And so, we went on another internet quest, searching for those little pick-me-ups, and compiled what you’re looking at this very moment. Anyone can use a reminder that every once in a while real life can unexpectedly serve us something that is not a slap in the face. How refreshing!
Sweet Corn Pie
We don’t know how good that sweet corn pie will taste, but there was no false advertising about what you were getting.

It looks uncanny to the picture on the packaging, and we wouldn’t mind trying a spoonful ourselves. Does the Amish man also remain after you move the packaging away? We're asking for a friend...
Baker’s First Attempt
Wow, can we take a moment to admire the beauty of this bread and how similar it is to the picture right behind it? When posting this image, the poster captioned it “Beginner’s Luck,” but that takes some skill to make your first bread look like that.

We are going to have to order that “Flour Water Salt Yeast” book if it helps our breads turn out like this. Maybe some of that “Beginner’s Luck” can rub off on us too.
Seedless Avocado
We knew about seedless grapes and seedless watermelons, but we had never heard about seedless avocados! Whoever the scientist is, we need to give them a high five.

This invention is up there with the wheel and the internet. We will no longer have to make guacamole with pitted avocados, and we will get a better guac-to-avocado ratio! That's a win-win in our book.
Cross-Eyed Santa
Even Chocolate Santa gives a thumbs up of approval for the accurate representation this mold made. Look at that jolly old-fellow smile and how plump he looks.

We can forgive the mold for giving him chameleon eyes. How else would he see you when you’re sleeping or you’re awake if he couldn’t see 360 degrees around him?
Peculiar Pepperoni
Let us sink our teeth into this pizza! Pepperoni is our favorite (We know, basic; sue us.) We can imagine the surprise u/yayaya6969 felt when he opened the box and saw that many pepperonis staring back at him.

We are salivating just looking at it. We want a slice, or two, or three. Hell, we’ll take the entire pizza; it looks that damn good!
Did Carole Do It?
Based on the number of mints included in this picture, the staff definitely thinks Carole Baskin (of "Tiger King" fame) fed her husband to the tigers.

Adding one extra mint would have been like "we think she fed him to the tigers, but there’s some doubt." Adding two extra mints would have been like, "we are pretty sure she fed him to the tigers, but you can never be 100% certain." Adding the fifty extra mints…is like them screaming, "There is no doubt in our mind she did feed him to the tigers! You’re crazy for not thinking she did!"
Even Better!
"Homes & Gardens" has nothing on these cupcakes. We are always surprised by people’s ability to look at something and make a better version than the original.

Are we sure "Better Homes & Garden" didn’t come to her house to take the magazine picture? They are adorable, and we hope they taste as good as they look.
That’s Fire
Why are you hoarding, bro? We both know you're not going to finish all of those sauces. Even if you were to use two packets per item of food you got, three if you really want to get crazy, it would still take a month to get through all of those.

Do you really love "Fire!" sauce enough to put it on your eggs in the morning? If the answer is no, get Cholula. It's much better and less wasteful.
Giant Garlic
Are we sure that it is not just a tiny hand holding regular-sized garlic? You can’t be too sure about things you see on the internet.

There are so many ways to manipulate the perspective to give the illusion that this garlic is massive. We demand a penny in the photo for reference; otherwise, we are going to assume this person simply has very tiny hands.
Quadruple Chip?
What is that monstrosity?! You can’t even see the cookie underneath! If we had wanted just chocolate chips, we would have bought a bag of 70% Dark chocolate chips from Ghirardelli.

We can already imagine the mess these make in the oven, and we don’t want to clean up after that. We know this person thinks they hit the jackpot, but we would like an actual cookie to go with our chocolate chips, please.
This is the only eggceptable amount of eggs to go with the ramen. We love the softboiled soy-marinated eggs, and we would shell out all of our money to get the same amount that this person got.

We are heading straight to Tokyo now! We hope it's all cracked up to be. If you can handle our yolks, thank you. We hatched these plans this morning.
Mr. Kipling
People love getting extra chocolate chips on their food, but we always wonder if there is someone out there that gets the short end of this deal.

Are they utterly disappointed when they open their box of Mr. Kipling and see their cake slice has no chocolate chips? We guess the universe has to balance out. Newton’s Third Law also applies to baked goods, right?
The Rubik's Cube Cake
Ahh, the Rubik's cube. The toy we all tried to solve but ended up moving the stickers around instead. U/CometDebris’s sister was such a big fan of the toy he decided to make a Rubik's cube cake for her birthday and let us tell you, it turned out great!

We love how it’s based on the real Rubik's cube and the vibrant colors. However, good luck trying to solve this cake; the tiles don’t move. Excuse us for a moment as we go wash the icing off our hands.
That’s a Thicccccccccc Ice Cream Cookie
It’s not always great to put on weight. Unless you’re ice cream, then put on as much weight as you want!

This tasty treat probably gained that weight from eating the other ice creams in the freezer. We don’t even know if that would fit in our mouths, but we will try. Who cares if that cookie has all of our daily calories in it? We need to have it now!
The 3rd Grade Godfather
Sending your child off to school is a scary proposition. You can no longer protect them like you once did, and now, they will have to fight their own battles, especially if they are a little different from the rest of their classmates.

Well, this family had nothing to worry about! Their child had no problem making friends, in fact, she even got herself a playground posse!
Better Than the Sponge Bob Ice Cream
The bar for accurate ice cream was set very low after some pictures of botched Spongebob ice creams went viral. However, this lama exceeded even our highest expectations.

Please just take our money already, and give us your entire stock of the ice cream bars. We need a lick of that cool-looking llama (not a sentence we'd ever thought we'd say).
The Dollar Menu Ice Cream
We have had a lot of McDonald’s soft-serve ice cream before, but we have never seen a cone that big! Quite frankly, we are jealous.

We need to know how you convince them to give you that much ice cream. No, the world needs to know! Please let us in on your secret. We promise to only use it for good.
Buy Two Get One Free
This person must have bought his boiled eggs when Crystal Farms was having a buy two, get one free deal. They must be a lucky person because we have been shopping for weeks, and we haven’t come across a deal as good as this.

We will keep our eyes open for this deal if it does come up again, but maybe it was just this person’s day. In that case, u/Countess_of_Penrose go by a lottery ticket before your luck runs out.
From Doodles to Tattoos
It takes a great artist to transfer your ideas and turn them into a work of art, and u/OutbackBrah’s tattoo artist is one of those great artists.

Look what he did turning u/OutbackBrah’s doodles into inky masterpieces! There's a reason they're called tattoo *artists*.
Rolling in the Mud
Copying a cake you see off Instagram is hard, but this Reddit user was up for the challenge. Her pig pen cake easily turned out better than the original.

Just look how realistic the mud, towels, and fences are. It makes us want to dive in and cozy up next to the pigs. We just hope it doesn’t smell like a pig pen too...
Pile of Pepperoni!
They were not lying when they said “Loads of Peperoni” on the box. Look at all those little discs of meat! It’s nice when the expectations live up to the hype.

We would love to try this pizza ourselves; pepperoni is our favorite. We just hope ours looks as good as theirs.
No Assembly Required
Like many of you, we were also shocked to find out that this is a real flower, not plastic! We have already checked, and no, we did not find any screws on this plant.

You can go to IKEA to double-check our work if you want, but all you will find is a plant that looks crazy similar to the picture on its tag.
Das German Baumkuchen
Oh, that looks good! We are starting to think American dessert makers are just lazy. Most other places in the world have food that looks like the pictures, but for some reason, ours doesn't.

Everyone knows it's a scientific fact that food tastes better when it looks like the pictures. We're getting on the phone right now and checking to see if we can employ some of these German chefs for Hostess and raise the standards here.
“One” Extra Dunkin Donut Hole
17/10 would buy Dunkin Donuts over Krispy Kreme if they also gave me seven extra munchkins. We know Krispy Kreme has the softest and best donuts, but quantity does beat quality when there is seven times the amount.

Sorry Krispy, but Dunkin has won our business with this picture. Unless this was a one-time thing, then Dunkin will rue the day they disappointed our expectations.
Extra Bacon
We might have to start going to Five Guys at closing time if they are giving away that much bacon. Our arteries wouldn’t approve, but our bellies would.

That’s easily twenty strips right there. Might we suggest they change their name to "Twenty-Five Guys?" Nope...Ok.
Sketchy Website Blanket
There are a lot of scams out on the internet, especially on sketchy websites. U/ezfriedchiken said, “Screw it; I’ll press my luck. I need my dogs on this blanket now!”

After the money was sent, she was shocked when her order actually had the spitting image of her dogs on it.
Family Photo Restoration
Family photos carry so many memories with them, making it all the worse when they start to deteriorate. This Redditor said, “I’m not losing my family photos,” and started to restore them.

After 12 hours of work on his first attempt, this photo looks incredible! Can we send you a couple of our photos to help us restore them too? You look like you have a magic touch.
Paninis Are the New Waffles
The ingenuity of people is crazy. Who would have thought to use their waffle maker as a panini press? Not us! If we had, we would have saved so much money and a lot of cabinet space. We wonder if they still take returns on Panini presses two years later.

But, good on this person for thinking outside the box, and giving the world a new way to make their toasties. Just give us a heads up next time you invent something great. It might save us a couple of dollars and more cabinet space in our homes.
These Boots Were Made for Walking
What a transformation! We wouldn't have believed it if we didn't see it with our own eyes, but those boots have been made for walking again!

Who would have thought that they only needed a new shine? Not us. If you are taking requests, we have a couple of pairs that could use some shining. Don't worry; they don't have to be shipped. One of these days, these boots can walk right up to you.
An Extra Bottom
You forgot our toppings on one of our pizzas, Jacks. What are we going to do with an extra piece of cardboard?

Don’t get us wrong, we love cardboard as much as the next person, but we need some toppings to help the pulp go down. We can’t be expected to eat that with no flavor. Sorry, it’s nothing personal, just a matter of principles.
Side(s) of Ranch
Apparently, 21 sides of ranch dressing is the legal limit for one Utah family to be in possession of at a time. Good to know. Do you know if they have rules on crushed red peppers and grated parmesan cheese too?

We may or may not have been growing the little packets in our backyard for “medical” purposes. If you know anybody that needs an extra bump for their next slice, we are selling it at $0.50/gram.
Oatmeal Cream Pies
We had to take a double glance to figure out which cookies were u/cards07’s and which ones were the cookbook's. It looks like theirs were Xeroxed from the page and printed using an oatmeal cream pie food printer.

The cellophane wrapper also makes it hard to differentiate between the two. If you ever sell more in the future, we’ll give you our contact information because we call dibs on your next batch.
Darling DUGGEE Cookies
When you ask for DUGGEE Cookies, you deserve to receive DUGGEE cookies. Anything less simply will not do. This cookie shop was up for that challenge because those cookies look exactly like the characters!

We are impressed with their work and need their name immediately to put in our order. We need to try some of those delicious DUGGEE-looking cookies for ourselves.
Panda Present
We are impressed whenever a parent takes their child’s drawing and turns it into a cake. This panda is adorable, and we want to feed it bamboo.

We hope U/awnyashe’s daughter had an amazing 8th birthday, and we are curious to see what cake she has next year. Sorry, mom, you will have to top yourself with a more extravagant cake next time.
Picture Perfect Potato
Rarely does the picture on the bag look like the food that you get. Well, that was not the case for this potato. It looks like an exact replica of the potato on the bag.

We have never seen anything like this before, and we give you props, u/vumette; that’s a cool find! It must be that German engineering over there.
Mjolk Choklad XL Cookies
A good rule to live by is to undersell and then over-deliver. Apparently, this cookie company lives by that too. There are way more chocolate chips on the cookie than on the packaging.

We know we would be pleasantly surprised if we found the same thing for our cookies. Keep under selling Marabou, and we’ll keep delivering those cookies to our homes. You have made many delighted customers.
Avocado Smoothie
We can’t say we have ever had an avocado smoothie. We normally have our avocados in guacamole form, but this picture is making us reconsider.

We mean, look how similar it is to the food photo below; it’s like they were birthed by the same barista. Let us know where this smoothie is so we can go and grab one ourselves. We can’t go another day without knowing if avocados are good in things outside of Mexican food.
EXTERMINATE These Cupcakes
You can only expect so much when you give a baker a short timeline to bake any fan-related dessert. You can imagine this "Doctor Who" fan's surprise when she opened up her box and found these beauties staring back at her.

These cupcakes are gorgeous and exceeded even our expectations. Let us grab our sonic spoon because we must EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE these cupcakes into our belly!
Literally, Cherry Coke
Well, they hit the nail on the head with this Cherry Coke. We are not upset with it, either. It looks delicious, and we would be ecstatic if I saw the waiter bringing us this after we ordered a Cherry Coke.

Just be careful next time you order buffalo wings or hotdogs there. We hope they are not as literal with the food as they are with the drinks.
The Wendy’s Cup Faceswap
We have seen face-swaps in the past, but never a face-swap like this. We were on the ground laughing when we first saw this person face-swapped with his Wendy’s cup!

We didn’t even know you could do that. This guy should face swap with Ronald and the Colonel next because "We are Loving these Finger Licking Good face-swaps."
Martini Shaken Not Stirred
To be honest, we were shaken when we first saw the number of olives in that drink! They look great, and we wouldn't complain if that was our drink. Way better than the typical three olives they give you.

If we are having olive envy from here, we can only imagine the olive envy the patron next to him is feeling. Be on the lookout, guy, because if you're not vigilant, a few olives might be plucked when you're not looking.
Arigato, Japan Arigato, Mr. Roboto, for these amazing deserts! They look exactly like the picture! We are booking our flights to Japan right now and going on a dessert binge.

If this is what we can expect dining there, we may never leave. Our cholesterol may hate us, but our taste buds will love us.
Overloaded With Tomatoes
We have never seen that many tomatoes on a single pizza. It was like one chef went up to the other and was like, “Sir, we have twenty pounds of tomatoes, but only one pizza. What should we do?”

And the other chef goes, “Ahh, throw it all on the one. They won’t notice.” Well, Sir, we did notice, and next time we would like some pizza to go with our tomatoes.
The Freak Shake
We don’t know if anyone could finish the Freak Shake by themselves! It looks so decadent with a donut, brownie, and chocolate syrup on top.

We would need to bring at least four friends to bring down this behemoth. Good luck to anyone who does attempt it because it does look really good. Also, godspeed to their blood sugar because it will skyrocket after eating that.
The Perfect Bueno
We have seen beautiful things, but not much compares to this Bueno Ice Cream Cone. Look how smooth the top is and how conical the cone is. We don’t know if we are worthy of eating something as pretty as that.

We don’t know if anyone is worthy of eating something as perfect as that. It should be put in a museum immediately, and don’t forget the AirCon. We don’t want to lose this masterpiece to melting.
Japanese-American Cherry Pie Frappuccino
Wow, call us dazzled! These drinks look like twins! It seems like everything in Japan looks like their advertisements.

Starbucks needs to bring some of their Japanese employees to The States to teach them how to make coffees that look like our pictures. We are tired of this false advertisement and need better-looking drinks immediately.
Pearl of My Eye
Imagine the surprise u/aegri_mentis had when they bit down on his oyster only to find a pearl hiding inside! What luck!

It’s small, but a pearl is still a pearl. They probably could have used it to pay for their meal or his dental work if he bit too hard. We hope we are just as lucky as him next time we go shucking for oysters.
Unicorn Cake
If a baker showed us a picture of our cake’s design, we would be disappointed if our cake didn’t look like the picture. That is unless it came back better!

The new unicorn is much cuter than the original, and our mouths are watering just looking at it. The baker is a unicorn herself and must be protected at all costs!
Mushroom Pizza Mmmmm, Mushrooms!
If you don’t like the pizza right now, it’s ok. It will eventually grow on you. It did on us. Sorry, we don’t mean to spore you with our jokes.

What can we say? We are just “fun-guys.” We had more jokes to type here, but we ran out of shroom to type them. Anyways, we are out of here. If you need to ring, just shake the Port-a-BELL-a right there.
Chocolatey Delight
We know the box says, “Chocolatey Delight,” but it should say, “Chocolatey DeHEAVY,” with how chunky that chocolate is. That piece is enormous, and we are surprised it could fit in the box.

We are glad the quality control person didn’t reject it because now we get to admire its beauty. That bowl still counts as a 120-calorie serving correct?
Firetruck Fun
Wee woo, wee woo (firetruck noises), Firetruck coming through to help blow out these candles. Wow, that’s an impressive cake, u/ra66itz.

We hope your son loved it because we are in awe. It’s way better than the original, and the chocolate wheels were a nice addition too! Now it’s time to slice it open and have a bite. We call dibs on an Oreo!
Enshrunk to Contain Deliciousness
Normally packaging will say, “Enlarged to show detail,” below the picture of the food. That is not the case for these M&S Duch Shortbread cookies.

Those things are massive and even bigger than the packaging! M&S must say “Enshrunk to contain Deliciousness” below their pictures; otherwise, their packaging might burst.
This Was Your First Attempt?
This was your first attempt at making a cake from scratch?! How did it go so well for you? If we were to have attempted to make this on our first go, the sides would probably be drooping, and the flowers would look like mushrooms.

Ughhh, how can people be this talented? Maybe you should quit your day job and pursue cake-making full-time.
Fiskgratang Med Dillsas
We don’t know what any of those words mean, but the picture looks like a copy of their food, and that’s what matters. Who cares if we can’t stomach the smell?

As long as it’s honest advertising, we will put it in our stomachs. Knowing the Swedes, that probably won’t be the case, but you can never be too sure. Be right back. We need to ask this person for a bite of their Fiskgratang med dillsas to confirm.
Planetgazing on the Cheap
You need expensive equipment to see the other planets, right? Apparently not. When U/yogiscott’s daughter begged her to show her Jupiter through her toy telescope, she didn’t expect to see anything.

But, when her daughter went, “WOOOOOOOW!” she was stunned to see Jupiter and all four of its moons! What a sight! I guess there's some truth to the saying "shoot for the stars!"
The Reverse Catfish
Being catfished is the worst, but what about a reverse catfish? Is that even possible? Well, for this Redditor, her mushroom LED light is just that.

It looks way better than the box and much more inviting. We think it’s time to update your profile picture, mushroom LED light, and live up to the potential we all know you have. It will probably give you a few more matches on Spores too.
German Cakes Live Up to Expectations
Maybe we need to move to Germany because their cakes are living up to all the expectations. Just look at the cheesecake u/Mindy101 posted.

If anything, they over-delivered with the addition of more cherries to it. This looks so good, and we want to have it now. Excuse us as we hop on the next flight to Deutschland.
THC Donut
That’s a lot of THC for one donut! Even Homer Simpson would be greened out if he ate one. Most people are good with 5-10 mg, but 100 mg?!

Either way, we can't fault its appearance. It looks EXACTLY the same as the label, even down to the sprinkle placement.
Mandel Bienenstich
We are pleasantly surprised, too u/de_ninja. We mean, look at those layers on the Mandel Bienestich! So clean.

We wouldn’t mind scoffing down two of those with our afternoon tea. They look so similar to their pictures too, and apparently, the cream is the best part. Get in our belly!
Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Your pizza does look better than the box! We even like that little bit of charcoaled crust you gave your pizza.

It adds that little bit of flavor and reminds us of our mom doing the same thing to our pizzas as kids. We will be right over to cut the pie. Hopefully, the cheese pull also lives up to the box’s hype.
When you take a random photo, most likely, it won't turn out great. Our iCloud struggles to contain all of our bad selfies and pictures of the inside of our pockets. However, sometimes there are a few gems hidden in the pile.

U/Captain__CheeseBurg took one of those gems with the photo he snapped through his sunglasses. It's beautiful if we do say so ourselves. Not bad for a photo taken on a whim.
Fulfilling Fruit Tart
U/mr_rainyday, we are pleasantly surprised by how similar that fruit tart looks to its picture! We would not be surprised if the chefs were cloning that tart and putting them into individual packages for sale.

We hope this is the case because we are going to be upset if we fly all the way to Italy and don't get a tart that looks exactly like the food package.
Let It Go, Let It Go
There are cakes, and then there are CAKES; this Elsa is a CAKE! We don’t know how they improved on the original, but they did.

It looks amazing, and we don’t want to “Let It Go” anywhere. Can we sit here and admire its beauty all day? No, it has to be eaten? In that case, we will become one with the wind and snow and "let it go, let it go"… right into our stomachs.
Pulp Fiction
Sure, this isn't the most accurate label-to-product we've ever seen, but the standards for frozen lollies are way lower!

For food that melts easily, we are pretty impressed with the "likeness" it has to the picture on the box. Sometimes, that's enough!
A Great Oreo-to-Ice Cream Ratio
A full Oreo in our ice cream?! Pinch us; we must be dreaming. Oreos are one of our favorite desserts, and we are always disappointed by the cookie-to-ice cream ratio we find in most ice creams.

Apparently, we need to patron La Michoacana in California because they don’t skimp on the Oreos at all. Each bar has a minimum of one full cookie inside, and if they don’t, they will get you a new one. Ahhh, we think we're in love!
The Chocolate Crinkle Cookie
Mmm, can we come over for milk and cookies? We promise we will only have one, or two, or maybe five. Kidding, but not really.

All jokes aside, those look delicious and exactly like America’s Test Kitchen's cookies! Teach us your ways because the last time we tried to match the picture online, they turned out burnt, just like our baking egos...
Frozen Expectations
We won’t get this type of replication from Digornio, but Grandiosa delivered! It’s uncanny how much the actual pizza resembles the picture on the front.

When it’s stacked on top, we can’t even tell which one is the picture and which one is the pizza slice. It’s like a machine made it…Still impressive either way.
The Ketchup Bottle and the Milkshake?
Honestly, when we looked at this picture the first time, we were like, “that ketchup bottle looks nothing like the milkshake.” Then, we noticed the picture of the milkshake in the back and were like, “Oh, we get it now.”

The two look much more alike than the ketchup bottle and the milkshake. Excuse us, we are going to crawl under a rock now.
The Day Clock
When we first saw this picture, we thought, “oh, that is dumb. Why do we need a clock that tells us the day.” Now that we keep looking at it, we are starting to think, “we might need one in our homes.”

We can say goodbye to missed appointments and meetings, and no longer have to mix up Tuesday for Wednesday or Friday for Saturday. All you have to do is stare at the clock, and it tells you the day. We know the kids got this gift as a gag gift, but it’s more utilitarian than even we thought.
The Universe Easter Egg
The universe never makes mistakes. Just look how beautiful this Easter egg came out. We could gaze at the end of our galaxy all day.

Although, now that I look a bit closer, we may want to call Dr. Strange. There seems to be a crack forming in our universe, and we don’t have time to worry about the Multiverse right now.
Gandalf Gummy!
Run, you fools! And, come check out this Gandalf gummy bear. We can’t believe how much it looks like the wizard.

If you listen closely, you can even hear him say, “A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.” Well, guess he arrived at precisely the right time to get in our mouths.
The Milk Bar Cake
I love how people say, “tried making this cake, hope it looks good…” and when you look at the reference, they look identical! Come on, don't "milk it" people!

We are not going to give you the sympathy you seek. Your cake looks amazing, yes, but we will give you our authentic reaction when we eat it. Now, pass us the knife and fork; we need to eat this immediately.
A Donut Dino Dessert
This mom asked her three-year-old to draw the cake she wanted for her third birthday. When the little girl returned a rainbow dinosaur donut cake, the mom said, “hold my apron. I got you, fam.”

Little did the girl know that her mom was about to deliver (almost) EXACTLY what she had promised. We will excuse the missing sprinkles from the bottom if we can come over for a slice.
IKEA Has Some Competition
IKEA has been the standard for "easy" self-assembled furniture, but they may now have competition.

Instead of a headache induced by hours of trying to figure out all the nuts and bolts, this Reddit user was pleasantly surprised with the meditation-inducing organization!
“Extra” Cheese Please
That cheese is literally giving off a sheen! We don’t think our stomachs could handle all of that in one go, and we are not even lactose intolerant.

We might be a few bites in, and our bodies would be like, “Enjoy it while it lasts because, after this, we will be constipated for five days straight.” We don’t know if we could risk that for one slice of this pizza.
Doritos Cool It!
You call that a “lightly seasoned” chip?! It looks like it has enough MSG to take down an elephant!

We pray that there is an ambulance nearby because they will need to rush you to the hospital when you OD on the flavoring. Doritos better have some good insurance with the risk they are putting people at. Remember, with great seasoning comes great responsibility.
A Little Hat for a Little Lion
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That’s precisely what u/weshhomebrew did when his 3D print of a lion failed halfway through.

Instead of getting angry, he made the best of a bad situation and gave the lion a little hat to keep his head warm. Now, the Royals have one more fan to cheer them on — A fitting team for the "King of the Jungle" to support.
Aldi Flat Bread
We don’t know how delectable that flatbread is, but at least it was being honest in the picture.

That’s more than most food can say. The flatbread is probably very comfortable in its own gluten and loves telling the world, “here I am, and here I stand. You can’t bother me anyway.” More power to you, flatbread. Thank you for the honest advertisement.
It’s a Me, Mario!
Being big fans of Mario 64 ourselves, we never thought about asking for the Peach's "Thank You" cake from the game. It always looked delicious, but it was just a video game cake, right?

Well, u/alandenton's wife brought the cake to life, and it was better than we could've imagined. She got every detail correct, down to the table cloth underneath. Our minds are still blown! Kudos to u/alandenton's wife, it's peachy-perfect!
More Mac and Cheese Please
At first glance, we thought they had put a bun on top of the mac and cheese. Then, after further inspection, we noticed a burger peaking out.

We can only imagine the conversation to get this abomination went: Customer: Can I have all the mac and cheese you have on my burger? Waiter: Sure, I can give you a lot of mac and cheese! *waiter begins to walk away and feels something grip his arm* *waiter looks back* Customer: No, I said ALL of it.