These days, there are so many different kinds of diets spreading around the internet. Sometimes, you can’t help but get confused or even fooled by some of their promises. Among these new fads are elimination diets.
These require you to completely cut out things like gluten, sugar, dairy, nuts, and alcohol entirely. These diet trends latest not only guarantee weight loss but also promise to eliminate things like fatigue, headaches, poor digestion, and skin irritations.
The primary reason for trying out this diet is to identify whether or not you suffer from food intolerances. If you are proven to be allergic to a food group, then elimination diets are fit for you. However, there really are NO health benefits connected with bidding farewell to healthy foods like gluten and dairy.
Rania Batayneh, M.P.H., author of The One One One Diet explains that there is no reason for you to skip gluten, for instance, because these whole grains are incredibly beneficial. As for alcohol, now that’s an entirely different matter. Alright, now, say you want to test whether or not you are allergic to a particular food group.
For about 3 to 4 weeks, steer clear of the usual allergy culprits such as eggs, gluten, soy, nuts, dairy, alcohol, and sugar. Batayneh explains, “The goal of the elimination phase is to entirely remove the foods’ antibodies from your body, which takes several weeks.”
Batayneh stresses that the idea is to remove the food and then slowly reintroduce the food back into your diet. This prevents confusion and allows an individual to experience the results with and without the food in question.
Unfortunately, sometimes its more complicated than that. Sometimes symptoms of food intolerance are also symptoms of other diseases or effects of other situations, as well. Say, for instance, your joint pain may be caused by too much exercise, or your fatigue or headache may be influenced by a stressful work.
There can be many other underlying causes for diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, inflammation, and rashes, as well. So, it is really hard to tell. You are going to have to be really precise during this period. As much as possible, don’t overdo it on the elliptical and don’t subject yourself to stressful situations. This will help make this experiment obtain accurate results.