If you have had teachers like this, thank your lucky stars this was the worst thing they can do – unhinge you while making you laugh all at the same time. A little bit of crazy never hurt anyone, and these teachers knew exactly how to put a smile on their students’ faces.
Your Time’s Up
There’s no better way to terrorize your students than to remind them that time is perennially passing, unlike their grades. It is also a good way to tell them that salvation doesn’t rest on the clock or on them looking at it whenever they are stumped in answering a test question. This is your teacher’s way to tell you to focus on the question and give your best answer, while also instilling bloodcurdling fear.

The secret to a test is to not spend too much energy on one item. Go with your gut and hope for the best. Also, do not let your teacher’s antics intimidate you. It’s just them giving tough love where tough love is due. Also, make sure to study next time. It’s for your own good, too.
Superhero Class 101
Either this class is filled with students who have superhero powers and are being trained on how to properly use them, or their teacher is messing with them. Either way, this homework is a good way for them to practice reaching beyond their grasp and doing what they can for the good of all. That is if they could first master the art of Kung Fu – odd that the teacher prioritized this instead of ending world hunger. Maybe because Kung Fu is easier and more fun to do?

The deadline for all these to be completed is Monday next week. If you can’t fulfill all, items 2, 3, 5, and 6 would be good enough. After this, write a personal reflection on your experience. And hope for the best that the teacher is actually grading your work and not just getting a laugh out of your efforts.
A Tree Is the Best Teacher
The teachers in this school have probably had it up to their heads in paperwork and decided to entrust the profession of teaching to anyone who is available, right here and now. Fortunately or unfortunately for the students in this school, a tree fell right in front of the principal, and thus it was decided it was God’s answer for the school’s current lack of teachers.

Meet Professor Tree – an expert in oxygen production, carbon dioxide processing, and chlorophyll making. They also know a thing or two about climbing cats and pooping birds. Feel free to ask them questions about life and how it feels being blown by the wind.
Teachers Who Make It Worth Their While
These teachers decided that they hold the key to their students’ future and so decided to take it a step further with the power of their professional clout. They are now charging fees to put a good word in on each student to their parents. This definitely beats hard work and actually doing homework. All one needs is anywhere from $1 to $10, and voila! You now have your teacher on your side.

It would cost though, so prepare to pay up. Or find out first which would actually take less work, forking up a few bucks or sitting down and focusing on getting your paper done. Your decision – like your future - rests on you.
Write Your Name
This instruction is simple enough, yet many seem unable to follow it, either due to carelessness or embarrassment - we're not entirely sure. The latter stems from knowing the fact that your name will be forever attached to a paper bearing the red letter C, D, or F.

Own up to your work, though. Embrace anything and everything you are responsible for. It will help you become a decent and responsible human being in the long run. But if you prefer not to write your name, go ahead; it’s a free country. But it's your loss, not your teacher’s.
The Teacher Is Boss
This is how mafia honchos roll, as well as any kidnapper out to get a ransom from their victims. Who said teachers couldn’t use the same strategy on their students? It is a free country, after all. So whoever hid this dude, all we can say is - prepare for your teacher’s wrath.

Though no heads will roll and no blood will curdle, your grades definitely will. If you love your grades, if you love having high grades, if your parents love you because you have high grades, get the dude out and save yourselves. Trust me; it’s for the best.
The Best Extra Credit Ever
Students would best ask their parents about this question. They hold the key to any essential knowledge about 80s pop star Rick Astley. Also, the teacher is probably within this age range and was a fan of Astley, so he decided to incorporate this bonus question just because he felt like it.

Students who have been fortunately Rickrolled would find this extra credit easy peasy. Who knew being a victim of rickrolling would pay off in the future? All students have to do is sit back, relax, and thank God for Rick Astley. And now we're going to do a deep dive into the art of Rickrolling.
Sleeping Beauty
Student life is a hard life, to say the very least. You have to wake up early, go to school, pretend to listen to your teacher, and then pretend to care about the lessons your teacher is saying. So when this dude found all of that work overwhelming, the teacher decided to give him another lesson.

This student probably woke up bewildered at his classmates’ grins. He also was probably bewildered seeing himself on social media sleeping while his teacher was behind him giving a thumbs-up sign. His nightmares probably looked a lot better than the reality he woke up with.
Teacher Stalker
There are teachers who take their work very seriously. They would do anything and everything for their profession’s sake. Some are even willing to go beyond what is asked of them, like crawling through an air vent just to make sure their students aren’t cheating – surely, the phenomenon of non-cheating students has yet to happen in anyone’s lifetime.

So when this teacher went beyond the call of duty, this diligent student decided to capture the moment he discovered his teacher spying on them. This existential moment is proof that when you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you.
Worst Torture Ever
Nickelback is a Canadian band popular for its same-sounding songs, a few of which were discovered to be recycled tunes from their previous work. They are also known for their ear-bleeding mediocre music. So when a teacher threatened the class with Nickelback, the students knew the teacher was dead serious.

Clearly, no one wants to go through the terrifying experience of having to sit through monstrous music. But then, being late the 8th time, you probably deserve some Nickelback in your ears just to remind you it’s time to get your act together. "This is how you remind me" has never sounded so true.
Best Excuse Ever
No longer is homework being eaten by students’ pet dogs. They have now upped or maybe lowered the ante by simply telling teachers their homework is missing. Poof. Nada. No more. There is no other explanation given, nor was there effort to even make up an unimaginable excuse.

As a consequence of not exerting any effort to submit homework or at least giving a lousy excuse for not having one, this teacher decided to punish this student with a Bermuda Triangle award. But then, calculus is indeed a subject that would make anyone lose their mind so this student losing his homework makes sense.
Positive Shaming
Shaming doesn’t have to be all negative. This teacher decided to celebrate students’ mistakes by posting their pictures on the school’s Wall of Shame. Its intent was actually to help students lose the shame and embrace their errors with the goal of not doing the same thing again.

It’s all in the spirit of good fun. Clearly, the students in this school loved the idea they willfully put themselves out there. Also, it helped erase the fear of failure and opened avenues to taking positive risks. Hey, at least they're not being paraded around the streets while a nun rings the bell. Shame!
Depressing Test, Depressing Grade
This student is self-aware enough to know that his test performance was not at par with standards – a fact that depressed him, and so he felt he had to give the teacher his thoughts. The teacher, having checked the test, confirmed the student’s fears.

Don’t be surprised to get this comment when you didn’t bother studying. There’s a good chance that teachers put the tests of the smart students on the bottom. That way, they can enjoy some happiness after marking 50 tests. Procrastination can be so deadly at times. We love how self aware the student was about how bad they did.
Joke's on You
This joke is funny on all levels only if this is not meant for you. It is evidently difficult to laugh if you are the brunt of this humorous drawing. But apparently, this is what happened to this student who wanted to lighten the mood after a difficult test by placing a drawing of a man seemingly and struggling to reach the exit door.

Alas, the keeper of the gate would have none of it and blocked his exit simply because he was not to pass. Whether you take that literally or figuratively – a sad face, and not a smiley one, is definitely in order. Add the blood-red ink, and feel free to facepalm yourself while shaking your head. We love a good ol' "LOTR" reference.
The Quill Is Mightier Than the Pen
Students are always advised to bring the necessary supplies to class. This includes pens, paper, pencils, erasers, etc. So when this student failed to bring his own stuff, he decided to ask the teacher for one because he thought teachers had no reason but to grant his request.

He’s right, but he clearly did not expect this twist. Maybe to make him want to bring his own pen, this teacher gave this student a quill. If this was the 1800s, this quill would have made perfect sense. Alas, being in the 21st century, this is the height of inconvenience.
The Pen Is Mightier Than This Pencil
No one wants to be seen using this pencil, especially if you’re in the 9th grade. This teacher is probably encouraging students to bring their own school supplies as a way to keep them responsible. Anytime they fail to bring their own, this pencil serves as punishment.

No offense to Justin Bieber; he may be a nice guy, but marrying him would entail constant public scrutiny. Also, dudes might not like the idea of being with Bieber or being a Belieber that they’d maybe rather fail than use the pencil. We're going to stick with our H2s, thank you very much.
The Early Bird Avoids the Bin
This teacher is giving this class a valuable lesson. He wants everyone to work hard and submit everything on time. If not, everyone’s work will have the privilege or the punishment to meet the garbage bin. No matter what your excuse is, this teacher is unforgiving. We think that it is a very good point that was made well.

Whether your dog ate your homework or the Bermuda Triangle made your homework disappear, this teacher will not take anything for an answer. Submit your papers on time, and your work is saved from the horrors of being in the bin.
Trick Question
To make sure that everyone was seriously answering the test questions and not just encircling any letter that caught their fancy, this teacher decided to embed a trick question in a test. The student who gets to do what the instructions say they should do has the option of encircling A or B.

But this question isn’t for them, really. It’s for those who are randomly giving answers for the heck of it. In order to catch them, this teacher decided to play a little trick. And honestly, we are hoping this question at least woke them up from their stupor and made them start reading the questions more seriously.
Blackmail Won’t Work
This student learned the facts of life the hard way. Unfortunately, a teddy bear drawing had to be sacrificed in the process. He wanted to get an A grade so much that he took it upon himself to take a teddy bear drawing hostage. Alas, the teacher had something else in mind.

Kudos to the teacher for doing the right thing. Sadly, teddy had to go in the end. Still, teddy did not die in vain. Thanks to teddy, no student would ever have to bring up the kidnapping and hostage of a teddy bear just to get an A. This teacher is someone you don’t want to mess with.
Do You Feel Guilty Now?
This teacher is not afraid to take things to the extreme. His students’ grades were so bad he literally died – or at least pretended to. Apparently, he believes his students killed him. Thus, to show his students he is deadly serious, he brought in a casket and lay inside it.

Either he wanted to make his students feel so bad, or he simply wanted them to study hard enough so he would no longer have to do this stunt. It is currently unclear if his plan worked, though. But maybe, an easier route would be to make easier test questions or change his teaching strategy. Alas, the casket is more entertaining to look at, though.
Walkens Not Accepted
Christopher Walken is not allowed in this teacher’s office after office hours. Besides him, walk-ins are also not accepted. This teacher wanted to get his point across, minus having to deal with explaining himself. This picture is more than enough to deliver a message while making anyone not feel bad about not being able to walk in.

It would be a treat, though, if the real Christopher Walken actually walked into the school and demanded to walk into the teacher’s room for the sheer joy of seeing him walk in. Maybe if every student wished hard enough, maybe he will someday.
Cereal vs. Serial
If this were as easy as pronouncing tomato, this picture wouldn’t have reached the level of being viral. Though cereal and serial sound the same, they are completely different entities. One is edible, and the other denotes something continuous.

Instead of this teacher simply correcting the student’s spelling error, he decided to take it up a notch by literally drawing a cereal and killing it – the way the sentence described it as such. Cereal killers seem to denote everyone hungry enough to have them for breakfast. Everyone has been a cereal killer at one point in their lives. Raise your hand and say yay to cereal killers everywhere. Yay!
Honesty Is the Best Policy
The student could have asked the teacher for extra credit or bonus points just because of the teacher’s spilled beer. Though the teacher could give a reason that it was the paper’s fault that he started drinking anyway, spilling beer on a student’s paper is uncalled for.

Still, not many teachers would be honest enough to `fess up. Kudos to this teacher for admitting the fact that beer is the drink of choice during paper grading. Still, bonus points would be cool indeed. A point or two would be more than enough. After all, teachers need something to take the edge off.
Times New Roman Is Life
At least in this classroom, it is. Use any other font, and you are dead – at least to this teacher, you are. No other font will do. Times New Roman is the standard font to use unless you want to experience something else worst than failing – seeing your paper burnt into ash.

Kudos to this teacher for giving students a fair warning on the kind of font that they should use. Though paper-burning is a reaction that is a bit extreme, it may have been brought on by students preferring to use their own fonts and not the ones required.
The Syllabus Is Life
This teacher is probably sick and tired of having to field questions from students who prefer not to read the syllabus. No longer interested to respond to something they should already know, this professor had a shirt specially made for times like this. After all, he probably has to give that answer many times throughout the day.

This shirt saves both the teacher and the student essential time and energy for asking and answering questions. All the professor needs to do is show the shirt, and voila! Nothing stops a student’s questions more than a shirt saying, “It’s in the syllabus.”
Naughty Teacher
This teacher is doing what most naughty students are caught doing. Probably annoyed that a student was sleeping in his class, this teacher hunkered down to tie this poor student’s shoelaces. There are many reasons why a student may be sleeping. He could be tired from having to do a part-time job or he may have family problems, or the class might be a tad boring.

The teacher could have exerted the effort to at least ask the student first instead of punishing him immediately by tying his shoelaces and then expecting him to fall on his face once he wakes up and stands. Tsk, tsk, bad teacher.
Gaga Over Gaga
This teacher is ingeniously teaching the elements while making the students easily recall them, thanks to a Lady Gaga song. Whether the teacher is a fan of the singer or the song was simply used for convenience’s sake, this is a lesson that deserves an award.

Imagine students singing the elements in their heads using a Lady Gaga song, thus making memorization easy-peasy. Plus, it is enough to give you a smile or two. This is what creative teaching is. Kudos to the chemistry teacher, indeed! We had no idea that Lady Gaga was writing songs to remind us of the periodic table.
Meme Teacher
This is another creative way to teach lessons to students while using their favorite internet memes. Instead of simply describing the proper ways of doing a scientific experiment and the scientific process, this teacher incorporated popular memes to help students remember.

Also, it is an ingenious way to actually learn while being entertained all at the same time. It is easy retention, easy to understand, and easily funny all at once. Kudos to the teacher for his or her effort! When it comes to teaching, you need to keep up with the latest trends to keep students engaged - and this certainly is a great way of doing just that.
Best Answer/Question Ever
Science is a subject that requires constant experimentation, constant questioning, and constant doubt. Nothing should be taken at face value. So when this teacher put a test item asking students to impress him, he got the best response from the class.

This student, appropriately using scientific inquiry in answering the teacher’s test question, aptly asked: “Why?” – as he or she should. The teacher, thankful that the student applied proper scientific inquiry and doubt, gave the student additional points – as he or she should. And you know what's ironic about the whole thing? The answer ultimately did impress the teacher, bringing the entire question full circle.
Man Dolphin
This student had no choice but to draw a man dolphin after realizing that he or she may fail the test. After all, man dolphins are man’s best friend, right? Wrong. Fortunately for the student – and the rest of the class – the teacher liked the man dolphin drawing, and do you blame him for liking it?

Either, the teacher was touched by the drawing, or he or she simply took pity on the students’ bad grades. The man dolphin was accepted and was actually enough to give the students plus points. Kudos to the man dolphin for helping save the class’s academic life.
Think Before You Follow
It seems critical thinking is strictly encouraged in this class. The teacher made a list of instructions the class was supposed to follow. But students need not follow everything to a T. If you read through the rest of the list, you’ll find out what the teacher really wants his students to do.

This teacher is promoting the process of logic and constant questioning to his or her students. If you are a sheep who simply follow what is asked of you, you need to learn to question and look beyond what is being asked. Kudos to the students who read through the list and solely followed the last item.
Great Life Lesson
When a classmate drew a rude image on another student’s paper, this teacher was able to handle the issue with ease and grace. The teacher used the image and simply improvised a new drawing while adapting to the already existing one that was originally written on it.

The result: the rude drawing turned into a flower. Instead of getting angry, the teacher was able to overcome the issue and even turned it around for the positive – a lesson we should all learn and apply in the real world. Because when life gives you phallic symbols, turn them into flowers and shine your light on the world.
It is not that this teacher would rather not be bothered by students’ incessant questions. More than that, the teacher is giving students a lesson on finding out the answers for themselves. It is more beneficial for the students to discover their own solutions instead of conveniently asking for them.

Plus, the teacher gets to experience the convenience of not having to field questions all day whilst forcing students to learn the art of self-reliance – a value that would serve them in the long run, both in school and in the real world. Truth be told, this seems like a win-win scenario for the teacher.
Red Pen Wins
In the battle of ninjas vs. ninjas, it is not the more powerful, more agile, more adept in ninja skills who wins. In this specific war, it is he who holds the red pen that gets to dictate the game’s winner. This black ninja is powerless against the red ninja, as the latter was drawn by the teacher.

He who wields the red pen is the most powerful of all. No matter how much grade the black ninja desires, it is the red ninja who gets to dictate the real grade. It is unclear how the game will change when a blue ninja inserts itself into the game, but your guess is as good as ours.
Ask for Helen
Waite Helen Waite is the go-to person of this teacher whenever students ask about their papers. In order to stop students in their tracks – and as a way to deal with their constant questions – this teacher hired a certain Helen Waite to keep the students in line.

Helen Waite has yet to be seen by the students, though. However, she is there and ready to keep students occupied. Helen Waite is a person who is diligent and ever ready to provide the best educational service possible. All one needs to do is go to Helen Waite and see what happens next.
Keep Your Phones to Yourself
Imagine using your phone while in the middle of the class, and the teacher sees you. You know that using your phone during class hours is not allowed, thus expect the teacher to confiscate it. Plus, prepare to not see your phone again until after class. When you do, get ready to see the most terrifying image of all.

This is exactly what happened to a student whose phone was confiscated by his teacher. Though he got his phone back, the teachers posted an image of themselves on the phone’s desktop background – because they can. Clearly, this is an image that will keep you up at night.
Stop With the PDA
Raging hormones are a thing in high school – everyone has it and everyone is using it at times during inappropriate times and situations. This teacher, in an effort to curb – at least ever so slightly – the students’ hormones, decided to post this picture of what he thinks all high schoolers engaging in PDA do.

It is a subtle and funny way to say, please stop with the public showing of affection already, especially during early morning breakfast. People have to eat and digest their food. Kindly wait until you’re out of school premises, please, or at least when you already have a diploma, maybe?
Borat Fan
This teacher is a fan of Borat. And let's face it - who isn't? He or she is a fan of Borat so much it was incorporated into the test question as a bonus point. If you’re a student and you need those points, throw out that thing called shame and humiliation and do what Borat does.

What’s a little embarrassment when you’d gain much-needed plus points for it? Please your teacher and do the Borat thing. You need not wear the infamous Borat swimsuit. Simply imitate his voice and do the thumbs-up sign. You’ll thank yourself later – maybe.
Small Penmanship Wins?
There is always that one student who writes so small it is enough to give you a headache. This teacher got exactly that when he was trying to read this student’s paper. The letters are too small. Heck, we have no idea what it says and we're still young! He had no choice but to give up and surrender.

For his eyesight’s sake, he asked the student what grade she wanted. Voila! The student received what she asked for. Maybe this is the secret to academic life. Then again, the teacher could probably ask the class to type in their papers next time.
Dead Star
Nothing is as depressing as knowing that the stars we look up to at night, and sometimes wish upon, are actually dead. Thanks to this teacher for giving us the hard facts of life. Now, every time we look up at the nighttime sky, we have this teacher’s face to remember.

If this teacher was in a preschool class, the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star would have a very dark meaning. Imagine little kids singing ‘’Twinkle, twinkle, little dead star” and “like a dead diamond in the sky.” To be fair, teachers are supposed to lift their students' spirits. This certainly won't do it.
Sarcasm Wins?
Teachers being sarcastic is their way to subtly get back at their students while trying to wean off the stress of the job as well as the lazy answers of their students. Instead of getting mad, this teacher answered the student in a way that would also elicit laughter.

This student clearly did not review for the exam. Teachers are mostly heartbroken for spending all the time and energy to teach a lesson only for it to be not paid attention to by students. In this case, this evident sarcasm is rightly deserved. The word "white" is already in the question - how can you possibly give it as an answer?
Let It Rip
This teacher is polite and rude all at the same time. If you think being both at the same time is not possible, this teacher is a diamond in the rough. Teachers are clearly humans, too; at times, they are too human, though.

When this teacher had to let it rip, she was polite enough to warn the students not to get close to her or else bear the brunt of her lunch or late breakfast meal. Either that or this teacher intentionally wants to keep the students away for convenience’s sake and is using something gross to make her excuse believable.
You Can’t Beat a Teacher
Thanks to their years of experience with tons of students; this teacher knows how to make a funny comeback while also giving this student a lesson about protons and their charges. As much as this student wants to beat this teacher, you simply can’t beat Teach in his own game.

Next time it would be best if this student studied well instead of guessing the answers and giving a bad joke. This teacher would have been more lenient and probably would have given this student a passing grade – at least. We love how the teacher was able to continue the joke.
This Clown Is Not Clowning Around
A lot of people are scared of clowns – at times, with good reason. There is something odd about a person with white makeup on and a smile perennially stuck on their face. But some people have an irrational fear of something else. When a teacher overheard a student expressing his fear of gays and equated them to his fear of clowns, this teacher stepped up to the plate.

This teacher dressed up as a clown to make a statement that there is really nothing to fear but fear itself. Bad grades are something to fear, too, so study well and mind your own business. No need to dip into the clown business or anything else.
Darth Teacher
Who knew Darth Vader had it in him to teach middle school, grade school, or high school? Either way, this rare moment is proof that even evil can change into good. That is, if Darth Vader is teaching students the dark side of the force, then we are all screwed.

But if Darth is simply teaching students the basics of algebra or the Pythagorean theorem, kudos to Luke’s dad. Maybe Darth can transition to vocational cooking classes and teach kids how to properly wield a sword when cutting beef. Of course, Darth would use his lightsaber to point at things on the whiteboard. Of course.
Die-Hard Star Wars Fan
Fans of Star Wars are everywhere. This school is not exempt from geeky nerds who wear their Star Wars badges loudly and proudly. Surprise, surprise, this teacher is announcing to the entire school how much he loves Star Wars by wearing a Storm Trooper helmet to the yearbook photoshoot.

Why? Because he can. Take note, he also eats, sleeps, bathes, drives – repeat the same process – with the Storm Trooper mask day in and day out because he can. Star Wars fans aren’t just everywhere. Apparently, weirdos are too. All this teacher is doing is serving the Galactic Empire which is his school.
Biology 101
These teachers can’t help but share their love for all things biology-related. They love it so much that they even included pictures of animals in their yearbook photoshoot. After all, yearbooks are once-in-a-lifetime events. You need to make the most of it and go with a theme that best sums up the experience you had at school.

Why wouldn’t you want to make your picture memorable? These teachers made sure their photos are something everyone will surely remember – to want to forget. Some students will probably describe this gimmick as extremely "extra." But we are totally on board with it.
Poets in a Yearbook
After science nerds and Star Wars fans, poets are next on the list of those people who can similarly be classified as die-hard weirdos. These beings are loud and proud of the way they can thread and mince words to express their innermost feelings.

But in this picture, no words are necessary. If a picture can paint a thousand words, this image will leave you speechless. It is unclear what the point of the bird is in the picture. Your guess is as good as ours. If we had to speculate, we would say that he is looking to the little bird for wisdom and inspiration.
Dummy Teacher
Some students do call their teachers dummies behind their backs. But this teacher seems to take that label so seriously that he made an actual dummy of himself to fool unsuspecting students. Hopefully, this dummy would make students miss the real thing.

However, it is unclear if the students actually did miss their teacher. Some even commented that the dummy was as good as the real thing – a statement they said behind the teacher’s back. But we know the truth. The teacher made the dummy so that it could fill in for him while he was out on his lunch break.
All Hail Satan?
This picture is an oxymoron. It indeed does not make sense if the dark lord of the underworld is using bubble letters to make his presence known. It is similar to Darth Vader holding a teddy bear while ordering his troops to attack Ewoks.

But then again, Satan is not the king of deception for nothing. Could it be the bubble letters are a ruse to make us not think he is actually Satan? Isn’t Satan’s game to confuse us mortals and make us think he does not exist? The mystery deepens. The teacher gets that if you're going to be satanic, at least do it with a bit more attitude.
A Call for Help
Literally, this picture is of a teacher asking for help. It is rare for teachers to be this emotionally vulnerable. But here he is, opening his heart to all of his students. Though some may think he is a man who has got it together, underneath him is a simple man standing in front of a class, asking them to love him – or at least study, and study well.

Next time your teacher gets to be this emotionally open, feel free to give your teacher a hug. You do not know how much your earnest embrace will help him get through a hectic day. If you don’t want to give your teacher a hug, please do your best to at least learn the lessons he taught you.
Hand-In-Mouth Disease
Foot and mouth disease is a sickness that affects the swine population. Meanwhile, the expression "put your foot in your mouth" denotes a social faux pas. But is there a disease going around in academia that is causing teachers to put their entire hand in their mouth?

Apparently, this is done to either call students’ fickle attention or impress them. Whatever the intent is, this action can be likened to a train wreck – it is something you really don’t want to look at but simply can’t turn away from. Sometimes, teachers need to get a bit more graphic than usual to get their point across.
Apparently, the point of the mask is to hide the teacher’s face enough to not reveal his emotions when grading papers. But then, the same goal would have been achieved by simply wearing dark glasses. Could the teacher be using grading papers as an excuse to wear an Ironman mask?

A better and cheaper solution would be for the teacher to turn his back to the class. But then, that wouldn’t be dramatic, now would it? Could Ironman have been informed that his likeness is being used in school? Probably not. We think that the real Tony Stark wouldn't need a mask if he was a teacher.
Too Cool for School
If talent shows that feature math wizards are entertaining, this teacher probably would have won the grand prize. This math professor is grinning from ear to ear because he knows he did what only a few are capable of doing. This teacher was able to extract a mathematical formula to produce a politically incorrect message in time for the December holidays.

We would have been impressed if he had formulated "Happy Holidays" instead. But whatever floats your boat, teach. During the festive season, students need all of the encouragement they can get before they join their families and celebrate Christmas. This teacher knew exactly what to do.
Dead Planet
This teacher is brutally cold and frank; Pluto would have died in his below-zero temperature arms – and Pluto is the coldest planet in the solar system. Alas, Pluto – according to this professor – has indeed joined the choir invisible.

Those who are in grief for Pluto’s now non-existent status, feel free to comfort yourself in the fact that Pluto may not have been a legitimate planet anyway – those who feel this statement is rubbing salt into an already gaping open wound, our apologies. If we're going to be totally honest, we miss Pluto as a planet. It was basically the little brother of the solar system.
Pizza, Anyone?
If you are into burnt pizza and love the taste of burnt crust, burnt cheese, and burnt pepperoni, you probably do not love yourself. Either that or it is highly likely you cooked this pizza into burnt perfection. Ovens have timers, cell phones have timers, and even television sets have timers.

There is no excuse to burn this pizza unless you allowed this pizza to be sent to Helen Waite. If so, then Satan is mighty proud of you. Why not brand this under his name – make sure the font is in bubble letters. It's going to be a fiery one.
Watch Me Meme
This teacher is speaking the language of the youth. Kudos to this teacher for making science 100% relatable to the millennial generation. Who doesn’t understand memes? Incorporating lessons about the sun’s mortality into an entertaining meme deserves a Best in Teacher award.

Or, making this picture viral is good enough. Other teachers can learn a lesson or two from this meme. Seeing calculus in a meme would be much cooler though. We hope that the students weren't too traumatized by this terrifying meme. It's pretty strong when you think about it. Some memes hit the nail on the head. Others are just morbid and depressing.
The Knight Who Said “Ni”
This para-knight is in a classroom to hopefully inspire students to be interested in studying medieval England. Or he could just be donning a costume for Halloween. Either way, this costume is not complete if he didn’t wear a British accent along with it - Old English, to be exact.

Is it possible he is simply imitating John Cleese in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? If he is, what subject did he incorporate this costume in? Could it be drama? Geography? History? Hopefully, it is not physical education. We assume that it was a history lesson of some kind.
Substitute Teacher
Some substitute teachers choke under the pressure of temporarily coming in to fill in for the usual teacher. Others thrive and end up being even more successful. This substitute teacher has eyes in the back of his head. Specifically, this teacher has eyes installed in this drawing of him placed on the classroom board.

The resemblance is highly likely uncanny. If this doesn’t scare his students, nothing will. It also feels as if the drawing has been magically cursed to transform into a real-life teacher come midnight. Kids better behave lest they have nightmares. This teacher is evidently not joking.
A-Grade Sleeper
We long for the days when sleeping was not only part of our daily routines, just like back in kindergarten, but also actually part of the grading system. we believe if that were the case, we would get A+. Unfortunately, this is not the case, especially for Richone.

Perhaps this was the wake-up call that Richone needed to ace the rest of their classes - completely awake. But it is pretty normal for the odd student here and there to doze off. Either he's just genuinely bored of the lesson, or he was playing way too much Call of Duty on the Xbox last night.
The Potty Poet
Step by step. It takes some time to master the art of poetry, but sometimes you just flow with your thoughts. Whatever those thoughts may be. It can be hard to filter oneself in a poem. At least for Kimmy. Her potty language stopped the teacher from being too impressed and he made that clear to her mother, Sandra, in the following feedback.

We would all love to know what Kimmy let loose there in the middle of her poem. Clearly, it was enough to get a little written warning! We like to imagine that since then, Kimmy has honed her poetry skills, ditched the potty language, and created something clean and pristine.
Forgetful Parents
From the look of this review card, David is in kindergarten, and from the look of that alarming note, something unfortunate happened to David - and it involved lacking underwear. Hopefully, this card will end up in the right hands. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if your child is in kindergarten, high school, college, or beyond.

It doesn't matter how old they are. They need to be wearing underwear whenever they leave the home. Underwear is crucial to everybody. Let this be a lesson to David and his parents. And while we're here, let it be a lesson to all parents.
Who Is the Real Teacher Here?
The lessons do not stop for lucky Dakota. He clearly has some talented parents, and he is getting an education wherever he goes. Whether that be in math or dance. Evidently, it has rubbed off on not only one of his classmates but on some of the teachers too!

But it has come to the teacher's attention that Dakota loves nothing more than to do a dance known as popping and locking in the classroom. Perhaps the parents can offer dance classes in exchange for free tuition! Sounds like a plan. In all seriousness though, we think the teacher is bothered by it and considers the dancing to be a distraction.
An Interesting Kind of Volcano
Anyone who has seen Gary Busey in action knows that this answer is indeed correct. That actor does seem to be just moments from a massive explosion that will destroy the entire world in just one swift boom. We are sure that even after scientists who have examined both Gary Busey and Yellowstone Park will actually rethink their research.

Even if this is, according to the teacher, an incorrect answer, the teacher definitely should not have tempted fate with this as an option! Maybe the student was under the impression that Gary Busey was some kind of local mountain. Haha.
Meme Expert
Teachers are often perceived as old and grumpy adults. The kind of people that make it easy for kids to mess with. It makes it all the more surprising when little kids leave shameless comments all over their tests. Yet now and again, you come across a teacher that will outwit these kids with the cunning use of meme references.

Whether or not the missing partial fractions made this kid fail in the end, the teacher blamed it on "Scumbag Steve" nonetheless! Pac-Man sure does like to show up in the most random locations. In this case, he has come to eat some numbers and equations.
Calling a Spade a Spade
Well, this teacher is just going to be honest, and from the tone alone, it actually looks like he has lost all patience. No doubt that this note will go straight to the parents and they will have to deal with it. Good luck, Josiah.

We all wish that Josiah will one day find the kind of work that he does find fun. It is, after all, the goal in everyone's life. But we get where he is coming from. For the most part, work is not particularly fun. It is very much a means to an end - let's be real.
Liar Liar
Mrs. Shapiro appears to value honesty above all else, even if it means ratting out little Charlie to his parents. The King Cake incident indeed sounds intriguing, and his parents are surely in for quite the treat. We really want to know what the King Cake incident was all about. It sounds like something that could have happened in "Game of Thrones."

Let's just hope no one was hurt in the mysterious King Cake incident. Hmm...our imagination is already wandering. Whatever the case may be, it seems that Mr. Shapiro was on top of it and pretty much said everything that needed to be said in this note. Good luck, Charlie!
Time to Build a Love of School
Halloween's a great time for school – kids get to come up with fun costumes, and teachers get to let loose a little bit. Some teachers, apparently, go the extra mile coming up with something fun for the day, like this guy, who absolutely nailed the Lego minifig look.

The cylindrical yellow head, the yellow grabber-like hands, even the little gap between the hips and the legs. Just incredible. A lot of teachers know that you have to have the respect of your students, and this would do a great deal to get their attention. I guess it's true when they say that "everything is awesome."
You Know You're in Trouble
Keep your middle name close – it gives others power over you. Sadly, there is nothing you can do to keep it from your parents, who gave it to you in the first place. One teacher took that idea to a logical-mathematical conclusion. Pi, you see, does not end.

It starts with the classic 3.14 and then just keeps going and going and going, forever and ever – at least, that is the theory. We guess it is possible it could end, though unlikely. Now the answer remains, who are Pi's parents? E and I? Radius and circumference? The possibilities are endless.
Money Talks
The amount that teachers get paid is often thought to be a much lower number than it should be. One teacher (math teacher? That's a big possibility) worked the numbers to figure out how much teachers would be getting paid if they earned as much as babysitters.

Of course, any economist will tell you it wouldn't just work like that unless inflation hit pretty hard and money became worth a lot less. Oh, hey, look at that. Sadly, supply and demand is still a thing, no matter how much math you do, so we don't think this will ever happen.
A Handy List
The cry of the Texas Revolution was, “Remember the Alamo!” And rightly so! Probably. We don't actually remember why. One teacher wanted to make sure that nobody in his or her class forgot about this big event in the history of Texas and the United States in this classroom, no sir. No ma'am.

Nobody is going to forget that while Texas lost the battle of the Alamo, it would eventually win the war and become part of the great United States of America. Or that this famous battle included the deaths of legendary folk heroes Davy Crockett and James Bowie.
Never Miss a Chance for a Good Joke
Some teachers take their personal appearance quite seriously. Some take it a little too seriously, and this guy might fall into that latter category. He has got a legendary set of chops, but he shaved them down for March fourteenth – pi day.

Some blessed men out there can regrow facial hair in a snap, and it looks like this guy doesn't have much of a problem. Although this picture was likely taken during the morning, you can already see some scruff growing. The little curves of the pi sign are a little tough to shave in, but it's not bad.
Papers on My Desk by Monday
Even teachers have to have a day off once in a while (not counting Summer, for some reason). Sick days, some well-earned vacation, doctor's appointments, etc. Usually, that means the teachers get a substitute, and they can just sit back and watch an episode of “Bill Nye the Science Guy” or something like that.

But in this class, the kids don't get a day off even when the teacher isn't there – she's always watching, always looking over their shoulders. Turn in your homework, put those phones away, and pay attention. They didn't even get a substitute teacher to cover for them. How rude!
Just a Little Shapes Joke
Kids these days, you know? They think any funny image is a meme. We're sure that if students saw this, they'd think it's a meme. Thing is, we don't think it's a meme. You can't draw a little smiley face on a piece of paper and call it a meme.

It's just a drawing. This, too, is just a drawing. A cartoon, one might say. And while the joke is simple, it still might get a chuckle out of someone who has never seen it. That's all we can ask, right? It doesn't have to make you laugh every time.
We Are Many
There is always that one family in school. The one that just has kid after kid, and every single one of the brothers or sisters is weird and strange in their own special way. Sometimes literally special. And sometimes, every single sibling is as bad as the next. This is pretty much what the following teacher had to experience.

But, eventually, there are no more family members for the teachers to handle. Always good for the teachers, but new troublesome kids will always be entering your classroom door. This teacher was super relieved that this girl was the last of her nightmare family that he would have to deal with.
Smile for the Camera, Princess
A photo ID is just another part of the school year for many teachers. Most of them just show up in some nice duds, give the camera a grin, and move along. For some strange reason, one teacher decided the proper thing to do one year was to dress up like Princess Leia from “Star Wars.”

He was likely already bald on top – guys named Brian Dennert usually are – so he grabbed a white robe, a little hair bun, and a Star Wars laser and looked ready to overthrow the Empire. Right after he is done teaching AP World History.
Seems Like a Fun Class
For our money, a no-nonsense teacher is the best kind of teacher. The one that tells you to shut up, get your butt in your seat, put your phone away, and pay attention, or he might just start throwing things around the place. This Professor Brown seems like one of those guys.

He is a physics professor, and they come in two stripes: the aforementioned no-nonsense style and the kind that is so loopy and weird you might as well not be taking a class at all. Professor Brown is the kind that forges people that come up with new theories.
Remember the Name
You know Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and a few others, but what about the very first man in space? His name was Yuri Gagarin, and he was from the then-Soviet Union, getting strapped into a big bomb that would make him leave the planet way before it was cool. Or, let's be real here, all that safe.

At only five-foot-two, that didn't stop him from carrying his huge cojones into one of the first rockets to leave the surly bonds of Earth. He completed one orbit of the world on April 12th, 1961, landing safely to become an international hero.
Not Most People, Anyway
Maybe you have pants made of newspaper cartoons; we do not know. But, for the most part, this teacher is correct – kids think they are so sneaky, but they are as transparent as the glass in your living room sometimes.

Once you hit your thirties, you start to realize you didn't really get away with anything – teachers and parents just decided they had to pick their battles if they wanted to get through the day. They want you to pay attention, but fine, go ahead and text. Only three more hours until school is over. Then they get to go home.
A Physics Problem From 2010
The Biebs was a big joke for a long time, but he has faded away into pop star obscurity – he appears in the rumor mags and on tabloid sites and on TMZ, but rarely elsewhere in the minds of most people.

Still, that did not stop one physics teacher from using Justin as part of a word problem that asks people to find out how fast he would be falling by the time he reaches the ground. You know, we could do this problem once, but that knowledge has been lost to time. At least two miles per hour, probably.
I Am Always Watching
Students getting up to funny business is a common problem for many teachers, but one guy had the solution figured out. All it took was a grievous injury to his eye – so bad that he needed a fake peeper – and the students behaved much better when he left.

Does that hurt? Maybe it does the first couple of times. We bet it is a good time the first time he gets to do it for a new classroom. Nobody will disrespect a man who scoops out his eyeball and puts it on the desk to intimidate you. You are now intimidated.
Tell Me to Come to the Office Now, I Dare You
That's a lot of duct tape. Actually, good thing there's a lot of it because we imagine “being hung from the neck” was a worry during this event. An event it was! This was the principal of a school, and for every dollar you donate, you get a piece of duct tape to stick to the wall, keeping this administrator stuck there for, we assume, the better part of a week.

That is certainly one way to raise money for charity. He doesn't look so happy though. Maybe over the holiday break. How about a month? A month sounds good. No more assemblies, at least.
It's Just That Easy
There are lots and lots of classrooms around the country and around the world that are full of funny jokes and cartoons like these examples. Laughter is always good, and it helps people be more receptive to learning stuff like algebra.

While using letters in the place of numbers seems like it just should not be, it is not that hard to figure out. But you still have to be in the learnin' mood. These two jokes are a good start, but after a few days, we're sure that they just become background things for the students in this room.
Time to Begin the Ritual
Teachers have to enter into their classrooms day in and day out and do the same things over and over and over again, sometimes for years on end. They have to spice it up a little bit. This guy, for instance, decided his thing would be to wear a hat and cape whenever he did an experiment. He certainly looks like he's teaching at Hogwarts.

We hope this was physics or chemistry class or something like that and not...biology. There is a periodic table of elements hanging on the wall next to the screen, so we are going to have to go with chemistry.
Can't Slip One Past This Teacher
Ryan was working on his spelling – which can be difficult for some – and he seemed to be having a tough time with one of the words. His dad, an actuary or someone with similar employment, stepped in to see if he could help in any way.

The word that Ryan was supposed to be spelling was “disappear,” but Ryan's dad saw a different word, “appraised.” Incredibly, they have the exact same letters, just in a different order. However, “appraised” is a bit of a tough word for someone of Ryan's age, giving this teacher a hint that he had some help.
Be Back by Second Breakfast
Maybe you had to hit the john for a little bit of fluid regulation, or you needed to go to the library to study for a certain project. Whatever the reason, getting a hall pass from a teacher is something that has been going on in high schools for fifty years or more.

This teacher must have gotten sick of writing a “corridor pass” for one certain student, so he or she decided to have a little bit of fun with it. This little guy was on a long quest to throw the ring into the fires of Mount Doom.
A Joke Question for the Ages
There are many tests that go on and on and on for pages and pages, and physics tests are some of the worst. You have to come up with the right answer and show your work to get full credit, but some teachers will throw you a bone. A dinosaur bone, that is.

We've seen many tests that have joke questions to take the pressure off at the end, but this one is sneaky. You have to read the whole question to figure out that there is no math involved – just draw a cool dino and be on your way.
They've Seen It All
Cheating has always been something that teachers have to deal with, but most of the time, cheaters get a better score than this. How can you get 0 when you have found the answers illicitly? Somebody tried to do the old peek at the next person's answers trick, but it didn't exactly work out.

We do not know why this person thought it would work since there was apparently an extra question at the bottom or something like that, but the teacher saw through it in an instant. The dreaded red pen came out, and the student was shamed all the way to Shame Town.
Going With What Works
Not everyone is great at math and science. Some people find that they're far better at expressing themselves using art. This artist was worried about his or her work in a science test, so a small defender of the grade was added at the top once all the other work was done.

The handwriting is a little sloppy, but it says, “this ninja prevents anything less than a C.” Not even teachers will mess with a ninja, so it worked. Twice, even. This student is better at science than first believed. The penmanship needs a little bit of work, though.
Dogs Are Pretty Great
If you are the proud owner of a new pooch, it can be hard to tear yourself away from looking into its loving eyes. If you are a teacher, however, there are a lot more eyes that you have to step in front of, even if they are not anywhere near as loving as your beloved dog.

What's the solution? This teacher came up with a bright idea. As the hashtag says, this is a bit of a weird choice, but we can let it go for a little while. To her credit, her students probably liked it just as much.
It's a Hard Point to Argue
Once the world was agog for finding unicorns, but it just was not meant to be. You see, these mythical creatures don't really exist, no matter how many young girls or grown men would love to see one. Where did the legend of horned horses come from?

From fossils, most likely. But there is some evidence to say that the rhinoceros, the huge creatures of Africa with horns in the center of their faces, was one of the things that created the idea for myth-tellers. This science teacher used this idea for a joke during “meme day” at his school.
Everybody Shut Up!
What do you do if you're a substitute teacher, and the kids won't give you the respect you think you deserve? Why it's simple: threaten to spoil something they haven't seen yet. In this case, as the word on the board might tell you, it was spoilers from “Avengers: Endgame.”

While anybody who wanted to see this movie probably hit the theater pretty quickly, maybe this was the day it came out or something like that. The kids were attentive during this chemistry class, we bet. Otherwise, they might’ve learned that Thor and Black Widow get married at the end.
I Want Four Hours a Day, No Exceptions
Learning how to play music, read music, or do anything involving music does not just happen by accident. You have to put a lot of thought into it, and that means lots of hard work. Music teachers, thus, can sometimes seem mean to poor students who just want to get to the end of the day.

This teacher knew he or she could be a little nicer and let the students know that. Except, syke, no, this teacher is going to continue being mean until you get better at your chosen instrument. This is really giving us the same vibes from that movie "Whiplash."
All Hans on Deck
If you have spent enough time on the internet, you have probably seen this one floating around, but it is always nice to go back to the classics. And just as you saw this image for the first time at one point, so will everybody else. It is simple, it's quick, and it's funny.

It uses Star Wars – perhaps one of the most popular things ever – and it brings in a little tiny bit of music theory. We bet that Han would be great on lead guitar — but as part of a choir? He has to go his own way, Princess.
It's Nice to Be Prepared, at Least
Time to wake up, kids. School is about to start. This teacher is fully aware that a loud noise will get kids to look up from their phones or take their earbuds out, but he also does not want to scare them. So, he lets them know beforehand. It all makes perfect sense.

After that, of course, it is down to business as usual, learning about gerunds or the Alamo or the quadratic formula or something like that. The best part is that this tactic would work well at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day.
Or Both, We Guess
You are probably aware of Schrodinger and his famous cat example of quantum physics. A cat is placed inside a box with a radioactive element that is triggered by opening the box. The element will kill the cat fifty percent of the time, and leave it alive the other fifty percent. Is the cat dead or alive?

Well, common knowledge says it's both, but Schrodinger was actually mocking the scientists that argued for quantum states – he was actually saying we just don't know. The cat is either alive or dead, but you won't find out until you open the box.
Let It Go, Please
“Frozen” really hit the world hard. Nobody could escape its immense gravitational pull. Everybody heard the songs, saw the characters, and – even if it was under duress – watched the movie. “Let It Go,” the standout song of the movie, is an amazing piece of music, and if you do not like it, then you are wrong. There, we said it.

HOWEVER, even the biggest fan, having to listen to it without end will make it something that stings in your ears. One classroom had heard it just about enough and decided that something had to be done. Did this sign actually help?
Well? And? Go On?
It is simple to make a joke out of the “there are two kinds of people” setup. This one is a little bit trickier than some of them, just because you have to know about the joke's format beforehand, but as long as you've been around for a decade or so, you've probably heard it.

This one is great because, apparently, while this professor was walking around wearing this shirt, there were a bunch of students coming up to him and asking if his shirt was missing a second part. It isn't. That's the entire shirt. Hopefully, you get it.
I Need to Do a Thing
Chloroform is used for many things. It is not just for soaking it into a rag and knocking out intrepid teenage detectives, despite what the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and Scooby-Doo told us. It is a solvent, a reagent, an anesthetic, and it also acts as something called a “Lewis acid.”

In fact, using it to knock somebody out takes a good five minutes and requires a good amount of the substance. Not only that, an attacker would have to support the chin in the right way to keep the tongue from blocking the airway. Much harder than it seems.
Doing Things the Old Way
Has this professor ever heard of a laser pointer? The answer is yes, but he also hates them, so he's decided to go in his own direction. His own direction, in case you can not tell, is to attach a foam finger to the end of a fishing pole. We like his style, but there have to be better ways than this - there just has to be.

This guy almost certainly knows his way around chemicals and stuff like that, but just because you're a professor doesn't mean you're super smart. It just means you know a lot about that one thing really well.
There's the Mug
Why is this man holding up a picture of his own smiling face, out in a field surrounded by students? He wants to make sure nobody gets lost during a fire drill. Once the fire drill is over, everybody will have to go back to their classes, so it makes sense to keep all of the different groups together like that.

Depending on the size of the school, this might not be something that every teacher needs to do, but there are plenty of big schools where this sort of tactic would really come in handy - if we are going to be completely honest.
The Toughest Question Ever
This is actually the TA of an intense math class, but it might as well be one of the more difficult questions. However, those that were actually in class when they were supposed to be had a much easier time picking the right Asian man out of the pile.

For the record, the correct answer to this question was picture D, at the bottom. The person who supplied this picture had attended every day. Then there is the person who looks at these and worries: “we had a TA?” Just guess at that point. You’ve got a twenty-five percent chance.
Third Grade Teachers Are the Weirdest
You have to at least be a little weird to go into a career where there is a really high chance that a child will make fun of you at some point during literally every day. By the time the kids are in third grade, they have some of their own personality instead of just a baseline child, and it starts to really show itself.

They have not figured out how to keep that personality in check when it is important, which means third-grade teachers get the brunt of it. That, in turn, leads to them doing things like this. So you better watch out.
One of Them Is More Important
When a teacher gets on a roll, there are few things that can stop him or her. One teacher had a list of the things that were acceptable reasons for stopping her. Three of them are natural disasters, one of them is an unnatural disaster, and one of them is a national treasure.

Of course, if any kind of guest enters the room, you should stop teaching to greet them and make sure they are there for a good reason. The desks are a little small for a fully-grown adult, so you will have to wait in the corner, Mr. Gosling.
Too Bad It Isn't Debate Class
This seems unfriendly for a teacher or professor to say to a student, but let's get into the backstory. This educator stated that he was all set up to meet with a student that missed more than thirty classes in one semester, who then emailed for an appointment to talk about his grade.

Thirty times in high school is over a month, but thirty times in college must be about half the classes. No wonder this sign is ready and waiting for that hapless student. You don't miss that many physics classes and just walk away with a passing grade.
Yo Cat, We Heard You Like Ties
There are some teachers who will go out of their way to be the best-dressed in the room. While some of them will eventually fall back to a more regular kind of dress, some of them will continue the trajectory by getting into stranger and stranger outfits.

While this tie is, without a doubt, an eye-catcher, it is the kind of thing you can not wear everywhere. Thankfully, he's without a doubt going to be the best-dressed in the classroom full of biology students unless there's some kind of special event going on. Cut to the students all wearing full suits.
Take Note
That's quite an old phone, all things considered. Is this an old photo? No, it isn't. It came from the mid-teens when all kids had an iPhone or something similar. The story goes that twenty years ago, the classroom teacher nailed a student's phone to the wall for using it in class. Is it true?

We can't say for certain. The phone's model is from 2003 or 2004, so the timeline doesn't work out. Maybe it's just an object lesson. We bet if a teacher had actually destroyed a student's property like this, it wouldn't have gone over very well.
The Best Kind of Science Experiment
Just because you are a science teacher, it does not mean you can not have fun. You get to mix chemicals or drop stuff to demonstrate how physics works. This picture is a good example of the latter happening. The teacher grabbed a skateboard and a fire extinguisher and demonstrated Newton's third law of motion.

Sure, it seems cool here, but think about it from the students’ perspectives. They all got to go outside, get away from their desks, watch their teacher do something that some might call stupid, and take plenty of pictures of it. It's basically an episode of "Jack*ss."
I Don't Think I'm at Doggy Day Care Anymore
While this pooch does not look like he or she is all that comfortable dressing up like a pretty princess, it also looks like it might be a little used to it by now. But the question remains: Why is this dog all gussied up? Is it a demonstration of a scientific property?

Are the students supposed to be drawing this poor pooch? Maybe this is a fledgling vet's classroom, and the lesson of the day is to help the dog feel comfortable. The teacher had to put the dog in the outfit to make it uncomfortable, maybe. Your guess is as good as ours.
I'm Always Available
Teachers work hard, except during summer. Even if they aren't actively working hard at that moment, they sometimes have to make it look like they still have their nose to the grindstone. This teacher at least wanted the chance to sit back and relax once in a while, so he put up a picture of himself on his door to make it look like he was there.

This is a pretty good attempt, but taking a step to the left or right will make it a lot more obvious that it's just a picture — as will knocking on the door.
Choose Your Pencil Wisely
Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten your pencil when you step into this teacher’s class, but make sure you grab the right one. This is called a hexastix, and you can figure out how to make one on your own if you feel like it. Why would you want to do this? Well, it’s quite an impressive look, isn’t it?

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/9hu44w/the_way_my_teacher_arranges_his_pencils/ It seems like the sort of thing that a madman would create. Or a physics teacher. The two are not mutually exclusive, as almost anybody who’s taken a physics class can tell you. However, you probably can’t use any of these pencils – there has to be something holding a creation like this together, and this one uses glue – if you look closely, you can see it in the picture.
Knowledge to Supplement the Ninja Training
There are plenty of teachers that have pets in their classrooms for one reason or another. A turtle is a classic choice, since they’re cute and pretty easy to take care of, and not many kids will have one as a pet. However, most of the teachers keep the turtles in their homes during school hours. They’re small creatures, it just seems natural.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1099q54/my_teacher_has_a_pet_turtle_that_walks_around/ But at least one teacher lets his or her turtle pet roam around the class during school hours – they have shells, so they’re safe, right? Even a high school standing on top of one probably won’t do any damage. So why not let it wander around the class? Maybe it wants to learn something about biology, too. Not many businesses are hiring martial arts experts these days.
Getting the Seal of Approval
The goal of a teacher is to have your students succeed, and there are few better indications that a student is succeeding – in class, at least – than acing a test. If a student aces a test, they should get a reward! For many, getting a hundred percent on a test is a pretty big reward on its own, but they could always have a little extra, right?

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/epvu12/my_math_teacher_has_a_stamp_of_his_face_that_he/ How about a stamp of the teacher’s face for the students that do really well? That should do it. That way, you know that you’ve made the teacher happy. You can go home and show your parents the picture of the teacher on your test with pride, knowing that only the students who got a really good grade will be able to do so.
The Leg Bone’s Connected to the Bathroom Door
Try and figure out what kind of teacher would use a real human leg bone as a bathroom pass. Just go ahead and try to figure that one out. No, it wasn’t a Shakespeare teacher. Is it truly a real leg bone, or is it just a bit of plastic that is made up to look like part of the body?

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ppe3xh/my_anatomy_teachers_bathroom_pass_is_a_human_leg/ Only the teacher will ever know for sure, and we’re going to guess that the teacher isn’t going to be telling any of those secrets. The police might still be on the hunt. We encourage all teachers to have bathroom passes that are related to their fields of study. Though the biology teachers might have a hard time picking something that works well.
The Students Have Plenty of Fingers for This Assignment
An American Sign Language teacher gives his or her students an assignment that, on paper, isn’t all that easy. Doing a word search using the characters you’re familiar with isn’t all that hard at all – it’s a good way to waste time, but it’s not really HARD. If you have to get the proper hand motions and formations in your head before doing so, it becomes a whole heck of a lot tougher.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/qcb78g/our_teacher_had_us_do_word_searches_in_asl_to/ We’re even told by people in the know that some of the signals on the page are backward, in that you might see them from your perspective as the signer or the onlooker’s perspective. And those are some long words, too. You aren’t getting away with little things like “cat” or “man.” No, you have to look for words like “referendum.”
I Deserve it For Teaching for So Long
Some teachers will hang up things in their classrooms in order to show off why they’re allowed to teach. It might be diplomas from fancy universities, it might be awards for...math, or science, or something like that. Maybe they got to put on a play that gives them more credence teaching literature or something like that.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/9klmjy/my_physics_teacher_saved_a_cup_from_his_first/ If there’s a teacher that is old enough, he might staple his first senior discount cup to the wall. Maybe to prove that he’s old enough? We don’t know the reason exactly, but that’s what this teacher did. Maybe he just wanted to prove that he got Taco Bell after the age of fifty-five and survived. That might deserve a medal all on its own. Don’t mess with this teacher, students, or you’ll feel the energy of someone who survived the bell.
The Chemistree
Christmas trees are a joy (we recommend putting them up in August for the full effect). Teachers have fun decorating them with things from their chosen subjects. Bookmarks or calculators or...what would a language teacher use? Stuff from the language they teach? That seems like the best option. A chemistry teacher has a better way to do it.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/rgyk1d/this_christmas_tree_my_science_teacher_made/ Make a ridiculous tree of stands and clamps that is going to give a real chemist a conniption (the clamps extend farther than the stand! Do you WANT a huge mess?!) And then fill up the clamps with beakers full of, we’re going to assume, incredibly dangerous chemicals and not just colored water. Top with a simple little angel, and you have a holiday display that is going to get a whole lot of likes on social media.
It’s Just a Clock...Oh
At first glance, this seems to be a normal clock. But even if you don’t see what’s wrong with it right away, something in your brain probably told you that there was a detail or two off. You had to take another look before you realized what was wrong with it. We’re told that the clock also runs counterclockwise, which is a little aggravating honestly.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/xa3tcp/my_teacher_has_a_backwards_clock/ The funny thing is, the clock could run in the normal direction and you could still easily tell time using it, as long as you were willing to flip things a tiny bit. And that’s usually a good thing to try to do every once in a while to improve your brain elasticity – do things backward, or with your non-dominant hand, or something like that. Keeps you tough.
Things to Say About Modern Music
The band Imagine Dragons was famous for a little while, but it wasn’t long before public perception of them began to twist. The songs that had dominated the airwaves and the top forty were dropped from the rotation. They might not have become the new Nickelback, but they seem to be heading in that direction.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/njlfnb/my_science_teachers_trash_bin/ A band that is inexplicably popular despite having a lot of songs that people can’t stand. Well, one science teacher is being clear about how he or she feels toward the band. It’s not even that they go IN the trash, they are and contain all other varieties of trash. Harsh. But fair. Sometimes you just have to be brave with what you say, like not enjoying a band that is really popular.
When Teachers Go Bad
A good, kind, and right teacher will keep all the markers at the bottom of the whiteboard, where they won’t fall over. But some teachers would rather be bad boys. They’d rather buck the rules and make it hard to pay attention to the lesson of the day because all the students are waiting for the markers to tumble to the floor with a crash.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ewr1iv/the_way_my_teacher_stacked_her_expo_markers_today/ Will the teacher even notice? Will he or she just keep teaching like nothing happened? Maybe the teacher doesn’t even know that happened – maybe some tricky student set it up like that to give the teacher a scare when the tower of color finally collapses under its own weight. Maybe the markers wanted to rise up like the Kobe Bryant quote is telling them to do.
Mount Rushmore, Move Aside
Teachers who are interested in history, like history teachers, are likely to have a bunch of things around the classroom that talk about history or look historical in some way. Posters about important events, famous photographs, and more. One teacher figured that a fun addition would be a bunch of Pez-dispenser presidents, which have already collected names such as the Pezidents.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/udbko4/these_president_pez_dispensers_in_my_history/ Obviously we can see the original pres, George Washington, as well as number two John Adams and the third selection, Thomas Jefferson, but the next two are a little harder to tell. However, just based on the first three, we’re going to assume that they are the fourth and fifth presidents, James Madison and James Monroe. Having looked at pictures of the men, that seems to be the case.
How to Get the Kids Interested
Pokemon has been one of the most popular IPs the world has ever seen since the first game came out in 1996. There are people in their thirties or even forties who grew up with it at least a little bit. Catching monsters and pitting them against each other to become the best in the world.

https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/lnubju/my_teacher_made_pok%C3%A9mon_animal_type_of_cards_for/ Kids these days still love the little guys, and one teacher used that to teach his or her students about animals such as the coyote. You might not be able to play with them, but collecting them is still pretty cool for a lot of the kids. Will they be upset when they find out that there are no real electric mice unless they get into the wires behind the walls? Maybe.