Buying a helmet that doesn’t fit properly is most likely going to discourage your kids from wearing it. What you can do to prevent this is taking them to the store with you to pick out their helmet. This will help you make sure they get the right size, but will also allow them to choose a design they are more likely to wear.
Discussing the importance of wearing a helmet and the dangers of not wearing one will help make them understand the significance of wearing a helmet.
Children learn best from observation, so if you ride with them — or even if they’re looking at you riding — make sure you’re wearing a helmet as well. Watching you wear a helmet will help them understand its importance and will make it more likely for them to put one on as well.
Build a reward system for wearing a helmet. That being said, you must initiate discipline to ensure they understand the rules. Remind both yourself and them that you aren’t strict; you are trying to keep them safe.
No helmet = no riding. No questions asked!