many of them are working in a very stressful environment, dealing with entitled customers, all the while getting paid a minimum.

So the next time you see a fast-food worker being yelled at by an insane customer, you might want to dig deep in your pockets and give a generous tip.
Your Mom’s Joke
Not only does this help debunk the outdated 'your momma' joke, but it also gives an accurate comeback that Smaccaroni so perfectly pointed out.

If you're a fan of "mom jokes," we hope you enjoyed this comeback that attests to the fact that their momma has a big heart, as big as a blue whale.
Reddit Request
Getting your partner's attention might seem like mission impossible for some, especially when it comes to their to-do lists. That's why this wife took matters into her own hands and got her husband's attention by posting on his favorite website.

The fact that she knows her husband so well says a lot about their bond, but also to how much she cares about him.
Let's Normalize Kindness
Little Caesars Restaurant set out to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Instead of worrying about their profits and margins, they wanted to become a place where kindness is a priority.

If Little Caesars can have some positive impact on the human beings that walk through their doors, we hope that kindness will spread like wildfire.
Believing that dogs won't be good at Poker is just silly when you think about it. First of all, there's no way to prove, and secondly, why do dogs need to be good at poker?

They're way better at being loyal and compassionate than many humans, which matter way more in the grand scheme of things.
Sweet Disguise
People stare at others in public all the time, sometimes it's for the wrong reasons, other times, it's because they're lost in thought and have completely zoned-out of reality. But every once in a while, it's done by a four-year-old, who thinks he's looking at batman.

In this wholesome post, we're reminded of the innocence of children, and how much we love this post!
Support Dog
People have always had a special connection with dogs and not just the coney kind. They're man's best friend and our most loyal companions. Ever since Clare's dog has been living with her dad, he's been so much happier.

How adorable are these two as they pose for a photo? This dog has somehow managed to fit his furry paws imprinted on our hearts.
Years after losing contact, likely means you hope to see your long-lost friend, but also you know it's not something you expect. With so many memories and inside jokes, at least in your heart, you know how much they mean to you.

So after 40 years, can you imagine the pure joy these best friends must have felt after being reunited?!
Italian immigrants may have brought pizza to the United States, but this heart-warming Puperoni pizza that came with a joke, is decidedly way more wholesome than any comfort out there.

Making anyone happy deserves a raise, and even Samuel L. Jackson agrees!
There was a time when dating long-distance meant only seeing your significant other when you met face to face, but now people can speak to their beloved through a screen and see them live.

Instead of getting upset that his girlfriend fell asleep, he decided to draw her instead.