Some of these photos might make you laugh, and most of them will leave you scratching your head and asking yourself, “but how?” Trust us. There are just some things that you need to see to believe, and this is definitely one of those times!
Left, Left, Left, Right, Yawn
Anyone that’s been in the military knows that things at home where you’re stationed can be pretty repetitive and well, boring. The same goes for anyone that’s ever checked out a military parade. Sure, things are fun for a little while, but people marching can only be interesting for so long!

The poor guy in this picture is all marched out. His face says, “in my mind, I’m in bed!” And just look around at the faces of all of his brothers. No one looks particularly excited to be walking in that parade. Don’t worry buddy, only 30 more blocks to go!
Moon Hangs Ten
This image is another case of being in the right place at the right time and capturing a stunning image because of it. Okay, it also helps if you’re in the freakin’ SWISS ALPS! Yes, that’s why this picture is so…picturesque…because that crane you’re looking at is in the Alps.

The construction crane is positioned in just the right way when the moon hits that angle, so it looks like the moon is being suspended from the crane. Pretty awesome, right?
The 400 Meter Meow
In lane 10, we have Paws McGee, ten-time champion all-star squish-bean race competitor and mouse-hunting specialist. Get ready ladies, gentlemen, and cats! On your mark, get set, GO!

And Paws McGee bolts into the lead and –oh, he’s stopped to give himself a bath. Annnnd he’s lost. It’s okay Paws, no one really cared if you won the race or not. We just came to look at the cute cat face, anyways. Go, Paws!
The Rainbow And The Golden Road
We’re not sure if there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, but we’re certain that there’s a golden line leading straight to it! The lighting in this image is really beautiful, and the photographer captured a lovely golden light bouncing off of the road.

The way the rainbow acts as a divide between the light side of the sky and the dark side of the sky is truly poetic. If you look closely, you will see that this photo actually shows a gorgeous double rainbow! Hats off to whoever took this magical image!
Yawn, I’m Over It!
Pole vaulting is a seriously complicated sport, one that involves a lot of thought and power. And what does power require? Energy, of course! One might assume that someone’s face may boast an expression of extreme effort while they’re trying to navigate through the air on a flimsy post. However, that’s not exactly the case in this picture.

This poor woman didn’t get enough sleep the night before her competition. She’s flying through the air and yawning like she really doesn’t even care about the jump -she’s ready for a nap! We’re just glad that one of the photographers snapped this awesome photo before she fell asleep.
Blue Jean Baby
We’re not sure if this woman was aiming for this when she woke up, or if this just…happened. Either way, we’re sure glad it did! The colors in her jeans and shoes blend seamlessly with the colors of the sea and sky in the background, and even the sand underneath her feet!

This is one spectacular color combination, regardless of whether or not it was intentional! Now all she needs is a sky-blue hat to tuck her hair away in and she would be but a floating head in a white t-shirt.
Now That’s A Body Board
So, we’re putting a whole new meaning to the phrase “bodyboard,” with this pic! The timing of this shot is purely incredible, and kudos to both guys for pulling It off. One of the friends jumps vertically and the other dives toward the sand.

And at the exact same time as both of these guys move, the guy taking the picture snaps, snaps, snaps away. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how pure viral gold is produced. Bam! That’s some serious coordination and teamwork, boys!
You’ve Been Served
Volleyball is a high-energy sport that often results in loud grunting while balls are being served or spiked over the net. However, it isn’t technically supposed to be a contact sport. But like with any sport or activity, accidents do happen.

This poor kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time when this picture was taken, but he really doesn’t look like he knew what he was doing in the first place. The way these two have collided with each other tells us that neither team probably had a super high score in this game.
I Don’t Want to Get My Hair Wet
This young woman has the solution for all of the ladies that want to get in the pool without getting their hair wet. Just kidding, she’s just taking part in a pretty cool artistic shot. These kinds of images have been trending in all different types of settings, but this is the first we’re seeing of one that’s poolside!

We bet that she could probably terrify her younger siblings with this move…or anyone, for that matter! Especially if it was dark and everyone was night swimming! Creepy.
Twisted Sisters
This next image is actually pretty beautiful if you ask us. If you’ve ever tried yoga, you may know that poses like this wouldn’t be the easiest thing in the world to pull off. We’ve barely got our child’s pose perfected, and that’s basically just hugging the ground!

All of the elements of this image pull together to create some truly amazing visuals. You’ve got the out-of-focus bridge above the shimmering blue water setting the tone in the background. Then, you’ve got these two women who are inspiringly in shape and rocking this pose! Nicely done, ladies!
Warp Speed Jumping Frog
The frog in this picture looks like he belongs on an episode of Star Trek. He jumps up, up, and away…into oblivion! No, we’re kidding, he’s just fine.

While it may seem like the photographer used some type of special effects to achieve this image, it was actually just great timing and a stroke of luck! All that happened was that when the frog leaped, the photographer snapped, and it (the leap) got caught in the picture’s exposure. Leap on leapin’ on, friend!
Bubble Dog
Yes, we made a pun about the Boy in the Plastic Bubble. If you haven’t seen it, you really should. Sure, it’s sad and you’ll probably cry more than once, but it’s also a terrific movie. Anyways…

Awww! Look at the little pupper chasing after the bubbles! This is another one of those “situated just right,” shots. The angle of the camera makes it look as if the dog is actually inside the bubble. Ruff!
Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board
Who remembers playing this as a game with friends as a child? We sure do! Unfortunately, it never actually worked like we were all told that it would. But this guy seems to be able to “go there” all by himself!

Too bad for him, though, none of the judges seem to be paying any attention. He’s literally flying and they’re all just like, “meh, we’ve seen these ten times today.” We hear that he still scored pretty well though. Good for him!
Fish Eye Lens
You know the fisheye effect that you can use to edit photos? The one that blows a portion of the picture up huge and looks pretty funny? This guy doesn’t. But he is an expert at using whole fish as lenses! He is really not shy about getting up close and personal with these two fish.

He must have a stuffy nose or something because we really can’t imagine holding raw fish that close to our nostrils! You know the saying, “it’s so close I can almost taste it?” Yeah, you get our drift…slight pun intended.
Rear Ended
Oddly enough, we’ve actually experienced this exact same thing once at summer camp. We were on a trail ride and the girl on the horse in front of ours pulled too tightly on its reins and backed into our horse which reared, and we both ended up in the hospital that day!

This horse probably had enough being ridden for one day and decided it was the end of the line for that poor guy. Believe us, getting reared off of a horse really, really hurts! Also, don’t worry – the horse is just fine.
Blazing A Trail?
We’re admittedly a little bit confused by whatever seems to be going on in this picture. It seems like that odd trail running through the plains was left behind by the plane, right? But when you take into consideration the angle of this picture, things get a little strange.

Does this plane have a rear-facing camera mounted to its wings? Did someone contort themselves into an insane pretzel to snap this shot? We don’t know. But we do know that whatever the case may be, this is one pretty cool picture!
Give That Mouse A Cookie
This mouse looks like he’s had one hell of a bad day, and he’s trying to prevent it from getting any worse! The poor thing looks terrified as he tries to scale upwards between solid objects and keep from falling onto the electrical outlet all at once.

Maybe this mouse was running from the resident cat and thought he’d find it high up off the ground? Or, maybe he isn’t going up at all and he is in fact, sliding downwards! Either way, he looks like he’s having serious difficulties!
The Under Belly
Living right next to the airport can be a major drag sometimes. There’s always crazy traffic and it’s always super loud with all of the planes constantly flying so close to you. But there are a few upsides – one being that you can take some pretty great pictures without putting in too much effort.

The person who took this picture probably spends a lot of time looking up at the gigantic aircraft buzzing overhead, and he realized he had the opportunity to make some magic! Such a simple yet artistic shot!
"Benjamin Button" Syndrome?
So, take a quick glimpse at this snapshot and let us know what you see. We’ll wait. Right?!

At first glance, it looks like this toddler has the face of an old man, and it’s really creeping us out! Thank God it’s just an optical illusion, and all we’re seeing is the back of the baby’s head in a hat, and the man’s face that’s holding him, turned slightly sideways. Phew! Some optical illusions really do a number on the mind, huh?
Pelican Pockets
Pelicans are some of the coolest birds in the world. They typically fly in flocks of around 6-8, and when they’re hungry, they dive bomb into the water and scoop up some fish with their enormous bill! It is such an incredible sight to see if you happen to be near the ocean when it happens.

This Pelican must have a long journey ahead of him because he’s decided to tuck his snack away in his throat pouch for later. Hey, you do you, Mr. Pelican. Actually, we think this might be a lady pelican, after all, we know how much ladies love snacks…and pockets.
No, Not My Cake!
When all you want to do is sit down on your birthday and nom-nom-nom on some delicious birthday cake, but the cake has other plans. Her face says it all: “NO, NOT MY CHEESECAKE!” We definitely feel for her. But at least she doesn’t have to work quite so hard at the gym this week.

Plus, she was bouncing back and forth between the cheesecake and the chocolate pie, anyways. This was just the universe’s way of telling her that she should have ordered the chocolate in the first place! Waiter!
Hands-On Flight Experience
So, this guy was out walking along the streets of his hometown one rainy day, when he came across this puddle. He went to greet his reflection in the puddle and was surprised to see a plane the size of a bee, flying above him!

The timing of this whole thing was pretty impeccable, as he not only saw the opportunity for this awesome picture, but he seized it! Who else is impressed that this guy was able to whip his phone out and “catch” that plane on time?
Do The Wave…Of Glass
How freakin’ cool is this shot of this wave? This picture is the result of a surfer wearing a GoPro while out riding the waves. This shot was taken from INSIDE of the wave. Is that not awesome? If we weren’t such big babies about being in the ocean, we could take a shot like this too! Okay, maybe not.

Check out how the freeze frame makes the wave appear like it’s made out of glass! This is yet another example of the magic of good timing! And of course, the natural beauty of the ocean doesn’t hurt!
Doggo Takes A Dive
This dog saw something that he really, really wanted to sniff. He set his eyes on the prize and he took off running. Unfortunately, he reached a speed that his furry little legs could no longer handle, and boom—the doggy crashed.

This picture actually makes us pretty sad. We are major dog (and all animal) lovers, and we feel for the poor puppy! We hope that his owner picked him up and gave him some major rubs and treats afterward.
The Best Selfie Ever
We’re not entirely sure if this cat has superpowers, or if he’s one of the few cats with opposable thumbs who have successfully learned how to operate a camera, but we don’t care! This is one of the best photos in existence, period.

It isn’t just the fact that it looks like this cat snapped this shot that makes it so awesome, but that all of the animals are facing the camera, too! They must have been pretty mesmerized by the drone that took this picture. Meow!
I’ve Got The Power
Thor might have something to say about which God controls the Lightning over Rio de Janeiro, but Christ looks like he beholds the power…or at least, his statue does. On its own, this 100 ft tall statue could probably scare some people into submission. But add this intense storm and the lighting of this shot and you get…well, you get this!

How cool is it that the lightning looks like it is touching the hand of the statue? What a powerful image!
Belly Float
As soon as this guy jumped, he realized he’d better get his hands to break the water before his stomach does! Contrary to what some people may believe, we actually think he made this dive.

After all, his arms are bent so his hands touch the water first. We could be wrong though, and this guy totally could have done the world’s greatest belly flop! One thing is certain either way; the people around him got wet, even if they weren’t counting on it at the time!
House Of Cups
Let’s not pretend that any of us who have been to college aren’t connoisseurs of plastic cups – we are. But just because we know how to flip them like champs, doesn’t mean we can shape them into a tall castle without knocking them over. Then again, neither can he!

But you know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. If you get off the horse, you have to get back up. Is it working? Is he motivated? Onward, knight of cups!
Bottlenose Dolph-Grin
Dolphins are both extremely intelligent and friendly. There are even numerous reports of dolphins saving humans from drowning and shark attacks. But this little girl is too young to understand any of that, and she seems pretty concerned about the enormous animal swimming directly toward her!

We’re sure mom and dad knew that the girl was in no danger, but there’s no harm in letting her believe she is for a second for the sake of a hilarious picture!
Inverse Dive Oops
We have actually seen this happen before, at a neighborhood pool while swimming with some friends. A girl that actually looked a lot like the one in this picture was practicing inverse dives and made a mistake. The result was… bloody, to say the least!

When someone does an inverse dive, they stand at the edge of a diving board facing away from the water. They jump backward and use their body to flip so they enter the water facing in the opposite direction that they started in. It’s actually a pretty cool trick, but also obviously dangerous. We think we’ll stick with cannonballs!
Gotcha, Chris!
Chris the lifeguard thought that his day at the pool was going to be uneventful, much like many others had been for the past week. But on this day, his Aunt and her friends decided to come to visit him at work.

Chris was having his co-worker snap a couple of shots of him for his amateur modeling portfolio, but Aunt Lynda had other plans. “Watch this, ladies,” says Lynda as she leans back…
America’s Next Top Mammon
Uhhhh…someone please alert this girl that there’s a demon incarnating next to her! It’s just what? Oh, our bad, apparently that’s not a demon from the pits of hell, just some hellishly terrible eyeshadow.

Okay so the eye shadow explains the eye situation but what, uh…what’s going on with that creepy smile? We think it’s possible she may in fact be possessed AND dawning some horrible eye color. Quick, grab the salt!
Bridesmaid Meltdown
This bridesmaid couldn’t handle the heat, so she passed out in the kitchen…or, at the altar. The bride and groom are so happy it seems like they don’t even notice! It must be true love, they only have eyes for each other! Okay but seriously, is anyone here a doctor? Please help!

The happy couple didn’t notice until people in the audience started pointing and shouting. But hey, at least the rest of the wedding went smoothly!
Should We Tell Her There’s a Ball On Her Face?
The photographer who snapped this epic shot deserves a pretty penny for his efforts! What exactly is going on here? This gymnast was performing her floor routine with a weighted gym ball. One of the moves involves shimmying the ball from the tip of the fingers on one hand, down the arm, across the chest, and up the other arm.

The photographer just so happened to get this picture right when the ball was moving from one arm to another! Hmm…did he mean to snap this shot, or did this just kind of happen? Well if so, we’re glad it did. Way to go, guy (or girl, we don’t know who took this shot and we don’t discriminate!)
Swirly Bird
If you ask us, we say birds pretty much have it made in life. They get to fly all over the world and see all kinds of beautiful places from birds-eye views, and they get to hang out on telephone wires and silently judge everyone beneath them.

Birds also get to flutter away in little bird baths that human’s set up for them for their amusement. This bird decided to take a dip today and he splashed his way INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION. Just kidding, but it’s a pretty cool shot!
Selfie With Jaws
This has to be one of the most epic photo bombs in history. How many people can say they took a selfie with a shark and lived to tell the tale with all of their limbs intact? Not many, we're sure!

Did this guy see the shark coming, and seized the moment despite the potential danger? Or was this the genuine photo bomb? Who knows this guy because we need answers?!
Whale Watching
We’re not sure if we would have taken such a great picture under these particular circumstances. After all, would you be able to stay cool and still enough to snap this shot if an enormous Orca was headed straight toward you? We didn’t think so.

Lucky for us, this photographer kept his cool and delivered one hell of a picture! Orca whales are one of the biggest and most beautiful creatures in the deep blue seas. We love seeing pictures of marine life in their natural habitat!
Sea Foam Hand
This image is so amazingly beautiful, as it really portrays the immense beauty and power of the ocean. And all it took was a little shutter speed control and of course, perfect timing on the part of the photographer! This photographer has a great eye for beauty if we do say so ourselves!

The ocean has decided that it’s time for that rock to come home. It extends its beautiful, foamy paw and reaches forward to grab it and pull it back into the peacefulness and serenity of the sea.
Super Excited Doggy
If you’ve heard the saying that humans don’t deserve dogs, it’s really true. Dogs are so sweet-natured and happy, they are easily pleased and find happiness in a good treat and a warm bed. Something that most humans could really learn to appreciate!

Just look at how happy this doggy is to be getting his biscuit! His face looks like the equivalent of someone who just won the lottery, and it’s all because he knows he’s about to bite into some chicken-y goodness.
Into The Belly Of The Beast
This Alligator Gar saw a scaly predator swimming in his direction, so he swam away as fast as he could—right into the mouth of another one of his enemies! This is another case of a photographer being in the right place at the right time.

We mean, what are the chances of getting this shot? Do those fish just happen to jump into the alligator’s mouths on a regular basis? Well, maybe. After all, gars aren’t exactly the smartest creatures in the world.
RIP, Bumble Bee
This photo is interesting, beautiful, and sad, all rolled into one. You have heard that if a bee stings you and loses its stinger, it dies, right? Yeah, we’ve heard that too, we just haven’t ever seen it so up close before.

This poor bee decided that today was the day she would fight to her death. As she stings her enemy and flies away, she is ripped apart by the stinger. Awww, poor bee! We’re sad now, we love bees, bees are crucial to our environment!
Beret O’ Fish
Well, maybe it’s not quite as fancy as a beret, but this guy is definitely rocking one unique hat! Most people just take a picture holding the fish with their hands when they’ve caught a big one. But this guy decided to take it to a whole other level.

Props to his buddy who was standing there with the camera to snap this shot. We wonder if he meant to make his friend’s face look like a giant fish. Hmm. High five!
Four-Legged Goalies
Look at those adorable little squish beans! Those kitty cats are definitely jumping for some kind of toy. Or maybe they are just jumping for joy! We don’t care what they’re doing, we just know that whatever it is, it’s freakin’ adorable.

We’re betting that mom was dangling a shiny string above them, and they were leaping to catch it. Or maybe there was a spider on the ceiling that the kitties were hunting. In any case, it is one cute shot.
Buddha The Big Boy
Awww, look at The Buddha, playing with his toy plane! Can’t you just imagine him going, “zoooooooom,” as he flies it around in circles in the air? Okay, maybe that isn’t exactly what’s going on in this picture at all.

Really, it’s just this super cool big statue of Buddha and a passing plane. Some people have miraculous timing, as this person had to see this AND snap this photo before the plane slipped between the statue’s fingers. Bravo!
Through The Looking Glass
When you’re a kid, the world is your oyster. You get excited about anything and everything, and you can basically be amused by anything that moves, anything that’s brightly colored, and anything shiny.

This poor kid just wanted to get a better look at whatever that shiny, moving thing on the road was. He was so close to looking out of the window like a big boy! Almost there…almost there…oops! Better luck next time, buddy!
Look At This Good Boy
Who’s a good boy? This pupper in this pic, that’s who! He was so excited when he caught this ball, he just couldn’t bear to let go! As Tyra Banks would say, he is “smizing.” America’s next top woof-dog!

Now that it’s his, it’s his, we’d like to see you try and fight him for it! Okay so maybe he’s actually stuck, and we should go help him…
This was definitely one of our favorite games as kids, but we’re not entirely sure why. Damn, we were seriously easily amused as children. After all, playing Jenga basically consists of stacking wooden blocks atop each other and then pulling them back out, piece by piece until it falls, in which case you scream “Jenga,” at the top of your lungs.

Really, why were we so thrilled by this? Okay but in this kid’s defense, this giant version of the game looks insanely cooler than the regular old little version. Except it kind of may hurt to get hit in the face with a big block of wood when you’re like, four.
Tongue Kiss
Okay, we can’t really decide how to feel about this picture. We do love dogs, but do we love our dogs enough to French kiss them? Maybe. We do love them, but we don’t love the idea of touching tongues with someone who just got done licking their butt.

But…the dog couldn’t help himself! His mom stuck out her tongue, so he was compelled to do it, too! As icky as this might be, we still think it’s very, very cute!
Slippery, Cold Memories
Raise your hand if you grew up somewhere cold where it snowed in the winter! Well, if you’re like us and have fond childhood memories of sipping hot chocolate and sledding down the hill in your backyard, you probably remember what it’s like to slip on ice, too! Hint: it freakin’ hurts!

But, if your moms were anything like some of ours were, you were wearing three pairs of padded snow pants anyways, so it didn’t hurt as much as it really could have. We just think it’s funny that this mom decided to snap a picture instead of breaking the fall!
Cliché Holiday Photos
This family decided to hire a professional photographer to snap some family photos of them on their beach vacation in Florida. They even went shopping beforehand and picked out adorable matching outfits. Look at how they’re all color-coordinated, it’s cute.

Then the mother said, “we should try one with us all jumping and laughing,” – and this happened. Honestly, it actually makes the photo a lot more interesting and less…just less, that is all. Plus, sand doesn’t make for a hard fall. Trust us, we know!
To The Moon And Back
Dubai is known for its incredible architecture and innovative building techniques. They have some of the world’s most unique buildings. This just happens to be one of those buildings; The Burj Al Arab. And this is one of the best pictures of it in existence!

Why? The way the building is designed, and the position of the supermoon come together to make this intensely magical image. Almost as if the building was made specifically to hold the moon that way. Amazing!
Sipping and Sunning
All this guy wanted to do was relax and sip his drink on his one day off from work this month, but his lawn chair had other ideas. He was wary to even sit down on it, you guys know how these chairs can be, but he figured he didn’t have much to lose.

Turns out he actually didn’t lose much. He might have a small bruise on his tailbone, and he’ll have to spend an extra couple of minutes putting his chair back together, but at least he saved most of his drink!
Snowball to the Dome
It’s basically a rite of passage for guys who live in areas where it snows to smash their friends in the face with a snowball…at least once per year. The guy who took this picture also took this rite of passage to an entirely new level!

We don’t know if the same person who threw that snowball took the picture of it hitting the guy in the face, but if they did – that’s talent right there. Props to the guy taking the hit for being a good sport about it!
Dude, Hands Off!
The guy photobombing this picture looks like he’s actually going way further than just that. It really looks like this guy has his hand on the girl on the right’s shoulder! Luckily, it’s just the way the camera and everyone in the picture are angled.

To the naked eye, it may look like this dude is just randomly groping this chick and smiling all creepily about it, but if you look a little bit closer, you’ll see that the hand on her shoulder actually belongs to her friend standing next to her. Phew!
Someone Help Mickey, He’s Stuck!
Okay, seriously? We’re honestly wondering how it’s possible that the people who were with this woman didn’t tell her that something was a little…off. It almost seems as if she tied it like this intentionally to make it look like Mickey was trapped in…well, he was trapped!

But let’s remember that it’s Disney we’re talking about. Disney is famous for using coded messages in its stuff, so would it really come as a shocker if they designed this shirt specifically to look like this when worn in a certain way? Hmm.
Hay, Help!
What, did you think we were going to let you get out of this without another picture of a kid falling down? Well, too bad, because here it is! Hehe. Seriously though, are you trying to tell us they aren’t as hilarious as they are adorable? Exactly!

This kid was on a field trip with his classmates, you know the one. It’s the fall season, and everyone is ready to pick their pumpkin and take a hayride. And of course, you climb all over the large bales of hay. This little boy lost his footing and toppled to the ground. Oof!
Cat Vs The Eagle
This cat must be one serious fan of the Steve Miller Band because he’s certainly got the whole flying like an Eagle thing down pat! That cat also looks like it’s seen some stuff, man.

You’ve got to have some major cat balls to go toe-to-toe with a bird of prey like that! The Eagle probably thought the cat would be an easy target for lunch, but the kitty was all, “Nope! Not today Satan!” You go, wild cat!
Fish Face
And here you’ll see the elusive Upside-Down-Mermaid. This creature usually prefers to do its hunting at night, so it’s a real treat that someone was nearby with an underwater camera to capture this rare image of the mythological gem hanging out in the ocean during the daytime!

I guess we’re sort of lucky that it’s rare to spot one of these things. After all, mermaids with a fishy bottom half and a human face are so much easier on the eyes. It’s like the Upside-Down-Mermaid violates all kinds of universal natural laws.
No-Hands Head-Stand
Doing a headstand as a kid was super fun but somehow, falling down as a kid didn’t hurt as much, or at least it seemed that way. I give this woman some serious props for being able to hold this pose because doing a headstand as an adult requires a lot more effort than when you’re five! Headstands and handstands can be really hard to pull off if you aren’t a seasoned gymnast or yogi.

Check out this woman’s power pose for the ages! She is locked into place and with no assistance from her hands, she’s totally holding a literal headstand. You go, girl!
Naked And Afraid
No one should be surprised by a streaker running across sports fields anymore. After all, this is one of the most cliché pranks in the sports world of all time. But we’re not saying it’s not still hilarious, because it totally is.

Unfortunately, this streaker had some pretty awful timing when he decided to strip down and bare it all at this rugby game. One of the players was not having it at all and decided to take him down. Ouch! Also, hmm…
Honey, I Soaked The Kid
This kid is a perfect example of not crying over spilled milk. He literally looks like he could care less that there is a mixed drink being poured on him. Maybe he looks like he doesn’t care because he’s super comfortable on mom’s lap. Mom looks like she is very much regretting ordering a drink with sticky juice in it at this point!

Dad doesn’t know yet at this moment, but we’re sure he had a great laugh when he saw this picture. Hopefully, he didn’t see it until after that night when the kid was cleaned up and it was funny already instead of just mildly inconvenient.
Puck It
The look in this ice hockey goalie’s eyes says it all. He’s super glad he’s wearing that caged mask, right now. Although he does still look a little concerned like maybe it was going to slip through the cage and hit him in the face anyways.

Let’s be honest though – everyone knows that hockey is a brutally violent sport. People literally go to hockey games to see guys kick each other’s butts on the ice. So why does this goalie look like he’s so surprised?
Flame On, Flame Bright
Photography is one of the coolest hobbies/jobs in the world, hands down. All of the wonderful high-tech equipment nowadays allows photographers to capture moments in time that would remain unseen to the naked eye. SO COOL!

Just check out this picture of this beautiful flame, trapped in a frozen moment of time. The lighting and coloring in this image just further add to its essence. What a lovely photo!
…And Then There’s This Guy
This poor guy wasn’t nearly as lucky as the kid in the last picture, whose dad was there to protect him from getting smashed in the face by a flying bat. Nope, this guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This unlucky spectator probably ended up with a dislocated jaw!

This, this is the reason…well, one of the reasons we don’t go to baseball games. The other reason is that we aren’t exactly huge baseball fans, but it’s mostly the FLYING BASEBALL BATS that keep us away!
Not as Gruesome as It Looks
At first glance, it appears that this image is a big pile of bodies, but fear not, you're seeing a lava flow falling toward a big, fiery hole. We admit it does have a sort of underworld vibe.

We have to imagine that the first group of people to lay eyes on something like this was pretty freaked out, but it's just as natural as anything else that spews from the mouth of a volcano. Would that person really be giving such a big, sunny smile if she stood on top of lots of bodies? We think not.
The Crop Was Good This Year
If you're an outdoor person – climber, hiker, even a long-distance runner or something like that – you're probably familiar with the Clif bar. These power-packed snacks have kept people fueled for quite some time, but where is the exciting wrapper image from?

Right here, as it turns out – Colorado, maybe, we think. So no, you won't be able to find the place strewn with fresh Clif bars, but you can at least try and recreate what this person (who might be the original photographer) did.
Caught in the Act
It's like a dream come true. This kind of thing might be a once-in-a-year event: vacation time is there, the weather is perfect, and nobody demands your attention.

So you grab your cone of vanilla (it's somebody's favorite), head to your favorite stretch of water, and take out your camera. The internet must know of this. But, of course, you had an unexpected guest while you were fiddling, trying to get the camera open without getting any ice cream on your phone. Good luck getting this kind of picture again.
Yo Ho, Me Hearties
A foggy day is one for intense thoughts, poetry, warm coffee, and pirates. Still? Yes, still, according to this picture. It almost looks like that galley is swooping in on a cloud to make off with the treasure, rum, wenches, etc. Let this inspire you for your next painting or short story.

And now, we hate to be a bunch of buzz kills, but this is the top of a tower in San Francisco, California. It's the Sutro Tower, a radio mast. Reality is disappointing, but it sure looked like Blackbeard had finally returned for his long-awaited revenge.
Kitty's Been Hitting the Weights
Just like humans, cats want to look good. For whatever vague cat reasons. However, this usually isn't what they're going for. A lucky pic meant that all the cat ladies' greatest wish was finally fulfilled. The proportions are a bit off, but we can put that behind us. Nobody's perfect.

We wouldn't expect this cat-guy to stay such for very long. That cat looks like it's about to leap right out, back in, back out, and that's how you get this picture.
It Could Have Been a Lot Worse
It's a little bird, winging its way across the blue, on its way to a tree branch or a bird feeder or maybe a high power line to talk to some friends.

Look closer, though, and you'll discover that it's not a bird at all – it's a crack in a windshield. Amazingly, a rock got kicked up from a wheel and hit the windshield in a one-in-a-million (maybe billion or trillion) way. We wouldn't recommend trying to recreate this – for every dent that gives you something close to this, you'll get a thousand ugly marks that you'll hate.
Floating Snow
We were honestly pretty confused when we saw this picture for the first time, but here's the explanation: during the winter, there was a flood. It's been known to happen, even during cold temperatures. The water rose, froze, and snow fell, freezing in place.

Then the water receded to normal levels, leaving the trees next to the lake with little bits of flat ice frozen. It's probably happened plenty of times all over the place, but it's certainly rare. So if you see it, take a picture and amaze your friends.
The Moo Heard Around the World
The photographer thinks they will get the perfect shot, but it's really the world's largest cow that will get the last laugh. Or not the last laugh, just a laugh.

Of course, you're a smart cookie, so you see that the cow isn't that big – our old friend forced perspective is here for some good fun. Otherwise, you'd be able to make a lot of ice cream, thanks to Bessie. Maybe it's a tiny photographer? Also a good option.
Colonel the cow stands at a staggering six feet, five inches tall. That's tall for a human! He weighs a ridiculous thirty-five hundred pounds. The owners of Colonel realized that he was something special and decided to keep him around as a pet.

His incredible size barely beats out the previous record holder for the world's giant cow, Old Ben, who died more than a hundred years ago and rose to six feet, four inches. They can't get any milk out of him, but they're going to get something that might be even more useful to their farm – fame.
Not Exactly Native
No, you aren't seeing the last of the Mohicans here – this is just good timing and the right positioning. While the line of Vitamin Water bottles does look like it would work as a classic, vibrant headdress, it's a two-dimensional image. Also, the photo's subject doesn't look like he fits the bill of a war chief.

But who knows, maybe he has some wild stories from Korea or something like that. The kind of stories that will put your hair on end. Today he might be bowling, but he was leading the charge back in the day.
It's Seen Some Things
There are many old trees out there, but this one is not only far older than you might expect – it's also kept in a place of honor. This is a ginkgo tree, the last living species in the order of Ginkgoales, which is almost three hundred million years old.

This tree, in particular, clocks in at about fourteen hundred years, and Emperor Taizong of Tang planted it, or so the legend goes. It's on the protection list of ancient trees in China, and as you can tell, it's truly a sight to behold.
Where Will It Take You?
While it looks like this bridge is straight out of a fairy tale, it's only in Saxony, Germany. Still, it's impossible to say this creation isn't something spectacular. It's also known as Devil's bridge.

It isn't near any large cities, and it's a little challenging to get to it in the park where it's found, but it looks like it's worth it. The Devil bridge's name comes from the fact that it seems so difficult to build. The builders must have had the Devil's help. We wouldn't be surprised to see some hobbits taking a boat right under it.
Quick Camouflage
Dogs are predators at their core, which means they don't need to blend in with the surrounding area. Sometimes, as you can tell, it still works out that way. Here we have a red heeler on the left and a blue heeler on the right, and the owner just so happened to find some ground that matched their fur perfectly.

A little uncertainty improves our days, but we imagine this is on the typical walk path. We're also very fond of the mirrored poses the dogs are in, and oh boy, now we want a dog!
Uh...Are These Feet?
The right timing is critical for a lot of things. Fishing. Marriage proposals. Photography. You can make a funny picture like this one out of almost any movie.

Pedro Pascal, we're sure you know what feet are, even if those slippers are a little strange. But it's not anything you need to worry about – certainly nothing you need to tear your eyes out over. Just go on with your day being a space guy or whatever it is you do.
Copy, Paste
Big armies love to show off, and the Chinese military is undoubtedly significant. However, they're also an intensely-drilled group that, as you can see, can march in lockstep with the best of them.

At first glance, it looks like this image was created with the help of some photoshop, copying the back rows and layering them on top of each other until you get a long line, but if you look closer, you'll see that every soldier is unique. The uniforms, the walk they're walking, and the way they hold their heads make them look way too similar.
Into Another World
Take a step into another dimension with this image. You aren't looking at a bunch of rocks and trees – you're looking at an ocean with a sailing vessel.

Come to take you off on an adventure. In reality (that sorry old place), this image comes from somebody holding a piece of a broken mirror at the perfect angle and position to catch the boat behind him. The light is perfect, the selection of glass is excellent, and the framing is just proper. Are we sure this isn't an opening into another world? Are we sure?
Making Waves
While there are lots of off-color jokes we could make about the contents of this image, let's stick with the straight facts. This is long jumper Luisa Bodem landing in a sandpit after one of her classic jumps at the German Athletics Championships in 2017, and the way her feet impacted the sand created several waves of sand.

Of course, this happens almost every time a long jumper hits the sand, but this camera was positioned and used at the perfect time to show us something we don't usually get to witness. At least, not something that our brains can see.
Is That the Thigh Gap I've Heard So Much About?
Fashion Week is a big moment for everybody who has way too much time on their hands, and it's because fun outfits like this one are revealed. Of course, they're never seen again because most of them are pretty stupid, but this one might have created a stir.

How is such a feat accomplished? Are there portals inside the dress? Is a magician at work behind the scenes? We don't know for sure, but chances are the woman's body is in a piece of black clothing between the two sections, and it's hard to see in this picture because it's on a black background.
Dark Side of the Dining Room
Getting a little rainbow from some light passing through a bit of crystal or another prism isn't too uncommon, but this is a much more relaxed version than we usually see. Light from the sun hits a prism, scattering into the different spectrum bands, hitting the chair, and getting sliced into almost-clean sections of color.

Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. The end of the spectrum, toward blue and purple, gets a bit chaotic, but it's still pretty close. Since the changing light means this won't be around for long, take a pic when you can.
Right Down the Middle
You can probably recognize where this picture is taken – none other than New York City. On the left is a slice of Central Park, which is the bustling metropolis itself.

Flying over cities – New York especially – isn't the easiest or safest thing in the world, so this image is a little tougher to get than you might think. Plus, getting it centered just right? It may as well be one in a million. The trees have started changing color, the city is bright and awake, and you can't hear the honks this far up.
Graphical Issues
This collection of trees is found at Schonbrunn, a town in Austria, and other than that information, we're not really sure what to tell you here. The apparent explanation is that the trees have either been shaped or grown in a certain way or have been trimmed to have the dependable fifties flattop we see here.

As for why this was done, your guess is as good as ours. It looks like when you go to the edge of the map to see what the skybox looks like in a video game.
Through the Looking Glass
Quickly – we must free them! Those young men are trapped in an alternate dimension where no shirts exist! Well, maybe we don't have to get them out right away.

It looks like they're having an excellent time. This picture comes to us from Madureira park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which features a waterfall, and the water falls in such a way that people can see through it. However, it still warped the images enough to look surreal and fantastic. The farther back a person is, the more the image gets distorted.
The Galaxy of a Sport
It looks like something you could only see through an incredible telescope, but it's just a tennis ball. Strands of water are splitting off from the ball as it zips through the air, rotating too fast for the human eye to see. Was this captured during an intense match at Wimbledon?

If so, why is the ball so wet? Our guess is this was taken during a play session with a dog that loves to slobber. So all those planets and stars surrounding the core are drool. Just like in space.
Take a Step on Smoke
Puffs of smoke in a smoker's lounge? Gray butterflies preserved in amber? None of those. In this picture is just some ice that has managed to freeze in an unusual pattern. You might have been able to figure that out from the ice skates that are also in the shot.

It also appears to be a lake teeming with the souls of the lost. It's about fifty-fifty for us. We aren't sure why the water might have frozen like this, but it likely has something to do with the material in the water – sand, silt, sediment, or something else.
Focused on What's Important
Somebody wanted to take a picture of the watch on their wrist, but the camera had other plans. The autofocus took control and made the reflection of the tree in the watch face the center part of the image. Honestly, it does look pretty cool.

The in-focus stuff in the back adds a nice touch. Maybe your camera is telling you that it's TIME to put the tech down and enjoy the great outdoors a little bit. Just a thought.
Defender of the Cold Night
He is the watcher in the winter. The soldier of the snow. The icy avenger. The frozen fighter of all evil and wrong in the city of Gotham. Or, a little more likely, it's a lucky turnout from how this chunk of ice fell apart in the water.

It seems to look a bit like one caped crusader, but what about from the front? We bet that it doesn't look as good from some other angles. Still, we aren't going to rob any jewelry stores while we know this guy is out and about.
Can You Do Crunches for Your Face?
While it looks like this is the exposed torso of an exceptionally old and hairy man, you're actually seeing a top-down image of an English bulldog named Johan going after a soccer ball.

Of course, bulldogs are breeds with plenty of extra skin in certain areas for reasons we don't fully understand, and it can give us some fun images like this one. But, all in all, it's just a good boy playing around and nothing else, even if it looks like it's something else.
Monsieur Moon at Your Service
Every once in a while, the sun sets, and the moon rises at the proper time to create something we all call a supermoon – it's not a hero, but it's just much more significant and brighter in the sky. Sometimes it can turn a little blue or red, too.

On this occasion, someone was trying to take a pic when something got in the way. It appears to be a wispy little cloud, but it could also be a bird, bat, or maybe some superhero that wants to ruin your pictures.
Protected From the Autumn Effects
While we don't have a way of saying for sure, it looks like this tree is keeping all its leaves thanks to the parking lot light shining down directly onto it. Look at the trees on either side – they're entirely denuded, without a single leaf left, but the tree in the center looks like it hasn't lost a single one.

Sure, we bet that light has something to do with leaves falling but isn't it more due to the changing temperatures or something like that? Maybe the light puts off just enough heat to sustain the tree.
Ripples in the Sky
Talk about a beautiful image! This looks like something that could hang on a wall in a museum. And you'd be forgiven for thinking that the shot was taken with the camera pointed straight at the sky.

However, a closer look reveals the ripples in the water and plenty of little dots that are clear stones or something similar under the water's surface. Regardless, it's still a great pic of different elements of nature – a few trees, clouds, the sky turning dark, and water. Hard to get more in a single image.
That's a Big Bird
Look in the right places, and you could find something like this almost daily –on a much smaller scale. While most bird feathers are only a few inches long, this one is far larger. Oh, also, it's a cloud.

Just due to the air pressure, temperature, or the direction of the wind, it managed to create a cloud that looked just like a perfectly-white feather. Could you imagine a bird that big? That's like, final fantasy sizes. Or Pokemon. Sesame Street has nothing on this place, wherever it is.
Taking a Big Sniff
The wind under the Golden Gate bridge can get pretty fierce, but these two are just standing on land, enjoying a little sun. One of them also seems to be enjoying the smell of the other's hair and is either much, much larger, or the gal on the left is much, much smaller.

The timing was perfect, and the way the hair whipped back would be hard to replicate, which makes this a picture that will be hard to copy. Even better, the lady on the right looks to be enjoying herself a little bit too much.
I Will Fly One Day
This little goose gosling has had enough of the gander and wants to take to the sky. While it looks like he has a little ways to go before his wingspan will keep him aloft, we like his spirit.

This little guy is probably just crossing a gravel path to get back to mom and back to that sweet grass that protects him and contains plenty of yummy bugs. This is a barnacle goose, which means it will eventually grow anywhere from 1.8 feet to 2.3 feet long.
The Best of Both Worlds
Dogs are some of the best the animal kingdom offers, but they lack one significant advantage – they're stuck on the ground like the rest of us. But this guy seems to have figured out a way to take the sky and leave no treat uneaten.

Of course, he'll have to convince a bird to help him out, and birds are hard to work with. They won't even let us get close with that kind of proposition, and we imagine they're no fans of dogs getting close, either. Maybe one day.
Like a Glove
Well, well, would you look at that? A pair of buildings in downtown New Orleans, when pictured from a specific angle, happen to line up as if they were made to do so. What a startling coincidence!

We bet everybody who sees this chuckles to him or herself, maybe tells a friend about it, and then moves on with their day. But what if it was intentional? What if the architects were friends, or the second designer wanted to do something fun? The chances are slim, but we think it could have happened.
Watering the Grass
Famous tennis player Rafael Nadal gives his head a shake after earning the Win in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and there were plenty of cameras on-hand to ensure we have this image to enjoy. Every strand of hair flies in a different direction, and sweat shoots everywhere.

Also, that expression! He's thrilled – he just won the singles final match against Alexandr Dolgopolov – but it has a beautiful derpy quality to it as well. We guess it's hard to blame him. Every single expression we make has the opportunity for derpiness at some point.
We Hope You Like Little Holes
For most people, woodpeckers are birds that are little more than annoyances. Their entire bodies and physiology is made to let them drill their sharp beaks into hardwood, but they're too stupid to realize that they're trying to drill into houses.

They do this pecking twofold – the first is to find delicious little bugs to eat, and the second is to create repositories of seeds for when the weather turns cold. As you can see from this image, they're pretty diligent once they find a tree they can peck into.
The Spaghetti Tree
Put the fork and knife away – this isn't the pasta you should be digging into unless you want to fill up on wood. You're looking at a tree that has undergone a form of stress – this could be due to injury, a virus, or a fungus. The loops and whorls you see are called wood burls.

It usually isn't discovered until the tree dies or has fallen over, which seems to be the case here. The most common causes are insect infestations and certain types of mold. As for a reason here, your guess is as good as ours.
Stop Leaving Bowls Outside
There's a big chance that you will be creeped out by this picture and a slight chance that there are multiple reasons you'll be creeped out. All those little holes, ugh. Leave a bowl outside near some bees, and you might get something like this in return.

This is the work of housekeeper honeybees, which collect wax cappings from honey as part of the creation process. Old cappings are given back to the bees to let them mine out all the good stuff, resulting in creations like this. It looks pretty artistic, even if it does look like it would burn nicely.
Somebody's Mop Died
No, what you see isn't a sad part of someone's housekeeping kit – it's a dog. Look close enough, and you're able to see the nose and eyes. This breed is called a Komondor, and he's waiting to be judged on the second day of the Crufts dog show in 2011.

Also known as the Hungarian sheepdog, a Komondor spends its day guarding livestock and property. They're known to be gentle, calm, and affectionate. As you might imagine, they are commonly referred to as mop dogs. The thick, ropey fur that it has traps warmth and keeps it toasty in cold weather.
I'm Open!
Chances are you recognize the guy in this photo. It's none other than ex-president Bill Clinton, less than a year into his presidency. He's reaching for an overthrown ball during a casual football game on December thirty-first, 1993.

While it looks like this pass isn't going to make it to the end zone, we're sure there were plenty more chances for this guy to score that will be coming up. Seeing someone often thought of as dignified with such a strange expression on his face is weird. Unfortunately, that one won't show up in the official portrait.
Step Through the Gate
If you're on your way to Mount Lempuyang in Indonesia, you're heading to a volcano that is also the site of a Balinese Hindu temple. To get to those things, you'll have to pass through this intricate and detailed gate, which has stood the test of time.

The western world knows it as "The Gates of Heaven." If you happen to find yourself in Indonesia, it's an incredible place to visit, and despite how nice this picture is, it hardly does the entire area justice. Beautiful mountains and astonishing architecture are both on display.
Keeping Track
Butterflies are famous for their beautiful wings. Sometimes the random development of the patterns gives us images, but this one is a little different from the standard stuff. To us humans, it looks like this little guy has "80" printed right on the wing.

No doubt this is just random chance, natural selection, or something like that, but it's still interesting to see it so clearly. Does an older brother have the number seventy-nine on the wings?
A Snail-Rabbit? A Rabbit-Snail?
If you're like us, you did a double-take when you saw this picture. At first, it looks like a cuddly little bunny, but then you realize it's an enormous snail.

While we don't expect many people reading this to be the kind that will happily go out and pick up snails, it should be noted that a lot of snails can carry a lot of parasites and other nasties that will make your life difficult. So, even if you happen to find a snail that is this ginormous, you should wear a pair of gloves before you do anything with it.
Making the Best of a Bad Situation
First of all, if you're a tree, how are you reading this? You don't even have eyes! Secondly, you're stuck where you were planted unless some people figure out a way to move you somewhere else. Not always a good idea, though.

This tree somehow managed to take root in the middle of the sidewalk, and nothing will stop it from getting the nutrients it needs from the soil. Even if it has to create perfectly-square roots that freak us out a little bit. Eh, maybe it will grow on us.
The Incredible See-Through Cow
Cows are pretty visible when you get right down to it. Big, black and white, tall horns. They smell, too. All in all, a species that is destined to be found. This Watusi bull, however, seems to have come up with a workaround.

It has patches of skin that blend in precisely with the surrounding countryside. But, of course, this cow has no idea how clever it is. It just happened to take on the proper color to match the ground at this time of the day and the year. Maybe the grass itself helped change the color.
Giving Us a Headache
No, this image hasn't been manipulated in any way – what you're seeing is some surrealist art on the side of the building that houses the Bleecker Corporation in Paris, France. That's really how the side of the building looks – or how it looked, at least, since the art may have now been taken down.

It's an exciting creation but a little hard to look at for too long. At least for some of us here. Maybe the rest of you can stand it for a little longer.
The Invisi-car
Keep your eyes peeled for a car that looks like it's totally invisible if this picture is anything to go on. If you weren't looking close enough, you'd miss that part of the picture is actually a reflection, not just a sky with some clouds and a few buildings on the other side of a park.

The backstory to this picture is that the picture-taker had done such a fine job cleaning his ride that he decided to take a snapshot, and then he realized that he did such a good job the car was almost invisible. Is that street-legal?
Painting the Water
A few fishermen look like they're rowing their way through your favorite watercolor painting, but it's actually the algae-filled Chaohu Lake in Hefei, Anhui province, China. It's one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China, and as you can see, it offers a little more than the traditional body of water.

Unfortunately, while it's cool to look at, the unique colors you see in this picture and many others are from heavy pollution, leading to eutrophication (algae sitting on the surface of the water) and silting. The government has been trying to clean it up, but we'll have to wait and see how successful they are.
Projected Through the Glass
Where is Old Glory coming from? The stars and stripes are hanging in the window above the top of the picture, and the light is shining through to make it big and beautiful.

The wine glass on the table is catching that light, and the curvature of the glass has just slapped the image right back down on the table for all to see. We bet it wouldn't be too hard for you to recreate this exciting phenomenon, though you may have to play around with the time of day, the size of the glass, and the placement on the table.