How much do you wish that your puppy would do yoga with you? Looking past the fact that this pooch’s puppy eyes make our hearts melt, this pet has a pretty amazing ability to copy his owner’s yoga moves. We can barely keep up when we do yoga, so if this isn’t impressive, we don’t know what is!

I can understand why dogs are called “man’s best friend.” A lot of people don’t like working out alone. If only everyone could have a sidekick in the form of a tail-wagging buddy, then we might all be a lot healthier and happier and as a result, we’d all probably be a lot nicer to each other.
Fashion First
Some people are always concerned with how they look, no matter where they are. This woman clearly had that as her utmost concern while doing squats at the gym. While sneakers may not be the most attractive footwear, they are very necessary when working out and lifting weights at the gym.

The last thing you want to do is get injured, and it seems like that's where this woman might be headed. We wonder if she thought to herself "this is a good idea" before leaving the house... We understand that there are loads of attractive men at the gym, but really, this doesn't seem worth the endless possibilities of injury from this.
Mario Kart
Because you can never get too old to play Mario Kart, or at least that's what this guy was thinking while he was encouraging his friend. This guy dressed up as a thundercloud, which, for those who are unfamiliar with Mario Kart, it means players who obtain one, automatically receive a constant boost of speed.

If only life was like a video game, then getting in shape would be way easier and we could all get a little boost while we're working out. But alas, life is not always as fun and flashy as our favorite video game. It takes a lot more work to get fit and there are no bonuses for finishing a lap.
Doggie Yoga
How much do you wish that your puppy would do yoga with you? Looking past the fact that this pooch's puppy eyes make our hearts melt, this pet has a pretty amazing ability to copy his owner's yoga moves. We can barely keep up when we do yoga, so if this isn't impressive, we don't know what is!

I can understand why dogs are called "man's best friend." A lot of people don't like working out alone. If only everyone could have a sidekick in the form of a tail-wagging buddy, then we might all be a lot healthier and happier and as a result, we'd all probably be a lot nicer to each other.
Ice Cream, Really?
There's nothing wrong with someone enjoying their favorite treat after working out at the gym. There's something kind of wrong with expecting you'll see results if instead of working out you sit on a treadmill so you can eat ice cream. Hasn't this guy heard the saying that goes "You can't out exercise a bad diet?"

He won't see a difference if he keeps doing this, otherwise, what's the point of going to the gym, if you're just going to eat some dessert? Someone better tell him that he's first supposed to exercise and maybe after a week or so he can treat himself. Otherwise, what's the point?
Shooting Two Birds With One Stone
We never seem to have enough time in the day, do we? This lady decided that multitasking was the only way for her to get everything done. Instead of waiting for her hair to be done on the couch as most people would, she took herself to the gym. We've got to say kudos to her for using her time wisely and for her motivation to be healthy.

Now that is some dedication. She looks like she should be getting ready for bed. We also want to take a moment to acknowledge her age. It's not every day that you see people her age working out and dedicating time to toning up their body instead of playing cards and that's very impressive, hair rollers or not.
More Important Than The Actual Workout
You can't take a fierce workout picture without posing an intense facial expression. This powerful duo is clearly more concerned with their duck-face pout than they are with breaking a sweat. It's great that they're gymming together. It's not great that you're weirding everyone out with your selfies.

Well, we are now at a time when people seem to care more about having their selfies taken than anything else. But, if this is motivating them to have a better workout, then who are we to judge? But how about saving the theatrics for home? Or at least the ride home?
Escalators are convenient in big places where you have to maneuver between several stories. Elevators are also a good solution but they don't fit as many people and you often have to wait your turn to get in one. But, escalators right outside of a gym? What's next, robots that do your workout for you?

We're pretty sure that anybody going to a fitness center is either fit enough to walk up a few stairs or could benefit from taking a few extra stairs. This seems to completely defeat the purpose of fitness which is to get your heart racing and challenge your physical strength. I'd be curious to know what kinds of exercise machines are in this gym.
The New McDreamy
Ronald McDonald wasn't so happy when Grey's Anatomy's McDreamy stole his name, so he was at the gym to get in shape and hopefully get ripped. Unfortunately, you can't out-exercise a bad diet and somebody should probably tell him that McDonald's crispy chicken salad isn't a healthy choice even though it has lettuce in it.

Don't be fooled by the word salad because many salads at fast food restaurants are topped with a dressing that is high in calories like fried chicken. This would make a pretty cool ad though to encourage people to get healthy, it just seems a bit counter-intuitive to what McDonald's is. Ronald seems like he's more fitting on his bench outside of the fast food restaurant.
Feline Fashion
We hope this guy was kitting – sorry, kidding! – when he decided to show up in this leotard to the gym. Now, that is one fashion statement. The photographer who is capturing the selfie is clearly questioning this guy's choice of workout gear, as I'm sure are many other people at their gym.

Just when you thought that people with purrrfect bodies could pull off any look, this guy goes and proves you wrong. Apparently, there are clothes that not even the fittest of us can pull off. The only time that this outfit would pass as semi-appropriate would be on Halloween. And even then, it's a bit weird.
A Bit Too Serious
This guy here seems to be taking his workout a bit too seriously, he's seen here working out in his cycling outfit and even has his helmet on. Maybe he's just trying to get a feel for riding in full gear by simulating the real riding experience as much as possible.

He might not look cool and like most other people at the gym, but he's probably more dedicated than most! We can't imagine anyone else willing to look like this while working out. All he needs now is just a big fan in front of him and a view of someplace scenic and he's all set!
This Woman Is a Legend
You might think that this older woman, sipping on a margarita and sporting big pearl earrings during her workout might seem out of place. But everyone in this small town knows her pretty well. She might be getting older (as we all are) but she stays young at heart by working out and living the good life.

She has no intentions of moving into a retirement home anytime soon or joining her friends to play bingo. Instead, she prefers to sip on her margarita while looking at toned men sweating up a strong and flexing their muscles. I wish this woman was my BFF, but she probably has loads!
Stomping Along
Are there really enough people out there stomping on flags that a t-shirt needed to be made about it? Fear really is a powerful motivator to spend money on a shirt, just to let everyone know how sensitive you are about your flag. One small stomp for man, one giant brat for mankind.

Sadly, it's just a fact that way too many of these kinds of people populate gyms all across the country. When we see him wear this shirt, we can only imagine him being the type of person to tread heavily and noisily as if to say he's angry and wants everyone else to know.
A Good Start
"My new year's resolution is to be more focused when I'm at the gym." We all have our own New Year's resolutions. Oftentimes, they repeat themselves from previous years as we have a hard time following through. And of course, most of them surround our fitness goals. We commit ourselves to working out a certain amount of time every week.

But, if people are progressing like these gym-goers in the picture, then it makes perfect sense why the same resolutions repeat year after year. For those of us who have actually been dedicated to the gym all year round, we look forward to April when those machines finally start clearing up again.
Variety Is Important
Anybody who's into fitness knows that it's important to always switch it up so you don't get bored and tired of the same workout routine day in and day out. This guy seems to be taking that idea to a whole new level as he walks on the treadmill while knitting a scarf.

While it is important to stay creative while working out, it's still important to knock out a good workout and I'm not sure how that would be possible if you're so focused on something else. Still, if it's between knitting while sitting or knitting while walking, then at least this guy is moving his body a bit!
Don't Forget the Legs!
Those who are big workout fanatics know the importance of maintaining balance in your workouts. You have particular days during which you work on your legs and days you work your arms and abs. This guy, who seems to take his workout routine very seriously, seems to have missed the memo.

While he's got a lot of impressive upper body strength, his legs don't follow suit. He was clearly very concerned with buffing up his upper body, all the while neglecting the lower half of his body. He seems to have overly committed to strengthening certain muscles over others and ended up looking quite disproportionate.
Who's the Boss?!
We're not exactly sure what's going on here but it seems the guy in the black onesie is sitting in the place of the weights the guy in the white shirt is pulling. There’s nothing wrong with changing it up and doing something different at the gym, but this is something we haven't seen before.

Usually, you want your trainer to be in really good shape to motivate you and to gain your trust that his workout methods are successful. Maybe this guy felt like two guys could motivate him more than a couple of weights. Maybe it's working and that's why he has this amazed look on his face.
Tiny Measurement Glitch, Pal!
Gyms are supposed to be a space where many people, regardless of their gender, religion, or race can come work out in. Still, sometimes the space won't manage to be fitting for all as you can see by this poor guy in the gym. He's so tall, his head pops into the ceiling.

He signed up for the local gym near him in Chicago after finding a good membership deal, but unfortunately, he forgot to make sure about one small detail — that it could fit his tall frame. Fortunately, he found a solution, he just won't be able to look at himself in the mirror.
Is This Even Safe?
When you're really dedicated to your fitness grind, you might be inclined to try to test your limits and take it as far as you can. While we are all about making your workout count we also know the importance of staying safe and not over-exerting yourself. And this right here doesn't look safe at all!

While most people know to be extra careful when lifting around a heavy set of weights, it seems these two didn't get the memo. Before they know it, one of them will get seriously hurt and sustain an injury. At some point, an intense workout stops being impressive and starts being irresponsible.
The Incredible Hulk?
I'm just happy that we don't have the video of this, because I would not want to witness what happened next. My guess is that it wasn't pretty. Although this man seems very well-built, that's quite a number of weights, regardless of how fit he is. He doesn't seem so concerned with the number of weights that he's about to kick up.

While he does look like he's in good shape, he doesn't have us convinced. Pushing yourself to your limits at the gym is good, but it's still important to know what those limits are and not go beyond what you're capable of. Otherwise, you could risk getting hurt and injured.
Is That Mario?
There are those who come to the gym to knock out a serious workout or catch up with their buddies. But then there are also those people who come to the gym wearing this outfit and we can't tell if they're trying to be funny or just didn't realize they look a lot like Mario.

Not only does he have that typical Mario mustache but his pants match his hat. While gyms are certainly an option for people looking to start a fitness regimen, they're also full of strange people who can't help but stand out. But it gets worse than that, there are also people with cameras taking unsolicited pictures. Be careful, you never know if someone's going to take a photo of you next.
Hard Core Dad
Working out with your babies can be acceptable if done right. But, I'm pretty sure this isn't really the appropriate position for this guy's baby, not to mention particularly dangerous as he seems to be risking both their lives by holding heavy weights above his head and his infant child.

It seems like this guy strapped his baby on so as to add some extra weight to his squat. I can't tell from the angle if the baby is crying or comfortable with what's going on. In short, don't try this one at home. If you are interested in working out with your baby, then there are much safer moves to try.
The Great Outdoors
We don’t care how modern and well-fitted your local gym might be — it simply cannot hold a candle to working out in the great outdoors. You’ll never think of the term “No-Frills Fitness” the same way again after visiting this Hydropark Outdoor Gym in Dniepr, Ukraine.

Equipped with massive tires and old scrap metal, this outdoor gym is furnished with everything you need, even frat boys and an elderly man without a shirt! Another perk? From muscley gym-goers to the surrounding scenery, there are plenty of things to feast your eyes on as you work out.
Now, That's Will Power!
Krispy Kreme is one of those foods you think of when you think of foods that are horrible for you and full of excessive calories. It definitely wouldn't be the snack you take with you to the gym. Even though it's chock full of carbs, they aren't exactly the carbs you want to be ingesting to carb up.

Maybe this stand was set up to encourage people to work out even harder in an effort to distract themselves from doughnuts... or to shame those gym goers who approach the table. Seriously, if you eat one of these things, what's the point in even working out? Will run for food as they say.
Daily News Update
In case you haven't heard, the best place to combine your daily news update with your love of working out is your local gym. It's an ideal place to relax during an intense workout, sometimes you don't even have to work out, but just hog the machine as if you were going to.

Hogging machines, while you're not even using them, is straight-up unacceptable if other people are waiting. Not only is it rude, but it could just be a slippery slope on the path to one day owning 1,000 cats. Next thing we know, you're a hoarder and have to deal with a messy house with no room to move around in.
Frog Costume
One frog by himself is (usually) relatively harmless and for some reason, this one likes to hang out at the gym. Could it be that he wants a little privacy or maybe he simply doesn't want to mingle with everyone else? We get it, people are pretty gross, and gyms are one of the few places where it’s socially acceptable where people can sweat all over the place.

You’ve got all kinds of people wearing dirty shoes as spittle flies from their mouths in every direction... and they’re touching things. Lots of things. Everything. Maybe wearing a full-bodied costume isn't that bad of an idea. It sure helps protect you from everyone else and their sweat.
Couch Potato Goes to the Gym
Mr. Potato Head is showing that just because people would assume him to be a lazy couch potato type, he can and he will smash the stereotype. Perhaps this is meant to be an ad to motivate children to leave their computer games and TV screens and get some physical exercise.

Or perhaps this is somebody who is on break from their work and hits up the gym in between shifts. Whatever it is, I assume it's pretty hot in that costume. Maybe the guy is trying to double up on his sweat and get out all the toxins in there.
Is She Serious?
We have to give credit where it is deserved and it goes to this girl for being so dedicated to her workouts. So she has maybe forgotten to bring an extra set of workout clothes with her to the gym, but she is not about to let her inappropriate outfit stand in the way of her making it to the gym.

It could be that she's trying to practice her walk. Our only concern is the fact that she's running in stilettos and we're not sure how safe that is. If you slip you could get seriously injured! This is definitely not an outfit you should try to wear to the gym, kids.
Just a Little Nap
Napping is a delicate art that's difficult to master. Getting midday Zs has a multitude of benefits, but finding the time or place isn’t easy — and even if you do, being unable to relax can defeat the whole purpose. This guy, however, had no such problem and could even nap in between his sets.

For that same reason, it's usually better to catch a snooze somewhere other than your bed and there really is no need to restrict yourself to a traditional sleeping location. If your favorite place for napping happens to be the gym while cuddling some heavy weights, all the power to you!
Batman's Gym
These days, it seems like it's important to have protection wherever you go. The movie theater, schools, and especially at the gym. So, it's a good thing that Batman is here, running alongside the civilians, keeping a watchful eye in case The Joker or someone else even more nefarious happens to drop in.

It seems like these girls behind him are surprised to see him here in the flesh, but I'm sure they are reassured knowing that he's there keeping them safe. They can be glad they get to see him work out and look at him run! Plus, how else do you expect Batman to work on his strength?
A Good Partnership
When you're looking for some extra motivation in life and a push to keep chasing your #fitness goals, you may look for inspirational quotes or follow positive Instagram accounts. When you're at the gym lifting or running full speed on the treadmill, you may tell yourself some positive words to keep your motivation high.

But, if there's another thing that helps keep your motivation high is having a friend by your side... or on you. It's great that you and your gym buddy are swolemates. It's not great that you're weirding everyone out by climbing on top of each other while working out. Maybe save some of those theatrics for when you get home.
Good Boy
Once again we see one of our furry best friends wanting to tag along with his owner as he smashes out an intense workout session. He seems super excited that his owner let him come, even if he's going to have to bench press now and work up a good sweat.

If we didn't know any better, we'd say this probably isn't the first time this good boy has joined his owner for a workout session. His tail is even up and wagging — he might as well be saying "let's do it!" He's just about ready to pump some iron and break a sweat.
We're all for accepting everyone and whatever they choose to wear to the gym, but we have to draw the line somewhere and fishnet stockings are it! Maybe your Instagram followers appreciate your constant stream of ironic selfies at the gym, but what about the other people at the gym?

You know, the real-life people you're surrounded by? They just want to use that bench you're hogging while you sit and wait for the likes to roll in for your most recent post. If you're going to the gym wearing something ridiculous like this with no intention of working out, just don't.
Disaster Waiting to Happen
Looking at this image gives you the same feeling as when looking at a car that's about to crash. You know that there are so many ways this could go fatally wrong, but you just can't help but stare. We seriously hope the guy standing is not a gym instructor or personal trainer, because if he is, he should be fired immediately.

We get that the guy is trying to do an extreme workout by lifting weights and trying to keep his balance, but this just looks way too extreme. And if the guy in the jumpsuit is a friend, we must say he's not doing a very good job at making sure his friend has a safe workout!
No One Will Ever Tell Her She's Misusing the Machine
Just like the stereotypical cliques at every high school, there are certain kinds of people you can expect at every gym. While we're sure that most people at the gym will be thrilled at the way this woman is using that machine, she could tear a ligament or get seriously injured.

Or maybe she's discovered a new, creative way to exercise? She certainly doesn't look like she has problems with staying in good shape so maybe she knows something we don't. Regardless, we doubt anyone will ever tell her she's using the machine wrong. At least not straight away.
Catching Up With World Events
This woman decided to multitask while working out at the gym, and we're loving it. Who said you can't get your fix of the daily news while working out? And hey, it's a much better way to spend your in-between-workout breaks than sipping cucumber water and talking about your new training pants.

We just hope that she's actually reading the newspaper while taking a break from exercising, and not just occupying that machine so she can sit down comfortably while she reads! Otherwise, she could be hogging gym equipment which is one of the worst things you can do at the gym!
Completely Lost
We don't know who's more confused, this woman trying to figure out this machine or us trying to figure out what she's doing. She clearly has no idea what she's doing, and what's worse, we're not sure anybody even helped her! Unfortunately, this is a common thing in big gyms.

People are often misusing the machines and none of the staff coming to correct mistakes. But seriously, what part of her body did this woman actually think she was exercising?! Aren't those handles she's holding stationary? And what's going on with the handles she's doing the splits on? So confusing.
That's the Spirit
Working out on its own is good for you, but pairing your workout with an ice cream cone is even better. It might not be advisable to have a dessert while you work up a sweat, but we sure like her idea. Does it defeat the purpose of exercising? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely.

While it might seem counter-productive to nosh on some gelato while at the gym, we honestly can't think of a better way to cool down during a sweat sesh. Maybe we should try this and see if it helps us to stick to a routine or at the very least, it will make our fellow gym-goers jealous.
Neck Accident in the Making
Was this man trying to do some new sort of neck workout that we don't know about? Or maybe he just had enough for the day and decided to chill out, right there on the machine. This is yet another clear example of huge gym conglomerates that don't pay attention to their members.

Sure, it’s easier than actually practicing good posture. But therein lies the problem: everyone wants a quick fix that only takes a few sessions at the gym instead of always paying attention to your posture. We hope someone told him he was doing this all wrong before he attempted to lift that amount of weight with his neck.
Popeye the Parrot
Undoubtedly one of the weirdest sights you will ever see at the gym is a guy working out with his parrot. Yes, that's actually a parrot trying to lift what seem like mini weights with its beak! If it wasn't for those mini weights (that also look like a tiny scroll), you'd think an injured parrot just flew into the gym by mistake.

Whatever is happening, the guy certainly looks motivated and ready to give it his all. We certainly have to give him extra points when it comes to bringing along a companion. We want to think they're just loyal gym buddies who give each other motivation during workouts. Whatever this is, it's too cute.
Tough Grandma
Now, this just makes us feel bad — if this elderly woman can still lift those weights at her age, what's our excuse for not even making it to yoga class?! Kudos to this tough grandma for showing us that you can work out like a boss at any age.

If you're looking for a sign to start working out, this is it! To top off how incredible this woman is, she's wearing electric blue Converse shoes! And just look at her smashing her workout! Never mind being that strong when we're her age, we wish we were that strong at our age!
The Worst Logo
We're not sure if this was done on purpose, to convey a deeper subliminal message, or if it was simply one of the worst logo designs ever. Do they want to shame their gymgoers or do they actually think this is inspiring? Did nobody realize what this looked like before deciding to put it up in a big sign, blown up by bright red lights?!

Not all designs seem well thought out. One can't help but laugh at the irony of walking into a gym whose sign seems to read "Fat Forever". Tip for next time, guys: turn the walking stick figure into a standing one with its legs closed so it actually looks like an "I" and not an "A".
Nap Time
This guy is obviously too tired for the gym. Perhaps he decided to work out at the gym before going home to sleep, however, it looks like he was so exhausted, that he just collapsed on the treadmill and began snoozing. We get it, pal, sometimes you're so tired you just need to sleep wherever and whenever.

Look, sleeping is definitely important, we totally recommend it and everyone should get enough sleep to function at their best, but maybe don't go to the gym when you're this tired? Fortunately for him, there are enough treadmills next to him for the other gymgoers so he's not hogging one to catch some shut-eye.
Neck Day
Let us introduce you to the newest workout ever; it's called the "millennial workout" where preparing to stare at your phone becomes an integral part of the routine, even if your safety is at risk. This may look pointless but the neck-leg-pull really comes in handy when you're scrolling through those never-ending text messages.

Whatever impact that workout may or may not have on his physique, let's just hope he doesn't lose his grip mid-pull, or else that rubber band could snap and hit him in the face. And what's worse, he could miss that riveting Instagram live feed of his friends doing brunch.
Now That's a Slim Door
By the looks of this door, this gym clearly doesn't allow full-bodied people or even heavy-set people. This is strange because gym membership persists as a seemingly necessary precursor to getting in shape. How else do they expect heavier people to enter if they don't make doors wide enough for them?

Can you imagine just how annoying it must be if you arrive at the gym, but you're having a difficult time getting in, so you turn sideways, suck in your tummy and push through as the rest of the gym watches on. Now, you can't help but feel awkward and you truly hope nobody else noticed.
But Why?
Oh dear, it seems that there are way too many gym-goers with poor judgment. Not only is she drinking a 2L bottle of Pepsi, but she's also wearing a leather cap! Look, she might think she looks great pairing leather with her black outfit. But in addition to showing off her style, it's literally suffocating her head.

Just imagining how much sweat is under that cap is enough to turn anyone into a germaphobe. And we haven't even started talking about how much gas that Pepsi bottle is going to give. Working out at home won’t necessarily be any less gross, but at least it’s your own grossness.
Scorpion and Sub-Zero
You never know who you're going to run into at the gym and this photo is proof of that! If you're a fan of the video game Mortal Kombat, then you'll know these two look like they could be Scorpion and Sub-zero. Mortal Kombat became infamous for its gruesome finishing moves, which is why it's surprising to see these two together.

In the MK universe, they're fierce but, here they are, working out and lifting weights together, wearing matching shirts and belts. It's hard to say what's weirder about their friendship, but either way, we're glad to see they've patched things up and have somehow managed to get over their rivalry.
Now That's Creative
Let's be honest, sometimes going to the gym can get a little tedious. We'd much rather be playing video games or watching a series. This guy had a better idea, what if he could somehow combine his favorite pastime with getting fit on the elliptical machine? It's a little crazy but also quite genius.

We're actually quite impressed that this guy is able to use his laptop and an elliptical machine at the same time. He's clearly committed to his game, and by the looks of it, he could be playing "Civilization 5." It's a notoriously addictive game, which totally makes sense considering the circumstances.
Genius Location
It certainly is no accident that this gym is located right across from McDonald's. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a clever marketing scheme — because what's "Ying" without the "Yang"? Going to get your regular order of burgers and fries will make you feel guilty when you see the gym, so you go to the gym to work it off.

Next thing you know, you've worked up quite a sweat and begin to feel hungry. As soon as you leave, you see McDonald's, perfectly positioned, and now you feel like you deserve a treat. This is how the endless loop starts and will guarantee both the gym and McDonald's an infinite stream of customers.
When Your Leg Cramps
If you ever wondered why people can get hurt so easily at the gym, this photo here shows how it can happen. We see one guy getting a cramp in his leg while lifting heavy weights, his leg is so sore he can't move and the weights are so heavy that they could hurt his leg even more.

Fortunately, another guy saw he was in trouble and was able to help him release the weights from under his feet. He had to climb on top of him, making them incredibly close. Under normal circumstances, this kind of positioning would've made a fair few onlookers a tad bit uncomfortable.
Crossfit Much?
The personal trainers at this fitness center have some seriously high expectations for their clients. This seems totally on point for a CrossFit session... Better suck it up buttercup, it's what you signed up for! From burpee box jumps to plate pushes, this exercise routine will definitely have you sweating up a storm.

For those unfamiliar with the competitive exercise program, this board is here to help you catch a glimpse into the complex workout routines behind CrossFit and why everyone is always grunting. It's known for being really intense and coming up with really strange exercises, like what's a cock lunge and how does it work???
Strange Sighting
This majestic elliptical strider looks a bit awkward outside of its native habitat, they are far more comfortable in herds. These remarkable striders typically like to gather in lines and can be found in herds of as big as 30! Who among us doesn’t covet a chance to get up close and personal with one of these?

It seems every year a few elliptical striders struggle to make the trek to their local fitness center or maybe they get kicked out of their herd. Experts are still baffled at this strange and incredibly rare sighting and are still studying their behavior in hopes of finding out more about this solitary departure.
Forest Powerlifting
Who needs a well-kitted-out gym when you can just go to the nearby forest and lift the heaviest log you can find? Do some squats and you've given yourself a pretty good workout. It looks quite challenging, but that man is going to come out of that forest more ripped than ever.

If meandering through forests is your thing, then you might consider doing this instead of visiting your local gym. Not only will you save money on membership fees but you'll get to spend some quality time in the great outdoors. You might even spot some interesting creatures like squirrels or owls.
The Wiggles
If you grew up in the early '90s you might recognize The Wiggles, the band that performed children's music. They had a gift for writing songs that would stay stuck in your head for eons! Even now, when we see them we can still hear their songs worming their way inside our heads.

Looks like they still stick together and go to the same gym to work out in their brightly colored shirts. We'd think they would have moved on by now, or at least would wear different shirts... Maybe they just can't get enough of the good ol' days and like to live in the past.
The Bench Press and Snap
The bench press workout is best achieved on an actual bench, preferably a sturdy one found at the gym, with metal legs firmly rooted to the floor. A garden chair is best used for relaxing... in your garden, sitting by a pool, or enjoying a nice cookout. It's certainly not strong enough to withstand this.

It's made out of plastic and we can see that it's just about to crack and this guy could sustain a serious injury. He doesn't seem to mind though, when you gotta bench, you gotta bench and if the gym is closed, then so be it. Garden chair it is.
Inspiration Posters
It's no secret that keeping fit is hard, even at the gym. Maybe that's why this gym decided to put up these posters to inspire its members. These remind us of those motivational posters that hung in our third-grade classroom, the ones that shamed us for not doing our homework and playing video games all day.

The principle is the same here when we all see these posters of super ripped guys. We don't immediately just look at a poster and say to ourselves, "Someday, we're going to look like that!" And then we go ahead and work out like crazy. Not to be cynical, but the not-so-shocking truth is that committing to something just because we saw a poster is a totally different story than actually following through.
Diagonal Suspension Apparatus
Apparently, back in the day, working out meant laying horizontally and stretching while wearing a suit. Usually lying horizontally means our bodies are getting some rest. Well, it doesn't seem to be the case with this exceptionally strange piece of equipment. We wonder what the point of this was.

It would be a say we are more than interested in trying it out. Maybe it was meant to keep your bones from shrinking or something just as strange? Whatever it was, we love a good stretch and we also love the rather formal gym attire from back in the day!
Tae Bo
Ever heard of this? Born a few decades ago, Tae Bo is a style of training that combines martial arts and Thai kickboxing. That means high cardio all around! It was developed by Billy Blanks and was all the rage during the 90s. To get a monster workout, this was the one to do!

To be honest, this is one of the less crazy exercise regimes we’ve heard of. Sounds like a great way to get some aggression out of your system while toning your body. Plus, if you were any good, you could be sure that nobody would mess with you cause you definitely could kick some ass.
Belly Belt
This inflatable belly belt is a piece of plastic that, when you blow air into it, will tighten. Almost looks like us at the local pool when we were kids in our float equipment! We’re guessing it’s supposed to make the abs work by... squishing them? We’ll let you and your abs decide.

It might seem pointless, but whatever it did do, people still bought it. And just with any trendy product that didn't really do anything while also over-committing, sales began to slow down and the product eventually died out. Unfortunately, we still find useless products that make false promises while under-delivering like this out there.
Sir William Cubitt developed the exercise equipment which later evolved into the treadmill. Terming it the “treadwheel”, this was actually, initially, a torture device! Basically, it resembles a water wheel, but instead of water powering it, humans would tread on it and cause it to turn.

Rather than just being for physical exertion to improve physical condition, this treadwheel was designed to also power certain machines and devices. It was an intense workout but at least it also had another purpose. Sounds pretty cruel to us. And we joke that treadmills are torture devices these days…
Well, What's This About?
We've all heard of yoga and how it has so many health benefits. So if you still haven't tried it, you're probably on the fence. On the one hand, it would be nice to get a workout and learn to relax, but on the other, this photo isn't exactly inviting.

From the looks of this photo found online, this yoga class looks like we would be joining a soft cult that will make us start chanting and ohming with essential oils while lying on top of a yoga block with our eyes blindfolded. No wonder everyone thinks yoga people are weird!
If I Fits, I Sits
We’ve all been here. When we're about to leave the house to do some errands or maybe we want to go to the gym, when suddenly a stupidly adorable scene grabs our attention: a four-legged friend has managed to make his way into our bag. This little critter is so cute we don't dare move him.

If you’re anything like us, you love it when your cat decides to lie down on your things. Even though it can be annoying when you’re trying to do other things, like going to the gym. Usually, a cat may sit on your bag or lap when they don't want you to leave.
Golden Girls
Your “I can't exercise” excuse doesn't seem as valid when you see a room full of elderly ladies lifting dumbbells. Who said you had to be young to start working out and getting fit? If anything, these golden girls are showing us it's never too late to get in shape.

Now stop whining about exercise like you’re a toddler (toddlers actually love exercise, by the way), suck it up, and accept your fate. If you value yourself at all, you’ll start treating exercise like a necessary appointment for your health regardless of how old you are or how you feel about it.
Channeling Conan the Barbarian
Have you ever seen a full-grown adult wearing a scantily-clad costume and thought: "Jeez, how could they possibly have the overinflated ego and awkwardly grandiose sense of self-worth needed to wear that in public? Have they no shame?!" Welcome to the gym. It's been waiting for you. For better, or worse.

If you've ever seen the movie then you'll know this guy is trying to channel the main character from the movie "Conan the Barbarian." Is this guy getting ripped so he can get vengeance for the death of his parents or does he just want to maintain his muscular physique?
What the Duck?
If you're looking at this photo and wondering "what on earth is going on?" We'll explain it to you. Someone decided to bring a duck to their school gym for no apparent reason. But there is always a reason and in this case, we determined that it's because ducks are cool.

These feathery creatures are always down for some breadcrumbs. They might even let you pet them if you can get close enough, but don't confuse their friendly nature with other waterfowl, like Geese and Swans, who are not as friendly and will probably chase you if you get too close.
Bodybuilders do some weird stuff in the name of vanity. Between smearing spray tan all over themselves and spending all their free time at the gym to look as ripped as possible, nothing should come as a surprise... right? How about shamelessly marketing themselves by wearing nothing but the tiniest of bathing suits?

When you skim fitness magazines and gaze upon near-Herculean bros posing like this, part of you — the logical, intelligent consumer — is, of course, skeptical. You’re too smart to let some random person convince you that you’re the next Arnold. And still, there’s something about those ads that tempts the not-smart side of you.
Total Chaos
There is so much going on in this photo, we don't even know where to begin. From the man showing off his torso in the background to the guy crying while squatting some weights and being held by a friend, it's total chaos. And we haven't even mentioned his shoes!

Exercising with your friends might sound like a healthy hobby that's meant to make you happier and increase your well-being. But the gym is a fallen world — full of chaos, men baring their chests, and bad taste in shoes, and that is why so many people would rather stay at home.
The Good Old Days
You probably think you’ve heard all you can possibly hear about the good old days. You might think you're full to the brim with historical facts and tidbits, but you probably didn't know that people used to exercise with hoopla wheels. They resemble hula hoops, but these were actually much bigger and made out of metal.

To use one of these bad boys you needed excellent coordination skills and an incredibly strong core. Not to mention your grip better be good, otherwise, you could risk falling and embarrassing yourself during a time when a man's reputation rested solely on his masculinity.
Gym Selfies
There was a very clear period of time when the selfie — much like the duck face, or taking photos with iPads — was still a relatively new phenomenon prone to widespread public ridicule. But no matter how cool we are with selfies, #Gymselfies will never, ever be cool. #Gymselfies are silly and should be banned.

We get it, you like going to the gym and you want everyone to know, you certainly don't have to announce it to the rest of the world. If you absolutely must take these mirror selfies, do it at home, or, well... actually they’re pretty ridiculous wherever you take them.
A Raging Workout
A gym is a beautiful place filled with kind and gentle people and a welcoming spirit. Just look at this guy, who doesn't look angry at all. He's just channeling all his energy into his workout, which, makes him look incredibly angry. Honestly, if we didn't know any better we'd think he might be a little ticked off.

Using anger to power a workout every now and then isn’t a bad thing as long as you’re aware you're doing it. Otherwise, you might let it go haywire, like by starting out too hard or too fast, you can risk injury and burnout. If this guy isn't careful, he could hurt his back.
Haircut at the Pool?
Out of all the places where you can get a haircut, the pool at the gym is not one of them. Maybe in the bathrooms, but even that's a bit strange. We don't know what the woman is thinking but we do feel sorry for her kid, being raised by crazy is a difficult way to grow up.

Sadly, there are a lot of crazies in this world, and true to form, most of the nonsense can be seen at the gym. On the bright side, this haircut is going to save a lot of water as the shampoo and rinse portion is conveniently located next to a pool.
Get Those Quads
Working your quads is easier said than done, just look at how dedicated this guy is to do a vertical leg press, just so he can build those hard-to-reach muscles. If there's one area where it's 100 percent okay to be ridiculously vain, it's the size of your quad muscles.

They're the hardest to grow and taking the time, energy, and money to get them is quite impressive. This guy might look ridiculous now, so much so that people even take photos of him. We just hope he's careful because it looks like it's an accident waiting to happen.
Is That Limbo?
There’s nothing wrong with trying a few new exercises because you know you’re exerting yourself. But to the people who place themselves in questionable positions with heavy weights: you’re making a spectacle of yourselves in all the wrong ways. Not only does this look incredibly unsafe, but what muscles could she be working?

It’s unclear whether or not she planned to do this or if it was just a spontaneous decision to launch a heavy weight on her stomach while she stretched back. Maybe she's trying to get better at limbo and she thinks the extra pressure will force her to become more flexible.
When You're in a Rush
In the ongoing quest to be wildly efficient in everything we do, we're constantly trying to be as fast as possible. And this driver wanted to waste no time when it came to doing laps in the pool. It seems he was in such a rush that he didn't even bother parking his car in the parking lot.

Instead, he just parked in the pool. He doesn't have time to walk to the entrance and sign in, he needs to do laps and he needs to do them now! Unfortunately, he didn't think about how difficult it could be to get his car out or even how he was going to get it cleaned.
Back in the Day
Back in the day, exercising meant pulling on strange levers all while wearing uncomfortable outfits that covered every inch of your body. Even their hair is done up like they're going out to a formal event. Fortunately, we've come a long way since the turn of the century, and exercising is a lot more comfortable and logical.

Just looking at this photo we can tell that these exercises were not very effective. Were they just stretching their necks or was pulling on a rope and lever while your arms are perfectly straight meant to do something? Maybe they were trying to improve their posture and thought practicing looking up would be the best.
Shirts Off
This photo of these men was taken in 1956, we can see them lifting weights in a special area walled off for weightlifting at Muscle Beach, Santa Monica, California. The equipment ranges from small dumbbells to the three and four hundred pounders. Fun fact: several Mr. Americas were developed here.

The gym was basically founded to work on your body so you can look good, so it's no surprise that everyone in this photo feels at liberty to take their shirt off and work out in their little boxer briefs. Thank goodness times have changed and these went out of style in the '90s.
Slimming Belt
There are certain things that you absolutely want to have in your fitness center, like dumbbells, a stationary bicycle, and a trainer who actually knows how to exercise. Then there are the other things, which you absolutely don't need, but that might end up in the gym because someone had a 'bright' idea with exactly zero scientific knowledge to back it up.

This is where the vibrating “slimming” belts come in. Since the 1920s, these have continually popped up as exercise fads. Most gyms used to have an exercise belt machine, though heaven knows why because this machine does absolutely nothing for you or your waistline. We can't help but feel sad that "passive exercise" isn't a real thing, but if it were, we would really like it.
The two lively gentlemen working out in a gym might look a little familiar, they are Milt Dunnell and Harold Ballard. For those who don't know, Harold was a Canadian businessman who also owned the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League. He was eventually charged with fraud but his story was so interesting they even made a documentary about him!

Milton Dunnell was a Canadian sportswriter, known chiefly for his work at the Toronto Star. Here we see them working out together. Or at least, they're pretending to while wearing their business suits and a long jacket. We're not sure what the nature of their relationship was but they look happy.
Crazy Acrobatics
Gym enthusiasts are a unique breed. They're the kind of people who get excited about lifting heavy objects and sweating profusely in public. They won't settle for anything less. Take this guy for example, he wasn't satisfied with just keeping it simple, he had to show off his insane acrobatics skills.

He seems like the type of guy who'll make sure everyone knows exactly how much weight he's lifting. "Yeah bro, I'm doing 225 on bench press. No big deal." To be fair, if we were this fit and could balance a top of weights, we'd also be showing off at the gym!
Oh, Brother!
If you or anyone you know is thinking of injecting synthetic oil into their muscles, this is your sign not to do it! It is an extremely dangerous practice, not to mention illegal! Using synthol injections doesn't even build muscle, but rather simply creates the appearance of larger muscles, which as we can see causes a seriously distorted and unnatural appearance.

Additionally, using synthol injections can lead to serious health consequences, including infections, nerve damage, and even amputations. You're much better off following healthy practices, like exercise and proper nutrition. it might not be a quick and easy way to look ripped but it's way better than looking like this.
Blending in
Choosing the right footwear for your gym workouts can be essential. We all know that good equipment helps you reach better performance as you train. You want something that has the right kind of support, the right kind of cushioning, and obviously, you want it to look good.

Now, one of the things that we usually take into account while browsing for the right kicks is how well they fit the items we already have in our closet. However, we rarely think about how well it would fit with the surroundings of our regular gym. In this case, this Redditor's shoes fit in a little too well — they almost look like they're melting into the carpet, only leaving the laces behind.
Drop It and You'll Have to Leave
Taking care of gym equipment is not the easy task it's cracked up to be. All sorts of people, sweaty people, touch them all the time and move them around, and that's when they're using it correctly, which is not as often as you might think. Maintenance and upkeep are super important if you want your gym to do the job and stay in business.

Sadly, gymgoers don't always get it. This is why this gym decided to take some action. They put up a sign that says that people who drop weights will have their memberships canceled. The sign was hung at the top of the mirror, which is smart because that's where people take selfies, so you can be sure they see it.
They Should Play "Rocky" for Inspiration
This gym wins. Yes, we know that there was no official competition or anything, but it wins nonetheless. This fitness establishment was built in an old remodeled theater and it allows its members to enjoy the multiple layers of the original building. This means that you can work the elliptical while watching others bench press.

Even better, you can do your whole workout routine while watching whatever movie they're showing on the screen. We wonder what kind of machines were set up in the VIP box right above the stage. Maybe they are private workout boxes for VIP gym members.
Even the Sign Is Ripped
As required by law, this gym parking lot has a reserved parking space for disabled people, except that the sign they put up there is a little unusual, giving the stick figure on it a nice set of guns. To be fair, people who need wheelchairs to move around will ultimately have quite impressive upper body strength, gym or no gym.

Provided they're not using a motorized chair, that is. So, the way we're looking at it, this sign should be the standard thing you see everywhere and somehow this gym is the only establishment in the world that got it right.
Where Gym Buffs and Movie Buffs Overlap
While some people enjoy exercising as its own activity, others need to really push themselves in order to change their clothes, leave their house, and go do some strenuous physical activity that will result in them feeling sweaty, winded, and possibly even sore.

Staying motivated is pretty hard when this is the case for you, but this gym came up with the fabulous idea of installing a movie theater screen in one of their rooms so people can get their sufficient amount of cardio while being thoroughly distracted by a nice movie. The people in the picture are getting their steps in while watching the first Harry Potter movie, it seems.
It’s Called a Business Model, Look It Up
The Redditor who posted this picture captioned it with "Why the hell do a fitness gym have candy for the entrance...defeating the purpose of even going..." Now, it's not like we don't see the logic in the poster's question, but we all feel like we need to explain something to them. Actually, maybe we need to explain two things.

One, is that one little candy every once in a while as a post-workout treat it's not going to kill you or mess up your diet. And the other one is that if you do have some portion control problems then that is exactly the kind of thing that will keep you coming back to the gym.
A Sweaty Stamp
In many gyms, members will be asked to bring a towel so they can put it on the machines before they use them. You know, for the sake of hygiene. Some gyms might even have towels to lend or buy at the counter for members who forget. This gym is probably not one of them.

The person who posted this picture tells us that their sweat sesh at the gym was indeed incredibly sweaty. So sweaty, in fact, that they ended up leaving backwards hoodie Disney logos stamped in sweat on all the machines they used. It's like the gym version of Hansel and Gretel.
Flush Responsibly
You can find this type of sign at pretty much any bathroom that's not located in a residential home. People are nasty and there are only so many clogged toilets one can fix before losing their mind. Most of the time those bathroom signs will warn against flushing feminine products or paper towels but needles are pretty new to us.

What someone would do with a needle in a gym bathroom is beyond us. Unless maybe they're diabetic and need to administer insulin. But we would guess that anyone who is responsible enough to inject their own insulin would also be responsible enough to know that their needles should not go in the toilet.
All Suited Up
This dude is dressed to impress. Except that "dressed to impress" needs more context than we realize. At the office, a man dressed to impress would be decked out in a fancy suit and an impressive tie. That's the stuff that will earn you the kind of respect and confidence you need for whatever meeting you're dreading.

Now, at the gym, a man looking to impress would dress himself in something that would accentuate the physique he's been working so hard to achieve. This guy's blazer and button-down shirt could be hiding a fantastic set of abs for all we know.
The Indoor Fog
It doesn't matter what made you start going to the gym. If you've been doing it for long enough, your body will start to change. It will be stronger and more toned, and you will have some nice muscle definition — all things you will probably enjoy and might rightfully want to show off.

All this is to say that gym selfies are inevitable. It seems that the only thing standing between the members of this gym and the perfect selfie is the fog left on the mirror by the weightlifters. Hey, they put in the work until their body started steaming — gotta respect that!
Spelling It Out
If you stick to the same exercise routine for a long enough time it'll start to get boring. Once your body overcomes the challenge and things become easy, you will start looking for other stimulations to spice up your time at the gym. This place came up with an idea that could either be genius or horrible depending on how you spell your name.

They assigned each letter of the alphabet a certain exercise and challenged their members to spell their names in sweat. Well, actually, after completing such a challenge one might work up enough sweat to spell more than just their name. Heck, they might produce enough sweat to write a whole book.
Christmas at the Gym
We are sure that any gym will not be in short supply of well-built people who are fully equipped to physically carry a Christmas tree from one place to another. But this isn't about physical strength, it's about creativity. And it seems like some of these muscle machos can also get pretty creative.

The Christmas tree in the picture is made out of stacked up round weights topped with a star. Sure, decorating it might not be as simple, as there are no branches, but it looks like the job was well done either way with that string of twinkle lights wrapped around the whole thing.
Raising the Roof
When we first laid our eyes on this picture we thought that the cutout in the ceiling was there so that extra tall people could use the machine too. And then we looked at the people in the back for scale and it seemed like that might be a bit of a stretch (no pun intended.)

Only then did we check out the caption posted with the picture and had our a-ha moment. Apparently, this gym created that ceiling cut out so that people could also use this machine when practicing pull-ups. Now that is some next-level attention to detail.
Free Compliments
Physical exercise releases a good bunch of happy hormones such as adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. It's one of the ways for our body to tell us that we're doing the right thing and that all this sweat and sore muscles are not about making you miserable.

It looks like the people at Anytime Fitness wanted to take that feel-good sensation and enhance it so it could also include mental reinforcements. They put up a sign with sweet compliments one could rip and save or give to someone else for a little pick me up. Our favorite compliment here is probably "you make others smile." Aw, you're too sweet!
Pizza Monday
We don't care how old you are, if you're at a place that offers you pizza for free — you're at a pizza party. And this gym knows how to throw a party. Apparently, what we're looking at here is known as this gym's Pizza Monday. Everybody knows that after a good session at the gym, one needs to have a good meal.

Now, people might have different opinions about whether pizza is considered "good" or a "meal," but that's a discussion for a college course in philosophy and we aren't here for a philosophy. What are we here for? Pizza. We're here for pizza.
No Fragile Masculinity Allowed
Anyone who has ever worked at a gym knows that people don't put stuff where they're asked to. It's like kindergarten all over again and you constantly need to remind them to put their toys back on the shelf they were picked up from. Except at the gym, the toys are replaced with weights of various kinds.

At Racqueteers Health and Fitness Club, they came up with a nice sign to help remind people where things belong. Oh, your workout routine has left your big man muscles too deflated to rack them back up? No problem, one of this fine establishment's well-trained girls will be happy to help you.
Step by Step
Anyone who has ever used a Fitbit or any kind of fitness app immediately becomes obsessed with how many steps they've taken. This gym knows that very well and is using that obsession to help people load on their step counter right at the parking lot before they even set one foot through the door.

They installed signs all around the parking lot indicating just how many steps one would have to take before going on any of the machines. We wonder if those signs have inspired any of the members to park further away from the entrance in order to up their step game.
Never Skip a Leg Day
Before seeing this guy and his sweet socks we thought that springing for gym clothes was pretty much the same wherever you went. People usually want to get items that they feel good at, that are comfortable, and that will enhance their performance. Each within their own price range.

However, as this man is now teaching us, there is a second interpretation of gym clothes, and that is — wear something funny. We can get on board with this. His choice of entertaining footwear makes it look like he has the thinnest, most fragile-looking chicken legs pressing up weight they should not be able to handle. We are clucking with laughter!
Put It on the Card
This picture comes to us from a Redditor who has a mother who simply cannot remember where she put her membership card. Like ever. Seriously, when the gym has to issue eight separate cards for you — since you keep losing them — you might have a problem. In any case, who even uses plastic membership cards these days?

We thought that we were moving past those little rectangular pieces of plastic! Most places we know now use either a chip you can hang on your keychain or a simple fingerprint-operated door so you don't have to worry about losing anything at all.
Leave Catcalls to Cats
Let's talk about catcalls, okay? It's the kind of uncalled-for attention (some might even say it's an act of aggression) that needs to be stopped. Any construction worker or greasy mechanic who whistles at you or shouts out "hey baby, nice jeans" from across the street will find it hard to understand why that so-called compliment would make one want to throw the nearest rock at them.

But they must learn, and if this gym gets its way then learn they shall. Anyone who leaves this gym feeling fit and fabulous will also be strong enough to rip any catcaller a new one.
An Icon and a Legend
Can you imagine bumping into national treasure Richard Simmons at the gym, no less? It would be like running into Tom Brady on the bleachers at your community college football game. It would be like going to watch a music concert and finding out that the person casually sitting next to you is Paul McCartney.

Richard Simmons, for those of you who somehow aren't in the know, started out as an actor and then pivoted into fitness coaching, which skyrocketed him to national stardom. His home fitness tapes were all the rage just a few short decades ago. This young lad was in the presence of greatness and had the sense to document it.
The Phantom of the Gym
There are all sorts of things that can happen in a gym locker room — some more sinister than others. You never know who is dealing in protein powder where they shouldn't be. But we guess we would rather have seen someone trying to sell us protein powder than catching a phantom pooper in the act.

Actually, maybe if we caught him in the act he would no longer be a phantom? But there are more important things to take care of than linguistics and semantics. Someone has been leaving little packages in the wrong places, and the nasty scoundrel must be apprehended.
Working Out With Shaq
People go to the gym for various reasons. Some of them do it because they already paid the membership and want to justify the expense. Some would do it as an excuse to get out of the house and interact with other people. And some of them would do it just because they want to put in the work and leave.

All valid reasons, no doubt. If this picture is an indication, Shaquille O'Neal belongs to the third type. The young woman who was lucky enough to see him and so ecstatic to be taking a selfie with him probably belongs to the second type.
Wearing His Heart on His Heart
Forget about wearing your heart on your sleeve, wearing your heart on your chest makes much better sense. We wonder what kind of exercise this man did to get so sweaty in one place, especially around the chest area. Where are the pit stains, dude?

Regardless, there's actually something pretty endearing in that heart-shaped pattern that this man has managed to splay across his own chest. If you would indulge us in a moment of poetry, we would say that this man's heart wants to thank him for treating him so well with all of the cardio he's been getting.