Break Things Down—Correctly
One of the most common reasons we procrastinate is that we can’t get our heads around the sheer scope of our projects. Even the most level-headed of us will have an emotional reaction when we consider the entire task before us. So do what you can and then get up. Yes, you read that. Literally, stand up and take a break. If you must write something, write a sentence. Then stand up, get some water, and stretch. Commend yourself for getting started! Now go ahead and add a few more sentences. Get up, take a mental break (but don’t visit another website), and do a few pushups. Come back and write. You’ll be in the zone in no time. While we may not be able to imagine spending hundreds of hours writing and editing an article, you can imagine filling up a single page, can’t you?
Keep An Eye on the Finish Line
Researchers discovered that “thinking about the near finish” was a highly common method among their most productive participants, in addition to splitting activities into digestible portions. Simply said, it’s reminding ourselves that we’re “nearly there” – a reminder that can provide us with a last-second energy boost. At its foundation, temptation bundling is the skill of combining two activities – one we want to do and one we have to do. This radically changes the activity itself, transforming it into something that smoothly combines tedious-but-beneficial work with something that provides instant reward.
Focus On How You’re Growing Because Of That Task
Cleaning up around the house or sitting down to create a spreadsheet for work aren’t exactly thrilling activities. To make it more palatable, think about how it impacts and improves your life rather than how much it will suck. Keeping your house clean improves your organizing skills and teaches you to take pleasure in your possessions, and sitting down to do that dreaded spreadsheet will help you get ahead in your job. Keep those things in mind, and you’ll feel better knowing you’re growing and succeeding as a person. We all have to do things we don’t want to do, but with these ideas, you can make it a little easier.